
Theralase(R) Provides Update on Bladder Cancer Clinical Study

Theralase(R) Provides Update on Bladder Cancer Clinical Study

Accesswire ·  10/07 19:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 7, 2024 / Theralase Technologies Inc. ("Theralase" or the "Company") (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF), a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light, radiation, sound and/or drug-activated small molecules and their formulations, intended for the safe and effective destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses, is pleased to announce that it is providing an update on its bladder cancer clinical study.

多倫多,安大略/ACCESSWIRE/2024年10月7日/Theralase Technologies Inc.("Theralase"或"公司")(TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF),一家專注於研究和開發光、輻射、聲音和/或藥物激活的小分子及其製劑,用於安全有效地摧毀各種癌症、細菌和病毒的臨床階段藥品公司,很高興宣佈將就其膀胱癌臨床研究提供更新。

Theralase's lead drug, RuvidarTM, activated by the TLC-3200 Medical Laser System ("TLC-3200") is currently under investigation in Canada and the United States in a Phase II registration study for Bacillus Calmette-Guérin ("BCG")-Unresponsive Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer ("NMIBC") Carcinoma In-Situ ("CIS") with or without resected Ta / T1 papillary disease ("Study II").

Theralase的主力藥物RuvidarTm,由TLC-3200醫療激光系統("TLC-3200")激活,目前正在加拿大和美國進行研究,用於Bacillus Calmette-Guérin("BCG")不敏感的非肌層浸潤膀胱癌("NMIBC")原位癌("CIS")註冊II期研究("研究II")。

In the United States, an estimated 83,190 patients will be diagnosed with bladder cancer.1 Bladder cancer was the fourth leading cancer in men in 2023, representing 6% of estimated new cancers and 4% of cancer related deaths. At initial presentation, 70 to 75% of patients have NMIBC, 20 to 25% have Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer ("MIBC") and 5% have metastatic disease. CIS represents about 10% of NMIBC. CIS can progress at a five-year rate of 50%. Importantly, untreated patients with CIS can progress to MIBC at a 40 to 80% rate within five years.2


There is a critical need for effective bladder-sparing therapies for BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC.3BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS is and remains a serious and life-threatening disease, which is an unmet need with a high treatment failure rate. The FDA has recognized the unmet medical need in the treatment of BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC with the issuance of their BCG-Unresponsive Guidance for Industry in August 2024.4

BCG不敏感的NMIBC CIS迫切需要有效的保留膀胱治療。3 BCG不敏感的NMIBC CIS是一種嚴重且危及生命的疾病,是一種治療失敗率高的未滿足需求。美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)認識到在BCG不敏感的NMIBC治療中存在未滿足的醫療需求,並於2024年8月發佈了針對BCG不敏感的行業指南。4

Study II is a Phase 2, single arm, open label clinical study for patients diagnosed with BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS designed in compliance with the FDA's guidance. The Study Procedure is comprised of the intravesical installation of reconstituted RuvidarTM for approximately 60 minutes activated by the intravesical TLC-3200 for approximately 60 minutes. 75 patients have currently been enrolled and have been provided the primary Study Procedure. 10 clinical study sites are currently enrolling patients in North America (5 in Canada, 5 in US). 100% of patients were provided the primary Study Procedure (RuvidarTM + TLC-3200) on Day 0 and 53.1% provided a re-induction Study Procedure. Patients are assessed according to standard of care at 90, 180, 270, 360 and 450 days. In response to a request by the FDA, the Company has tracked performance of these patients beyond 450 days; specifically: 540, 630, 720, 900 and 1080 days.

研究II是一個單臂、開放標籤的II期臨床研究,針對以符合FDA指導的BCG不敏感的NMIBC CIS診斷患者設計。研究程序包括膀胱內注射再構RuvidarTm約60分鐘,由膀胱內的TLC-3200激活約60分鐘。目前已有75名患者入組,並接受了首要研究程序。目前在北美有10個臨床研究網站正在招募患者(加拿大5個,美國5個)。100%的患者在第0天接受了首要研究程序(RuvidarTm + TLC-3200),53.1%接受了再誘導研究程序。患者將根據標準護理在90、180、270、360和450天進行評估。應美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的要求,公司已追蹤這些患者超過450天的表現;具體來說:540、630、720、900和1080天。

Primary Objective: Initial Efficacy(CR achieved at any point in time) determined by 1) Negative cystoscopy and negative cytology or 2) Positive cystoscopy (low grade disease) and negative cytology or 3) Negative cystoscopy and positive cytology (if random bladder biopsies are negative).

