
Keep Moving Together: Eight Ways for Families to Stay Active and Connected

Keep Moving Together: Eight Ways for Families to Stay Active and Connected

PR Newswire ·  10/03 23:44

Latest issue of Experience Life magazine offers 100 big and small ideas to be active together


CHANHASSEN, Minn., Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With families adjusting to the busyness of fall and back-to-school routines, finding time to stay active and maintain connection is more important than ever. To inspire families, Experience Life magazine, published by Life Time (NYSE: LTH), offers 100 ideas to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines, fostering healthier, happier lives.

明尼蘇達州,2024年10月3日 /美通社/ -- 隨着家庭適應秋季的繁忙和開學的日常,找到時間保持活躍並保持聯繫比以往任何時候都更爲重要。爲了激勵家庭,由Life Time(紐交所:LTH)出版的《體驗生活》雜誌提供了100個想法,可以將更多的體育活動融入他們的日常生活中,培養更健康、更快樂的生活。

The ideas fall in eight key categories:


A family cycles together at the Life Time Sea Otter Classic.
一家人共同參加Life Time海獺經典賽自行車比賽。
  1. Start Small: Starting with small things — taking a family walk around the block, walking the dog together, or making a journal of plants and animals they see — can help build sustainable habits and set the foundation for a more active lifestyle. Letting kids choose the activity gives them a chance to get involved and get excited.
  2. Make the Adventure Bigger: As families become more comfortable with regular movement, they can try expanding the scope of activities. This might include exploring new parks, hiking trails, or even planning active vacations. By making movement an adventure, families can create lasting memories while staying active.
  3. Make Your Home Movement-Friendly: Creating an environment that encourages physical activity is another key focus. This can be as simple as rearranging furniture to allow for more space to move or keeping equipment like yoga mats and resistance bands in common areas. Bring fun into the mix by setting up an obstacle course or having an after-dinner family dance party.
  4. Get Moving in the Backyard or at Your Local Park: Outdoor spaces provide excellent opportunities for family activities. From playing sports like Frisbee, soccer, or jump rope to climbing on the monkey bars, families can make outdoor time both fun and beneficial for good health.
  5. Include Older Family or Community Members: Physical activity is beneficial for all ages, and including older family members in movement activities can strengthen family bonds and ensure that everyone, regardless of age, enjoys the benefits of an active lifestyle. Try sports or games that accommodate a wide range of ages, including bowling, mini golf, or pickleball.
  6. Do a Task Together: Combining physical activity with household tasks adds movement without becoming an extra item on your to-do list. Activities like gardening, cleaning, or even washing the car are opportunities for movement, making chores more enjoyable and productive.
  7. Take a Fitness Class: For families looking to try something new, try participating in fitness classes together. Parent-child yoga classes, mixed-age group martial arts classes, or even small group personal training can get families moving together, learning new skills and staying motivated.
  8. Train for a Common Goal: Setting a common fitness goal can unite families in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Whether it's training for a charity run, a cycling event, or a hiking challenge, working toward a shared objective can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment.
  1. 從小事做起:從小事做起——一家人一起散步環街區、一起遛狗,或者記下他們看到的植物和動物,都有助於養成可持續的習慣,並奠定更積極生活方式的基礎。讓孩子們選擇活動讓他們有機會參與並變得興奮。
  2. 擴大冒險規模:隨着家庭對定期運動變得更加舒適,他們可以嘗試擴展活動範圍。這可能包括探索新的公園、遠足徑,甚至計劃積極的假期。通過將運動變成冒險,家庭可以創造持久的記憶,同時保持活躍。
  3. 打造家庭友好的運動環境:營造鼓勵體育活動的環境是另一個關鍵焦點。這可以是簡單的重新佈置傢俱以騰出更多空間活動,或者在公共區域保留瑜伽墊和阻力帶等設備。通過設置障礙賽道或在晚餐後舉辦家庭舞會等方式增加樂趣。
  4. 在後院或當地公園活動起來:戶外空間爲家庭活動提供了絕佳機會。從玩飛盤、足球或跳繩等體育運動,到攀爬爬梯,家庭可以在戶外時間中既愉快又對健康有益。
  5. 包括較年長的家庭成員或社區成員:進行身體活動對於各個年齡段都有益,讓較年長的家庭成員參與運動活動可以加強家庭紐帶,並確保無論年齡大小,每個人都能享受積極生活方式的益處。嘗試適合各年齡段的體育或遊戲,包括保齡球、迷你高爾夫或瓶球。
  6. 一起完成任務:將身體活動與家務任務結合起來,不會增加額外的待辦事項。像園藝、清潔,甚至洗車這樣的活動是運動的機會,讓家務更有趣和高效。
  7. 參加健身課程:對於想嘗試新事物的家庭,可以一起參加健身課程。家長-兒童瑜伽課程、混齡群體武術課程,甚至小團體個人訓練都能讓家庭一起運動,學習新技能並保持動力。
  8. 爲共同目標訓練:設定一個共同的健身目標可以讓家庭團結在追求更健康生活方式的道路上。無論是爲慈善跑步、騎行活動,還是徒步挑戰做訓練,共同爲一個目標努力可以提供動力和成就感。

"We know that families are busier than ever, and we were excited to identify many ways to connect, be active, and maximize together time," said Jamie Martin, Experience Life editor in chief and Vice President of Content Strategy at Life Time. "By sharing these ideas, and all the inspiring tips we share in Experience Life, we aim to empower everyone to live healthier, happier lives."

「我們知道家庭比以往任何時候都要忙碌,我們很高興找到許多方式來聯繫、活躍並一起度過時間,」Life Time的《Experience Life》主編兼內容策略副總裁Jamie Martin說。「通過分享這些想法,以及我們在《Experience Life》中分享的所有啓發性建議,我們的目標是賦予每個人過上更健康、更快樂的生活。」

More information and the full list of 100 ways families can move together are featured in the September/October edition of Life Time's Experience Life magazine.

更多信息和包含100種家庭運動方式的完整列表可在Life Time的《Experience Life》雜誌的9月/10月期刊中找到。

About Life Time
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 175 athletic country clubs across the United States and Canada. The health and wellness pioneer also delivers a range of healthy way of life programs and information via its complimentary Life Time Digital app. The Company's healthy living, healthy aging, healthy entertainment communities and ecosystem serve people 90 days to 90+ years old and is supported by a team of more than 42,000 dedicated professionals. In addition to delivering the best programs and experiences through its clubs, Life Time owns and produces nearly 30 of the most iconic athletic events in the country.

關於Life Time
Life Time(NYSE: LTH)通過其在美國和加拿大超過175家健身俱樂部的組合,賦予人們通過其免費的Life Time Digital應用獲得的一系列健康生活方式項目和信息,以健康快樂地生活的權力。該健康和健康先驅還通過其俱樂部提供90天至90多歲的人群的健康娛樂社區和生態系統,擁有逾42000名專業人員。除透過其俱樂部提供最佳方案和體驗外,Life Time還擁有並製作了全國近30個標誌性健美賽事。

SOURCE Life Time, Inc.

信息來源:Life Time, Inc.




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