
WOGC Enters Into Letter of Intent to Acquire Terra Metals Inc.

WOGC Enters Into Letter of Intent to Acquire Terra Metals Inc.

Accesswire ·  06:05

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / Waskahigan Oil & Gas Corp (CSE:WOGC) ("WOGC") wishes to announce that on September 27, 2024, it entered into a non-binding letter of intent with Terra Metals Inc ("TMI") (a Delaware corporation) and two subsidiaries: Zamsort Limited ("Zamsort"), a Zambian corporation and Central African Renewal Energy Ltd. ("CARE"), a Zambian corporation) (collectively, the "TMI-Del Parties") for the acquisition of the TMI-Del Parties (the "Proposed Transaction"). As part of the Proposed Transaction, WOGC will undergo a consolidation of its common shares (the "Common Shares") on a four for one basis. As consideration for the Proposed Transaction, WOGC will issue 42,160,000 post-consolidated shares at a deemed price of $0.50 per share ($21,080,000). All dollar figures are in Canadian dollars unless noted otherwise. The purchase price shall include 100% of the shares of Zamsort and CARE (subject to a joint venture agreement which entitles a third party (Metalex Commodities Inc.) to acquire up to 67% of Zamsort and CARE by investing up to $102,000,000 US - the joint venture name is "Lunda Resources"). The purchase shall not include the shares of another subsidiary of TMI, Cupriferous Resources Limited (which shall be transferred to a related party immediately prior to closing).

阿拉巴馬州卡爾加里/ACCESSWIRE/2024年10月4日/瓦斯卡希根石油天然氣公司(CSE: WOGC)(「WOGC」)希望宣佈,它於2024年9月27日與Terra Metals Inc(「TMI」)(特拉華州的一家公司)和兩家子公司:贊比亞公司贊索特有限公司(「Zamsort」)和中非再生能源有限公司簽訂了不具約束力的意向書。(「CARE」),一家贊比亞公司)(統稱 「TMI-Del各方」),負責收購TMI-Del各方(「擬議交易」)。作爲擬議交易的一部分,WOGC將以四比一的方式合併其普通股(「普通股」)。作爲擬議交易的對價,WOGC將在合併後發行42,160,000股股票,認定價格爲每股0.50美元(合21,08萬美元)。除非另有說明,否則所有美元數字均以加元計算。收購價格應包括Zamsort和CARE的100%股份(須遵守合資協議,該協議授權第三方(Metalex Commodities Inc.)通過投資高達1.02億美元收購Zamsort和CARE高達67%的股份——合資企業名稱爲 「隆達資源」)。此次收購不包括TMI的另一家子公司Cupriferous Resources Limited的股份(應在收盤前立即轉讓給關聯方)。

The assets of Zamsort consist of: (a) Zambia Small Scale Mining Licence No. 8248-HQ-SML; and (b) Zambia Small Scale Mining Licence No. 34040-HQ-SML. The assets of CARE consist of: (a) Zambia Large Scale Exploration Licence No. 27037-HQ-LEL; (b) Zambia Large Scale Exploration Licence No. 31190-HQ-LEL; and (c) 200MW Solar Power Project Feasibility Rights in Kawambwa District, Zambia's Northern Province. TMI, Zamsort and CARE are currently preparing audited financial statements which are expected to be included in the Filing Statement (assuming the transaction is approved by the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE")). If a concurrent financing is required to meet minimum listing requirements, the resulting issuer intends on completing a private placement for the sale of post consolidated Common Shares at an issue price of $0.50 per share.


WOGC's agreement with the TMI-Del Parties requires: (a) WOGC to dividend approximately 519,046 WOGC pre-consolidation Common Shares (129,761 post consolidated shares) to certain WOGC shareholders to meet stock exchange distribution rules which shall be effected as part of the Plan of Arrangement dated January 1, 2023 ("Plan of Arrangement")(as amended on September 27, 2024) and approved by the WOGC shareholders on April 3, 2023 and the Court of King's Bench of Alberta in Action 2301 02480 on April 6, 2023 and amended by Orders dated December 20, 2023 and May 28, 2024; (b) to effect a 4:1 consolidation; (c) to effect a name change to "Terra Metals (Canada) Inc" ("TMIC") or such other name acceptable to TMI; (d) nominate a new board of directors, consisting of 5 board members including Mumena Mushinge, Edmond Chisanga and 2 independent board members who have yet to be identified; (e) appoint new management which shall include Edmond Chisanga, Frank Masaka and Fred Schiemann; and (f) to complete the spinout of Fox Creek Energy Ltd. ("FCE")(and its oil and gas operating subsidiary Odaat Oil Corp - "Odaat") under the Plan of Arrangement. The value of the 13,715,914 pre-consolidation shares (post dividend shares)(3,428,978 post consolidation shares) to be issued by FCE to the shareholder of WOGC shall be valued at $0.00001 per share (aggregate value of $100) and WOGC shall reduce its stated capital or paid up capital or contributed surplus account by $1,319. Further information concerning the new board of directors, new officers, the history of the Zambian mining rights and proposed future plans will be set out in future news releases.

