
Maybank Maintains Buy Call On PTTEP Despite Headwinds

Maybank Maintains Buy Call On PTTEP Despite Headwinds

Business Today ·  10/07 13:15

Maybank Investment Bank has maintained its BUY call on PTTEP but has cut its TP to THB158 from THB179 as it lowered the oil price assumption in 2025E and beyond.


Key concern are OPEC+ production increase and the base case scenario is for the Middle East conflict to remain contained. Long-term volume growth is also a challenge for PTTEP. However, despite these headwinds, we think its valuation remains attractive at 7/8x P/E with a generous 7/6% dividend yields in 2024/25E. For Thailand's big-cap energy, we prefer PTT (PTT TB,

主要關注點是OPEC+的產量增加,基線情景假設是中東衝突將保持受控。對於泰國大型能源公司PTTEP來說,長期成交量增長也是一個挑戰。然而,儘管面臨這些逆風,我們認爲其估值仍然吸引人,2024/25年預期的市盈率爲7/8倍,並且在2024/25年提供慷慨的7/6%的股息收益率。對於泰國的大型能源公司,我們更喜歡PTt(PTt Tb,CP 34泰銖,買入,目標價40泰銖)。
CP 34泰銖,買入,目標價40泰銖)。

Lower oil price assumptions
The house maintains its Brent oil price assumption at USD82/bbl in 2024E but cut 2025E to USD70/bbl (from 75) with 2% annual inflation. The base-case assumption is OPEC+ unwinding its output reduction at a more gradual pace than is currently planned. If OPEC+ maintains its current plan (unwinding in 12mths), Maybank said it sees a potential USD10/bbl downside risk to oil price. A bullish case for oil is OPEC+ postponing its output increase which could push crude up to USD75/bbl. However, we view the Middle East-wide conflict (which could push oil prices to USD90/bbl or higher) as unlikely to have a large impact. If the conflict is contained to Israel-Iran, the house thinks any potential disruption to Iran's oil output (c.3.3mbd now) can
be readily made up by nearly 6mbd of spare capacity.


LT volume growth remains a key concern
Maybank said it expects management may have to revise its long-term volume growth, especially as several key projects (Mozambique LNG, Lang Lebah) have yet to achieve FID (final investment decision). This would jeopardise the production outlook for 2028E and beyond and we're 7% below guidance in that year.

馬來亞銀行表示,預計管理層可能不得不修改其長期成交量增長,特別是由於幾個重要項目(莫桑比克液化天然氣,Lang Lebah)尚未達成最終投資決定。這將危及2028年以及之後年度的產量展望,而那一年我們的預測指導數值低於其7%。