主要目標: 初步療效(在任何時間點達到CR)由以下判斷:1)陰性膀胱鏡檢查和陰性細胞學或2)陽性膀胱鏡檢查(低級別疾病)和陰性細胞學或3)陰性膀胱鏡檢查和陽性細胞學(如果隨機膀胱活檢爲陰性)。

Secondary Objective: Duration of Efficacy(12 months duration of CR after diagnosis of initial CR) (15 months from primary Study Procedure).

次要目標: 療效持續時間(首次CR診斷後12個月持續CR)(主要研究程序的15個月)。

Tertiary Objective: Safety (Incidence and severity of Adverse Events ("AEs") > Grade 3, directly related to RuvidarTM or the TLC-3200, that do not resolve within 450 days post primary study treatment, where: Grade 1 = Mild, Grade 2 = Moderate, Grade 3 = Severe, Grade 4 = Life-threatening and Grade 5 = Death.

第三目標: 安全性(與RuvidarTm或TLC-3200直接相關且不在首次研究治療後450天內解決的不良事件(「AEs」)>3級,其中:1級=輕度,2級=中度,3級=嚴重,4級=危及生命,5級=死亡)。

For patient demographics, 79% of patients enrolled are ≥ 65 years of age, 84% are male and 84% are white. All have been diagnosed with CIS +/- resected Ta/T1 disease. 95% are considered BCG-Unresponsive and 5% are considered BCG Intolerant. There are 75 patients (68 patients that have been evaluated, at least at the 90-day assessment).

關於患者人口統計學信息,79%的患者年齡≥65歲,84%爲男性,84%爲白人。所有患者均被診斷爲帶有CIS / ± 切除的Ta / T1疾病。95%被認爲對BCG具有抗性,5%被認爲對BCG不耐受。共有75名患者(至少在90天評估時有68名患者)。

The results of this interim analysis for the primary objective demonstrated a 60.3% (41/68) Complete Response ("CR") [95% CI: 41.8%, 78.8%] at any point in time, comprised of patients achieving a CR at 90 days (37/68), at 180 days (3/68) and at 270 days (1/68).

這個研究的結果 臨時 主要目標的中期分析顯示,任何時點的完全緩解率爲60.3% (41/68) [95% CI: 41.8%, 78.8%],包括在90天時實現完全緩解的患者(37/68),在180天時實現完全緩解的患者(3/68),在270天時實現完全緩解的患者(1/68)。

For the secondary objective a CR of 26.5% (18/68) [95% CI: 14.2%, 38.7%] at 450 days was achieved.

對於次要目標,在450天時達到26.5%的完全緩解率(18/68) [95% CI: 14.2%, 38.7%]。

Note: Indeterminate Response ("IR") is defined as negative cystoscopy (no evidence of Urothelial Cell Carcinoma ("UCC") in the bladder) and positive urine cytology, suggesting UCC in the renal system other than the bladder).


In response to the FDA request, there is a demonstrated duration of CR of 13.2% (9/68) at 540 days, 8.8% (6/68) at 630 days, 7.4% (5/68) at 720 days, 7.4% (5/68) at 900 days and 5.9% (4/68) at 1080 days, with significant clinical data still pending.

針對FDA的請求,已經證明了在540天時的完全緩解持續率爲13.2% (9/68),在630天時爲8.8% (6/68),在720天時爲7.4% (5/68),在900天時爲7.4% (5/68),在1080天時爲5.9% (4/68),但仍有重要的臨床數據待確定。

Analyzing Total Response (CR + IR) 72.1% (49/68) [95% CI: 51.9%, 92.3%] of patients achieved complete destruction of their bladder cancer at any point in time and 27.9% (19/68) [95% CI: 15.3%, 40.5%] had a duration of this response for at least 450 days, with significant clinical data still pending.

分析總反應(完全緩解 + 不確定性反應)表明72.1% (49/68) [95% CI: 51.9%, 92.3%] 的患者在任何時點實現了膀胱癌的完全消滅,27.9% (19/68) [95% CI: 15.3%, 40.5%] 的患者至少持續450天時間,具有重要的臨床數據尚待確定。

For the tertiary objective, there were 15 Serious Adverse Events ("SAEs") involving 14 patients:


  • 1 - Grade 1 (resolved in 9 days)

  • 3 - Grade 2 (resolved within 1, 1 and 33 days, respectively)

  • 7 - Grade 3 (resolved within 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 82 and unknown days, respectively)

  • 3 - Grade 4 (resolved within 3, 6 and 8 days, respectively)

  • 1 - Grade 5

  • 1 - 1級(9天內解決)

  • 3級 - 2年級(分別在1、1和33天內解決)

  • 7級別3級(分別解決了1,2,3,4,4,82天和未知天)

  • 3級別4級(分別解決了3,6和8天)

  • 1級別5級

All SAEs were deemed unrelated / unlikely as a result of the Study Drug or Study Device.


