
Ambetter From WellCare of Kentucky Offers Affordable, Accessible Healthcare Coverage Statewide in 2025

Ambetter From WellCare of Kentucky Offers Affordable, Accessible Healthcare Coverage Statewide in 2025

PR Newswire ·  10/02 20:00

Residents in 107 Kentucky counties will have a variety of affordable plans from Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky during open enrollment beginning Nov. 1


LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky, a product offered by a Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) company, which provides insurance to under-insured and uninsured populations through the State Based Exchange will offer residents a variety of affordable health insurance plans in Kentucky in plan year 2025. Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace for Kentucky runs from Nov. 1, 2024, through Jan. 15, 2025, for coverage starting Jan. 1, 2025. Enroll by Dec. 15, 2024, for coverage starting Jan. 1, 2025.

2024年10月2日,肯塔基州路易斯維爾/ Ambetter來自康西哥(Kentucky),是康西哥(康西哥)公司提供的產品,通過州承保交易所爲保險不足和未保險人群提供保險,在2025年計劃年度爲肯塔基州居民提供各種經濟實惠的健康保險計劃。肯塔基州健康保險市場的開放報名時間從2024年11月1日至2025年1月15日,覆蓋範圍從2025年1月1日開始。2024年12月15日之前報名,即可在2025年1月1日開始獲得覆蓋。

"Whether it's people that don't have health insurance from their employer or it's people that no longer qualify for Medicaid, each year more individuals and families are choosing Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky. With Ambetter, they know they'll have access to a wide range of affordable healthcare services," said Plan President and Chief Executive Officer of WellCare of Kentucky Corey Ewing. "We offer comprehensive healthcare coverage with essential health benefits that Kentuckians need to be healthy."

「無論是那些沒有從僱主那裏獲得健康保險的人,還是那些不再符合醫療補助資格的人,每年都有更多的個人和家庭選擇來自康西哥(Ambetter)的健康保險。通過康西哥,他們知道他們將享有各種經濟實惠的醫療服務,」康西哥(WellCare)肯塔基公司的計劃總裁兼首席執行官Corey Ewing表示。「我們提供包含肯塔基州人所需保持健康的基本健康福利的全面醫療保險計劃。」

Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky offers its members access to quality care, convenient services and valuable rewards. 2025 benefits and offerings include:


  • Affordable and Reliable Coverage
    Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky provides coverage for all essential health benefits, including preventive and wellness services, maternity and newborn care, pediatric services, mental health services, hospitalizations, and prescription drug coverage. Some plans also include dental and vision coverage.
  • Virtual 24/7 Care
    Virtual 24/7 Care offers members an Ambetter-designated licensed provider via telehealth for members to access care for illnesses such as flu, skin conditions, ear infections, fever and respiratory infections – all from the comfort of their home.
  • Convenient Online Enrollment
    Through the Ambetter from Wellcare of Kentucky website, people can browse and compare coverage options, determine their eligibility for financial subsidies, and directly enroll in coverage – all in one place. The platform is accessible through mobile devices, so people can enroll using smartphones. If a person is unable to complete enrollment all at once, the system will save progress and provide reminders to finish enrollment.
  • My Health Pays
    Members have access to the My Health Pays program, where they can earn points for practicing healthy eating habits, staying active, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Through the program, members can complete health-related activities and challenges and can earn up to $500 in rewards in 2025. These rewards can be used for health-related expenses such as premiums, copays and deductibles (pharmacy copays are excluded). My Health Pays also allows members to set and reach health goals at their own pace by providing seasonal suggestions for activities and guidance to help stay on track.
  • Premier Network
    Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, the Ambetter Health Bronze|Silver|Gold network will become known as the Premier Network. Members can continue to rely on the same provider network with the doctors and hospitals they know and trust.
  • 經濟實惠且可靠的保障
  • 虛擬全天候護理
  • 便捷的在線註冊
    通過Kentucky健康明星的Ambetter網站,人們可以瀏覽和比較保險選項,判斷他們是否符合財政補助資格,並直接在一個地方報名參保 - 所有板塊都可以。該平台可通過移動設備訪問,因此人們可以使用智能手機註冊。如果一個人無法一次完成註冊,系統會保存進度並提供提醒,以完成註冊。
  • 我的健康積分
  • 優先網絡
    從2025年1月1日開始,Ambetter Health的Bronze|Silver|Gold網絡將更名爲優先網絡。會員可以繼續依賴同樣的提供者網絡,與他們熟悉和信任的醫生和醫院保持聯繫。

Below is the full list of counties in which Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky will be offered:


