
EPC Group Earns G2's Leader Recognition for Business Intelligence Consulting and Continues to Dominate the AI Space

EPC Group Earns G2's Leader Recognition for Business Intelligence Consulting and Continues to Dominate the AI Space

PR Newswire ·  03:55

HOUSTON, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- EPC Group, a recognized pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) consulting, has proudly been named a leader in G2's esteemed "Grid for Business Intelligence (BI) Consulting Providers - Fall 2024." This recognition highlights the exceptional Power BI consulting and development services provided by EPC Group across North America.

微軟秋季2024年"商業智能(BI)諮詢服務供應商表格"中,EPC Group,一家人工智能(AI)和商業智能(BI)諮詢服務中的知名先驅,自豪地榮獲了G2評選的領袖稱號。這一認可凸顯了EPC Group在北美提供的卓越Power BI諮詢和開發服務。

Power BI and EPC Group - The Industry Leadership
Power BI和EPC Group - 行業領先者

With over 27 years of dedicated service, EPC Group has consistently delivered high-impact, data-driven solutions. The company has completed thousands of Power BI engagements for a diverse range of clients—from small and mid-sized organizations to large-scale enterprise rollouts. EPC Group's ability to support the full Power BI stack including Power BI and AI, combined with their deep understanding of business intelligence strategy and governance, continues to set them apart as a premier consulting firm in the AI and BI space.

擁有超過27年的專業服務經驗,EPC Group始終提供高影響力、數據驅動的解決方案。該公司已爲各類客戶完成數千個Power BI項目,涵蓋了各種規模的組織,從中小型機構到大型企業部署。EPC Group能夠支持完整的Power BI技術棧,包括Power BI和人工智能,結合他們對商業智能策略和治理的深刻理解,繼續將其確立爲人工智能和商業智能領域的首要諮詢公司。

Expertise That Spans Decades


EPC Group has a rich legacy of pioneering business intelligence solutions, rooted in a collaborative relationship with Microsoft since its earliest days. As the second oldest Microsoft Gold Partner in North America, the firm has consistently maintained its position at the forefront of Microsoft's evolving technology landscape. EPC Group was also involved in the initial development stages of Power BI, having been part of the Microsoft Power BI Beta team in 2010. Power BI, originally designed under the code name "Project Crescent," was created as a replacement for Microsoft's SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and became part of SQL Server Codename Denali in July 2011.

EPC Group具有開拓性的商業智能解決方案的豐富歷史,在與微軟的合作關係源遠流長。作爲北美第二古老的微軟金牌合作伙伴,該公司一直保持領先地位,站在微軟不斷演進的技術格局前沿。EPC Group還參與了Power BI的初始開發階段,曾是2010年微軟Power BI測試團隊的一部分。Power BI最初的設計代號爲"項目Crescent",是作爲微軟SQL Server報表服務(SSRS)的替代品,於2011年7月成爲SQL Server代號Denali的一部分。

This early involvement enabled EPC Group to develop deep expertise in Power BI, supporting businesses in their journey to harness data-driven insights. Clients across North America have benefitted from EPC Group's extensive knowledge in the areas of data visualization, analytics, and business intelligence.

這一早期參與使EPC Group在Power BI領域獲得了深厚專業知識,以支持企業在利用數據驅動洞見的過程中。北美各地的客戶受益於EPC Group在數據可視化、分析和商業智能領域的廣泛知識。

A Track Record of Success and Thought Leadership


EPC Group's founder, Errin O'Connor, has been a driving force behind the firm's success. As the author of the official Microsoft Press book "Power BI Dashboards – Step by Step," O'Connor's influence on the BI landscape is well-known. His book, an Amazon best-seller, is often cited as a go-to resource for Power BI enthusiasts and professionals alike, reinforcing the statement that "EPC Group literally wrote the book on Microsoft Power BI." Errin is also working on a new publication on Artificial Intelligence (AI) best practices and implementation services.

EPC Group的創始人Errin O'Connor一直是該公司成功的主要推動力。作爲官方微軟出版書《Power BI儀表板–逐步學習》的作者,O'Connor在BI領域的影響力是衆所周知的。他的暢銷書常被引用爲Power BI愛好者和專業人士前赴後繼的參考,強化了「EPC Group實際上是在Microsoft Power BI方面開創了先河」的說法。Errin也正在撰寫一本關於人工智能(AI)最佳實踐和實施服務的新出版物。

EPC Group's influence extends beyond Power BI. O'Connor was also a key player on the original Microsoft SharePoint Beta team, contributing to the development of what is now one of the most widely adopted collaboration platforms globally. His participation in Project Tahoe, which evolved into Microsoft SharePoint in 2001, further demonstrates EPC Group's long-standing involvement in shaping Microsoft's flagship enterprise tools.