In 2016, the International Bladder Cancer Group provided guidance that in this patient population (BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS), an initial CR rate of 50% (Theralase achieved 60.3%), with a 30% CR rate at 12 months (Theralase achieved 27.9%) and 25% CR rate at 18 months (Theralase achieved 26.5% at 450 days) would be desirable for an intervention to be widely adopted by the clinical profession.5

2016年,國際膀胱癌團體提供了指導,指出在這個患者群體(BCG-不敏感性NMIBC CIS)中,初始CR率爲50%(Theralase達到60.3%),12個月時CR率爲30%(Theralase達到27.9%),18個月時CR率爲25%(Theralase在450天時達到26.5%)將有利於臨床界廣泛採納干預措施。

According to the interim clinical data, the Median Duration of Response achieved thus far is 13.1 months +/- 3.0.

根據中期臨床數據,迄今爲止實現的反應持續中位時間爲13.1個月+/- 3.0。

All pathological clinical data received from the clinical study sites has been verified by central pathology.


Note: The clinical study is ongoing; thus, the clinical data presented is interim and represents clinical data collected to date. Evaluable patients represent patients assessed by a principal investigator.


In conclusion, the primary and secondary objectives presented in the interim clinical dataset have achieved internationally recommended guidelines; therefore, the primary and secondary objectives of the clinical study have been achieved.


The Theralase Study Procedure (RuvidarTM and TLC-3200) is safe and effective in the treatment of BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS and the clinical evidence indicates that the Study Procedure demonstrates an ability for patients to achieve CR and sustain a duration of that CR that is superior / comparable to FDA currently approved therapies, with significantly less Study Procedures.

Theralase研究程序(RuvidarTm和TLC-3200)對BCG難治性NMIBC CIS的治療安全有效,臨床證據表明研究程序表現出患者實現CR並維持該CR持續時間優越/可比於FDA目前批准的療法,研究程序顯著減少。

A Duration of Response of ≥ 3 years is achievable after only one Study Procedure.

僅進行一次研究程序後,響應持續時間≥ 3年是可以實現的。

In response to this latest clinical data, Theralase has submitted a pre-Break Through Designation ("BTD") submission to the FDA to help identify and address any concerns of the FDA, prior to a formal BTD submission.


The Swimmer's Plot below graphically displays the assessment of each patient who achieved a CR or IR response.


According to Kaplan-Meier's Curve (which estimates the ability of patients to maintain their CR), the Duration of Response is ≥ 47.8% at 12 months, ≥ 42.6% at 24 months and ≥ 35.6% at 36 months.

根據Kaplan-Meier曲線(用於估計患者維持其CR的能力),在12個月時持續響應≥ 47.8%,在24個月時≥ 42.6%,在36個月時≥ 35.6%。

Dr. Arkady Mandel, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Chief Scientific Officer of Theralase stated, "I am pleased by the latest clinical data supporting the application of light-activated Ruvidar in the destruction of bladder cancer. BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS is an extremely difficult subset of bladder cancer to treat, with five-year progression rate of 50% and if left untreated, an ability to progress to MIBC at a 40 to 80% rate within five years. The Theralase technology has been proven to provide an opportunity for these patients to maintain their quality of life, through retention of their bladders for ≥ 3 years, after a single Study Procedure."

Theralase的首席科學官Arkady Mandel萬.D.博士,Ph.D.,D.Sc.表示:"我對支持光激活Ruvidar在摧毀膀胱癌中的應用的最新臨床數據感到滿意。BCG難治性NMIBC CIS是極難治療的膀胱癌亞型,五年內進展率爲50%,如果不加治療,五年內進展爲MIBC的能力率達到40%至80%。Theralase技術已被證實爲這些患者提供了一個機會,通過進行一次研究程序後,維持其生活質量,保留他們的膀胱至少3年。"

Roger DuMoulin-White, B.E.Sc., P.Eng., Pro.Dir., President and Chief Executive Officer of Theralase stated, "This latest update on our bladder cancer clinical study continues to strengthen our understanding of the potency of Ruvidar in the destruction of bladder cancer. It is a very effective drug and when activated by laser light, even more effective, providing both high efficacy and a high safety profile for patients. As Theralase completes enrollment in its clinical study, this year and into the beginning of next year, Theralase is actively seeking partnering / licensing opportunities for various geographical territories around the world in the commercialization of Ruvidar for the treatment of BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC."