WOGC與TMI-Del各方的協議要求:(a)WOGC向某些WOGC股東分發約519,046股WOGC合併前普通股(129,761股合併後的股份),以滿足證券交易所分配規則,該規則將作爲2023年1月1日的安排計劃(「安排計劃」)(於2024年9月27日修訂)的一部分生效,並由WOGC批准 C股東於2023年4月3日起訴訟,艾伯塔省國王法院於2023年4月6日通過第2301 02480號訴訟,並經2023年12月20日和5月28日命令修訂,2024;(b) 實行 4:1 合併;(c) 改名爲 「Terra Metals(加拿大)Inc」(「TMIC」)或TMI可接受的其他名稱;(d)提名新的董事會,由包括穆梅納·穆希格、埃德蒙·奇桑加在內的5名董事會成員和2名尚未確定的獨立董事會成員組成;(e)任命新的管理層,其中包括埃德蒙德奇桑加、弗蘭克·馬薩卡和弗雷德·席曼;以及(f)根據計劃,完成對福克斯克里克能源有限公司(「FCE」)(及其石油和天然氣運營子公司Odaat Oil Corp-「Odaat」)的分拆工作安排。FCE向WOGC股東發行的13,715,914股合併前股票(分紅後股票)(3,428,978股股票)的價值應爲每股0.00001美元(總價值爲100美元),WOGC應將其法定資本或實收資本或出資盈餘帳戶減少1,319美元。有關新董事會、新官員、贊比亞採礦權歷史和擬議未來計劃的更多信息,將在未來的新聞稿中公佈。

The Proposed Transaction shall constitute a "reverse takeover" under the policies of the CSE. There are 13,196,868 pre-consolidation Common Shares issued and outstanding. There are no options, warrants or securities convertible into Common Shares. Post dividend and acquisition of the shares of TMI there will be 45,588,978 post consolidated Common Shares outstanding. The Proposed Transaction has been approved by the two largest shareholders of WOGC (Gregory J. Leia, President and director of WOGC - who owns directly or indirectly approximately 8,630,300 pre-consolidation Common Shares (2,143,575 post consolidated shares)(65.39%) and Oilrac Enterprises Inc. (Tracy Zimmerman-CFO) 684,300 pre-consolidated Common Shares (171,075 post consolidated Common Shares) (5.18%). Because the two shareholders are arms length and exceed 66 2/3%, it is believed that no WOGC shareholder meeting is required to approve the transaction. The transaction and the listing of TMIC will be subject to the approval of the CSE. If approved by the CSE, it is expected that WOGC will complete a filing statement under the policies of the CSE and the Common Shares of the resulting issuer will trade under a different trading symbol ("TMI" or such symbol as may be acceptable to the CSE). The Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions including: (a) completion of due diligence by October 20, 2024; (b) entering into of a definitive agreement by October 31, 2024; (c) completion of the Proposed Transaction by May 31, 2025; and (d) court approval of the amendments to the Plan of Arrangement. The TMI-Del Parties have agreed to pay the costs of the Proposed Transaction.

根據CSE的政策,擬議的交易將構成 「反向收購」。合併前已發行和流通的普通股爲13,196,868股。沒有可轉換爲普通股的期權、認股權證或證券。在分紅和收購TMI股份後,合併後的已發行普通股將達到45,588,978股。擬議交易已獲得WOGC的兩大股東(WOGC總裁兼董事Gregory J. Leia——他直接或間接擁有約8,630,300股合併前普通股(合併後2,143,575股)(65.39%)和Oilrac Enterprises Inc.(Tracy Zimmerman-CFO)684,300股合併前普通股(合併後171,075股普通股)的批准 (5.18%)。由於兩位股東保持一定距離且超過66 2/ 3%,因此據信無需WOGC股東大會即可批准該交易。TMIC的交易和上市將得到CSE的批准。如果獲得CSE的批准,預計WOGC將根據CSE的政策完成申報聲明,最終發行人的普通股將使用不同的交易代碼(「TMI」 或CSE可能接受的代碼)進行交易。擬議交易受多項條件的約束,包括:(a)在2024年10月20日之前完成盡職調查;(b)在2024年10月31日之前簽訂最終協議;(c)在2025年5月31日之前完成擬議交易;以及(d)法院批准安排計劃的修正案。TMI-Del各方已同意支付擬議交易的費用。

WOGC is a junior oil and gas exploration and production company. If the Proposed Transaction is completed, WOGC will no longer carry on the business of oil and gas exploration. WOGC (to be named TMIC) shall carry on the copper/cobalt mining business in Africa. Upon closing of the transaction, WOGC will dividend the shares of FCE to the shareholders of WOGC (excluding TMI). FCE will become a reporting issuer in Alberta and British Columbia but will not be listed on any exchange. FCE will own 100% of Odaat which owns the Alberta oil and gas assets. Post completion of the transaction, existing WOGC shareholders shall own shares in the new copper venture (TMIC) and in FCE.


