

hua yin intl h terminates the loan capitalization agreement and debt restructuring.

Sina Hong Kong Stocks ·  Oct 7 08:32

Hua Yin Intl H (00989) announced that 5.06 billion shares will be issued as capitalization shares. On October 4, 2024, the subscriber and the company entered into a termination agreement, terminating the loan capitalization agreement and debt restructuring, which takes immediate effect. As a result, the loan capitalization agreement and associated transactions (including special approval) and debt restructuring will not proceed, and Jilin Rongyu still owes Guangze Investment Holdings the loan. Since the maturity date of the loan is February 28, 2025, as agreed by the parties to facilitate debt restructuring, the said date will no longer apply, and therefore, the loan must be repaid as required.

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