
Michael Saylor Once Said 'Bitcoin's Days Are Numbered.' Now He Holds More Than A Billion Worth Of King Crypto: Here's What Changed For One Of Crypto's Biggest Advocates

Michael Saylor Once Said 'Bitcoin's Days Are Numbered.' Now He Holds More Than A Billion Worth Of King Crypto: Here's What Changed For One Of Crypto's Biggest Advocates

Benzinga ·  10/05 21:00

Michael Saylor is regarded as one of the most influential advocates of Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), and MicroStrategy Inc. (NASDAQ:MSTR), a software firm established by him, functions more like a proxy of the leading cryptocurrency.

邁克爾·塞勒被視爲比特幣(加密貨幣: BTC)最有影響力的倡導者之一,他創立的軟件公司MicroStrategy Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MSTR)更像是這種主導數字貨幣的代理。

But not many know that the Bitcoin evangelist wasn't bullish on the asset from the get-go. In fact, the man himself has expressed surprise at some of his old takes on the cryptocurrency.


What happened: On Dec. 19, 2013, Saylor tweeted something typical of any skeptic who may come to your mind while reading this article.


"Bitcoin days are numbered. It seems like just a matter of time before it suffers the same fate as online gambling," Saylor had remarked.

「比特幣的光陰已盡。看來只是時間問題,它會遭受與在線博彩相同命運,」 塞勒曾發表評論。

#Bitcoin days are numbered. It seems like just a matter of time before it suffers the same fate as online gambling.

— Michael Saylor️ (@saylor) December 19, 2013


— Michael Saylor️ (@saylor) 2013年12月19日

Saylor was asked about the tweet in a September 2020 podcast with Anthony Pompliano, founder and CEO of Professional Capital Management.

2020年9月,塞勒在一期與Professional Capital Management創始人兼首席執行官安東尼·龐皮利亞諾(Anthony Pompliano)的播客中被問及關於該推文的看法。

"I'm really ashamed to say — I didn't know I tweeted it until the day that I tweeted that I bought $250 million worth of Bitcoin," Saylor replied with a childlike glee.

「我真的對不起——直到我發了一條推文購買2.5億比特幣的那天,我才知道我曾發過這條推文,」 塞勒童心未泯地回答道。

"I literally forgot I ever said that," he added, admitting "what an idiot" he was.


See Also: Bitcoin 'Not A Safe Haven' But Rising Trump Odds Could Fuel A Rally: Standard Chartered

參見:比特幣 '不是安全避風港' 但看好的特朗普勝算可能會推動其上漲:渣打銀行

Why It Matters: Less than seven years from the tweet he forgot, Saylor's MicroStrategy adopted Bitcoin as its primary reserve asset, becoming the first publicly listed company to pursue this strategy.


The company hasn't looked back since then, and as of this writing, MicroStrategy is the world's largest corporate owner of Bitcoin, with a stash worth more than $15 billion, according to

從那時起,公司就沒有回頭看, 截至撰寫本文時, microstrategy 是全球最大的比特幣企業持有者,持有價值超過150億美元,據。

Moreover, since adopting Bitcoin, MicroStrategy's stock has outperformed every company in the S&P 500, including AI powerhouse NVIDIA Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA).

此外,自從採用比特幣以來,microstrategy 的股票表現已超過標普500指數中的每家公司,包括人工智能巨頭英偉達公司(納斯達克:NVDA)。

Meanwhile, Saylor's journey has been exciting, from saying "Bitcoin's days are numbered" to it being the "swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom."

與此同時,Saylor 的旅程變得令人興奮,從說"比特幣的日子已經不多了"到"成爲爲智慧女神服務的一群網絡大黃蜂。"

He recently disclosed that he owned nearly $1 billion in the leading cryptocurrency and made his intentions clear to acquire more in the future.


#Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy.

— Michael Saylor️ (@saylor) September 18, 2020


— Michael Saylor️ (@saylor) 2020年9月18日

Price Action: At the time of writing, Bitcoin was exchanging hands at $61,022.74, down 0.65% in the last 24 hours, according to data from Benzinga Pro. Shares of MicroStrategy closed down 0.75% to $163.41 during Thursday's regular trading session.

價格走勢:截至撰寫本文時,比特幣的交易價格爲61022.74美元,在過去24小時內下跌了0.65%,根據Benzinga Pro的數據。微Strategy的股價在週四的常規交易時間結束時下跌了0.75%,至163.41美元。

What's Next: Anthony Pompliano will be a headline speaker at Benzinga's Future of Digital Assets event on Nov. 19.

下一步是什麼:Anthony Pompliano將在11月19日的Benzinga數字資產未來活動中擔任主要講話嘉賓。

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Photo courtesy: Wikimedia