Theralase的總裁兼首席執行官Roger DuMoulin-White億.E.Sc.,P.Eng.,Pro.Dir.表示:「關於我們膀胱癌臨床研究的最新進展繼續加強我們對Ruvidar在摧毀膀胱癌方面的認識。這是一種非常有效的藥物,當被激光光線激活時,甚至更有效,爲患者提供了高效性和高安全性。隨着Theralase完成其臨床研究的招募工作,今年和明年初,Theralase正在積極尋求在世界各地的各種地理領域合作/授權機會,商業化Ruvidar用於治療BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC。」

1Key Statistics for Bladder Cancer | American Cancer Society (2024)

膀胱癌的關鍵統計數據 |美國癌症協會(2024年)

2 Lopez-Beltran A, Cookson M S, Guercio B J, Cheng L. Advances in diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer BMJ 2024: 384 :e076743

Lopez-Beltran A,Cookson m S,Guercio b J,Cheng L. 膀胱癌的診斷和治療進展BMJ 2024:384:e076743

3 Li, R., et al., Systematic Review of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Bladder-preserving Treatments for Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Following Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin. Eur Urol, 2020. 78(3): p. 387-399.

Li,R.等,關於非肌層內膀胱癌保留治療的治療效果的系統評價,隨後是膀胱蒙台灌注卡爾麥特-吉蘭。Eur Urol,2020年78(3):387-399。

4BCG-Unresponsive Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Developing Drug and Biological Products for Treatment (


5 Kamat AM et al. J Clin Oncol. 2016; 34: 1935-1944

Kamat Am等。J Clin Oncol. 2016;34:1935-1944

About Theralase Technologies Inc.:


Theralase is a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light, radiation, sound and/or drug-activated small molecule compounds, their associated drug formulations and the light systems that activate them, with a primary objective of efficacy and a secondary objective of safety in the destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses.


Additional information is available at and

這些聲明涉及重大風險、不確定性和假設,包括公司能否籌集資金並獲得監管審批以及成功地完成NMIBC Phase II臨床研究,並實施其發展計劃。其他風險包括:公司能否成功商業化其藥物製劑,該公司的藥物製劑在其臨床研究中檢測到的疾病中可能無效,公司未能遵守與第三方的許可協議的條款,因此失去在其業務中使用關鍵知識產權的權利,公司保護其知識產權的能力以及提交、接受審批的時間和成功程度等風險。很多決定實際結果的因素都超出了公司的能力和預測範圍。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Forward Looking Statements:


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such statements include; but, are not limited to statements regarding the Company's proposed development plans with respect to small molecules and their drug formulations. Forward looking statements may be identified by the use of the words "may, "should", "will", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "expects", "estimate", "potential for" and similar expressions; including, statements related to the current expectations of Company's management for future research, development and commercialization of the Company's small molecules and their drug formulations, preclinical research, clinical studies and regulatory approvals.


These statements involve significant risks, uncertainties and assumptions; including, the ability of the Company to fund and secure the regulatory approvals to successfully complete various clinical studies in a timely fashion and implement its development plans. Other risks include: the ability of the Company to successfully commercialize its small molecule and drug formulations, the risk that access to sufficient capital to fund the Company's operations may not be available on terms that are commercially favorable to the Company or at all, the risk that the Company's small molecule and drug formulations may not be effective against the diseases tested in its clinical studies, the risk that the Company's fails to comply with the terms of license agreements with third parties and as a result loses the right to use key intellectual property in its business, the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property, the timing and success of submission, acceptance and approval of regulatory filings. Many of these factors that will determine actual results are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict.


Readers should not unduly rely on these forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future performance. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate as such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results or future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.


Although the forward-looking statements contained in the press release are based upon what management currently believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure prospective investors that actual results, performance or achievements will be consistent with these forward-looking statements.


All forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and are subject to change. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update such statements.

所有前瞻性陳述均截至本日,並可能發生變化。 除法律要求外,公司不承擔更新此類聲明的義務。

For investor information on the Company, please feel to reach out Investor Inquiries - Theralase Technologies.

投資者信息請聯繫Theralase Technologies - 投資者諮詢。

For More Information:


1.866.THE.LASE (843-5273)
416.699.LASE (5273)


Kristina Hachey, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
X 224

Kristina Hachey,特許公認會計師
X 224

SOURCE: Theralase Technologies, Inc.

來源:Theralase Technologies,Inc。

