
港股异动 | 汇通达网络(09878)逆市涨超21% 公司宣布组织架构变革 有望提升公司核心竞争力

HK stock market anomaly | Huitongda Net (09878) surged more than 21% against the market trend. The company announced organizational restructuring, expected to enhance the core competitiveness of the company.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 8, 2024 09:46

Huitongda Net (09878) rose over 21% against the market, as of the time of publication, up 21.84%, at 26.4 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 2.7954 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Wise Finance APP, Huitongda Net (09878) rose over 21% against the market, up 21.84% as of the time of publication, at 26.4 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 2.7954 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, Huitongda Net announced that the group has made adjustments and reforms to the original organizational structure, mainly involving the establishment of a new Brand Business Unit to more effectively promote the group's 'production and sales integration' and 'own brand' industrial upgrade strategy; the formation of a Supply Chain Business Unit to develop high-margin product categories, accelerate the layout of Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering and new tracks; upgrading the original Apple business group to an independent Apple Business Unit; and upgrading the B2B Business Unit.

The company believes that the new departmental structure will strengthen Huitongda Net's supply chain system and increase customer stickiness. At the same time, it will enhance the company's omni-channel resource integration capabilities for brand factories, supply chain partners, and member retail stores, thereby enhancing the company's core competitiveness and creating higher barriers to competition.

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