EPC Group的影響力不僅限於Power BI。O'Connor還是最初的Microsoft SharePoint Beta團隊中的關鍵人物,爲如今全球範圍內最廣泛採用的協作平台之一的發展做出了貢獻。他參與的Project Tahoe,後來發展成爲2001年的Microsoft SharePoint,進一步展示了EPC Group長期參與塑造Microsoft旗艦企業工具的歷史。

Leading in AI Consulting: A Focus on Microsoft Copilot and Beyond

AI諮詢的領導者:聚焦Microsoft Copilot及未來

As North America's leading AI consulting firm, EPC Group is at the helm of AI innovation, offering services that span 14 of the top Artificial Intelligence solutions, including Microsoft Copilot, Gemini, OpenAI and many others. These AI-driven tools are transforming the way businesses operate, enabling organizations to streamline workflows, make data-driven decisions, and enhance enterprise efficiency. EPC Group's consulting services focus on integrating AI into businesses' existing infrastructures, ensuring they can leverage the full potential of AI technologies to drive growth and innovation.

作爲北美領先的人工智能諮詢公司,EPC Group處於人工智能創新的前沿,提供涵蓋14項頂尖人工智能解決方案,包括Microsoft Copilot、Gemini、OpenAI等在內的服務。這些基於人工智能的工具正在改變企業運營方式,使組織能夠簡化工作流程,做出數據驅動決策,並增強企業效率。EPC Group的諮詢服務着重於將人工智能整合到企業現有基礎設施中,確保它們能夠充分利用人工智能技術的全部潛力來推動增長和創新。

EPC Group's involvement in Microsoft Fabric, particularly in building comprehensive data warehouses and data lakes for its clients, further underscores their commitment to solving complex business challenges with innovative technology. Their data integration expertise has been pivotal in helping clients manage and extract value from their data, enabling them to stay ahead in today's competitive market.

EPC Group的參與Microsoft Fabric,特別是爲客戶構建全面的數據倉庫和數據湖,進一步突顯了他們致力於利用創新技術解決複雜業務挑戰的承諾。他們的數據整合專業知識在幫助客戶管理和從數據中提取價值方面發揮了關鍵作用,使客戶能夠在當今競爭激烈的市場中保持領先。

Recognized Across Industries


EPC Group's ability to deliver results has earned them the trust of a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and government. Their consulting services are tailored to meet the specific needs of their clients, whether they are small businesses seeking to implement Power BI or large enterprises looking to integrate AI and advanced analytics.

EPC Group 交付成果的能力贏得了各行業的信任,包括金融、醫療保健、製造業、零售和政府。他們的諮詢服務是根據客戶的特定需求量身定製的,不管是尋求實施 Power BI 的小型企業,還是希望整合人工智能和先進分析的大型企業。

From CIOs and IT Directors to CFOs and Analytics Managers, decision-makers across industries rely on EPC Group's strategic insights to optimize their business intelligence frameworks. The firm's work helps these leaders gain actionable intelligence, improve operational efficiency, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

從首席信息官、IT 主管到首席財務官和分析經理,各行業的決策者都依靠 EPC Group 的戰略洞察力來優化他們的業務智能框架。該公司的工作幫助這些領導者獲得可操作的情報,提高運營效率,並做出知情、數據驅動的決策。

Looking Forward: A Continued Commitment to Excellence


With a proven track record spanning nearly three decades, EPC Group remains committed to innovation and client success. Their recognition in G2's Fall 2024 Leader category is a testament to their unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality, impactful BI and AI solutions. As the consulting landscape continues to evolve, EPC Group is well-positioned to lead the charge, offering unparalleled expertise and transformative technology solutions to help businesses thrive.

憑藉近三十年的良好業績,EPC Group 一直致力於創新和客戶成功。他們在 G2 2024 年秋季領導者類別中的認可證明了他們對交付高質量、有影響力的商業智能和人工智能解決方案的堅定承諾。隨着諮詢行業的持續演變,EPC Group 處於領先位置,提供無與倫比的專業知識和具有變革性的技術解決方案,幫助企業蓬勃發展。

For more details on EPC Group's services and G2's Leader recognition, please visit the G2 Report.

有關 EPC Group 服務和 G2 領導者認可的更多詳細信息,請訪問 G2 報告。

About EPC Group
EPC Group is North America's leading AI and business intelligence consulting firm, with over 27 years of experience helping organizations unlock the power of their data. As a Microsoft Gold Partner and leader in AI consulting, EPC Group offers a full suite of services focused on Power BI, data integration, data lakes, AI-driven solutions, and enterprise reporting. Known for their expertise in Microsoft technologies, EPC Group continues to shape the future of business intelligence with cutting-edge solutions and a deep commitment to client success.

關於 EPC Group
EPC Group 是北美領先的人工智能和商業智能諮詢公司,擁有超過 27 年的經驗,幫助組織釋放其數據的力量。作爲微軟 Gold 合作伙伴和人工智能諮詢領域的領導者,EPC Group 提供一整套專注於 Power BI、數據集成、數據湖、人工智能驅動解決方案和企業報告的服務。以其在微軟技術中的專業知識而聞名,EPC Group 繼續以尖端解決方案和對客戶成功的深刻承諾塑造商業智能的未來。






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