If the Proposed Transaction closes, it will mark a new and exciting chapter wherein the shareholders of WOGC (TMIC) will benefit from the TMI joint venture agreement with a third party set to acquire up to 67% interests in the mining project. The TMI joint venture is set to oversee three mining licenses in the Northwestern Province, Zambia covering a total area of 349 square kilometers.


WOGC will be filing an application with the Court of King's Bench of Alberta: (a) seeking an Order extending the deadline to complete the Plan of Arrangement from October 31, 2024 to October 31, 2025; and (b) amending the Plan of Arrangement to approve the dividend, consolidation, name change and other matters referred to above. The hearing will be held at 3:00 pm on October 22, 2024 by WebEx (virtual application) before Justice Barbara B. Johnston, Court House, Calgary, Alberta. Registered and non registered shareholders who wish to attend online and make representations must register 48 hours in advance with legal counsel for WOGC (Wolff Leia, Barristers and Solicitors, 203 221 10th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 0V9 Attention: Gregory J. Leia

WOGC將向艾伯塔省國王法院提交申請:(a)尋求一項命令,將完成安排計劃的最後期限從2024年10月31日延長至2025年10月31日;(b)修訂安排計劃,以批准分紅、合併、名稱變更和其他上述事項。聽證會將於2024年10月22日下午3點由WebEx(虛擬應用程序)在艾伯塔省卡爾加里法院的芭芭拉·約翰斯頓法官面前舉行。希望在線出席會議並作出陳述的註冊和非註冊股東必須提前48小時向WOGC的法律顧問(加拿大艾伯塔省卡爾加里第十大道東南203號221號Wolff Leia,大律師和律師事務所 T2G 0V9 收件人:Gregory J. Leia進行登記。

Conditions & Cautions


Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions precedent, including but not limited to, the resulting issuer having a minimum amount of cash at closing of the Proposed Transaction, as well as receipt of all required shareholder, regulatory, and other approvals. There can be no assurance that the Proposed Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


None of the resulting issuers shares to be issued in connection with the Proposed Transaction have been, or will be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to any U.S. Person (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities of WOGC in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation would be unlawful, including the United States.


Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the listing statement or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the Proposed Transaction, as applicable, any information released or received with respect to the Proposed Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of WOGC should be considered highly speculative.


The Proposed Transaction and listing of the resulting issuer is subject to review by the CSE and conditional approval has not yet been granted. Neither the CSE nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) has in any way passed upon the merits of the Proposed Transaction and neither of the foregoing entities accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release or has in any way approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release.


For further information, please contact:


Gregory J. Leia, President and CEO
Waskahigan Oil & Gas Corp.
Suite 203 - 221 - 10th Avenue SE
Calgary Alberta T2G 0V9
T: (403) 870 0091

套房 203-221-第 10 大道東南
艾伯塔省卡爾加里 T2G 0V9
電話:(403) 870 0091

The CSE and Information Service Provider have not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this release.

CSE 和信息服務提供商未對本新聞稿的準確性或充分性進行審查,也不承擔任何責任。

Forward-looking Information Cautionary Statement


Except for statements of historic fact this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan" "expect" "project" "intend" "believe" "anticipate" "estimate" and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward- looking statements including but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals including that of the CSE, shareholder approvals and other uncertainties inherent to a transaction of the nature of the Proposed Transaction. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information including factors beyond WOGC's control. There are no assurances that the business plans for the resulting issuer described in this or any future news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein. WOGC undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the WOGC's filings with Canadian securities regulators which are available at .

除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的某些 「前瞻性信息」。前瞻性信息通常以 「計劃」、「期望」、「項目」、「打算」、「相信」、「預測」、「估計」 等詞語爲特徵,以及其他類似的詞語或陳述,表明某些事件或條件 「可能」 或 「將」 發生。前瞻性陳述基於陳述發表之日的觀點和估計,受各種風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異,包括但不限於監管機構批准的延遲或不確定性,包括CSE的批准、股東批准以及與擬議交易性質相同的交易所固有的其他不確定性。前瞻性信息中存在固有的不確定性,包括WOGC無法控制的因素。無法保證本新聞稿或任何未來新聞稿中描述的由此產生的發行人的業務計劃將按照本文所述的條款或時間框架生效。除非法律要求,否則如果情況或管理層的估計或意見發生變化,WOGC沒有義務更新前瞻性信息。提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述。確定可能影響財務業績的風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在WOGC向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件中,該文件可在以下網址查閱。

SOURCE: Waskahigan Oil & Gas Corp