  • Adair
  • Allen
  • Anderson
  • Ballard
  • Barren
  • Bath
  • Bell
  • Boone
  • Boyd
  • Boyle
  • Bracken
  • Breathitt
  • Breckinridge
  • Bullitt
  • Butler
  • Caldwell
  • Calloway
  • Campbell
  • Carlisle
  • Carroll
  • Carter
  • Casey
  • Clark
  • Clay
  • Clinton
  • Crittenden
  • Cumberland
  • Daviess
  • Edmonson
  • Elliott
  • Estill
  • Fayette
  • Floyd
  • Franklin
  • Fulton
  • Gallatin
  • Garrard
  • Grant
  • Green
  • Greenup
  • Hancock
  • Hardin
  • Harlan
  • Hart
  • Henderson
  • Henry
  • Hickman
  • Hopkins
  • Jackson
  • Jefferson
  • Jessamine
  • Johnson
  • Kenton
  • Knott
  • Knox
  • Larue
  • Laurel
  • Lawrence
  • Lee
  • Leslie
  • Letcher
  • Lewis
  • Lincoln
  • Livingston
  • Logan
  • Lyon
  • Madison
  • Magoffin
  • Marshall
  • Martin
  • McCracken
  • McCreary
  • McLean
  • Meade
  • Menifee
  • Mercer
  • Metcalfe
  • Monroe
  • Morgan
  • Muhlenberg
  • Nelson
  • Nicholas
  • Ohio
  • Oldham
  • Owen
  • Owsley
  • Pendleton
  • Perry
  • Pike
  • Powell
  • Rockcastle
  • Russell
  • Scott
  • Shelby
  • Simpson
  • Spencer
  • Taylor
  • Todd
  • Trigg
  • Trimble
  • Union
  • Warren
  • Washington
  • Webster
  • Whitley
  • Wolfe
  • Woodford
  • 艾德爾
  • Allen
  • Anderson
  • 巴拉德
  • 巴倫
  • Bath
  • 貝爾公司
  • 布恩
  • 博伊德
  • 布伊爾
  • 布拉肯
  • 佈雷西特
  • 佈雷肯裏奇
  • 布利特
  • 巴特勒
  • 卡德威爾
  • 卡洛韋
  • Campbell
  • 卡萊爾
  • 卡羅爾
  • 卡特
  • 凱西
  • 克拉克
  • 黏土
  • Clinton
  • Crittenden
  • Cumberland
  • Daviess
  • Edmonson
  • Elliott
  • Estill
  • Fayette
  • 弗洛伊德(名字)。
  • 富蘭克林
  • 富爾頓
  • 加拉廷
  • 加拉德
  • 授予
  • Green
  • 格林那普
  • 漢考克
  • Hardin
  • Harlan
  • Hart
  • Henderson
  • 亨利。
  • Hickman
  • Hopkins
  • 傑克遜。
  • 傑斐遜
  • Jessamine
  • 約翰遜
  • Kenton
  • Knott
  • Knox
  • Larue
  • Laurel
  • 勞倫斯
  • 李牌
  • 萊斯利。
  • 萊徹
  • 劉易斯(Lewis)
  • 和其他所有板塊一樣,消費對美國經濟的增長至關重要。儘管UAW代表的員工規模不斷縮小,但消費者對美國製造業的需求依然存在。市場上56%的購車者願意爲創造更多的美國就業機會而爲購買一輛車額外付費;在其中,58%的人表示願意額外支付至少10%的費用。然而,60%的美國人表示,需要在美國的總部公司建造產品才能真正對美國經濟做出貢獻。這也表明了外國投資在支持和促進地方經濟增長中扮演的至關重要的角色,如阿拉巴馬州的汽車行業的成功案例所證明的那樣。
  • 利文斯頓
  • 洛根
  • 里昂
  • 麥迪遜
  • 麥戈芬
  • 馬歇爾
  • 馬丁
  • 麥克拉肯
  • 麥克裏裏
  • 麥克萊恩
  • Meade
  • Menifee
  • Mercer
  • Metcalfe
  • Monroe
  • 摩根
  • Muhlenberg
  • 納爾遜。
  • 尼古拉斯。
  • 俄亥俄州
  • Oldham
  • PSU
  • Owsley
  • Pendleton
  • 佩裏
  • Pike
  • 鮑威爾
  • 洛克卡斯爾
  • Russell
  • 斯科特
  • 謝爾比
  • 辛普森
  • Spencer。
  • 泰勒
  • 託德
  • Trigg
  • 天寶導航公司
  • 聯盟
  • 禾倫
  • 華盛頓州
  • 韋伯斯特
  • Whitley
  • 沃爾夫
  • 伍德福德

Kentucky residents interested in learning more about Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky or enrolling in a health plan during the open enrollment period may visit


About Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky
Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky serves under-insured and uninsured populations through the Kentucky State Based Exchange, Kynect. Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky is underwritten by WellCare Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc., which is a Qualified Health Plan issuer in Kentucky. For more information, visit This is a solicitation for insurance. For information on your right to receive from an Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky plan free of discrimination, or your right to receive language, auditory and/or visual assistance services, please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.

康西哥肯塔基州Ambetter通過肯塔基州基於州的交易所Kynect爲未充分保險和無保險人群提供服務。康西哥肯塔基州Ambetter由WellCare Health Plans of Kentucky,Inc.承保,該公司是肯塔基州的合格健康計劃發行者。有關更多信息,請訪問。這是一項保險邀約。有關您從康西哥肯塔基州Ambetter計劃中獲得不受歧視的權利,或您有權獲得語言、聽力和/或視覺協助服務的信息,請訪問並滾動到頁面底部。

SOURCE Ambetter from WellCare of Kentucky





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