
Spotify CEO Daniel Ek Says He Stays Away From Sports Competition With Facebook Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg: 'I Know It'll End Badly For Both Of Us'

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek Says He Stays Away From Sports Competition With Facebook Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg: 'I Know It'll End Badly For Both Of Us'

Benzinga ·  19:00

Spotify Inc. (NYSE:SPOT) CEO Daniel Ek said he has chosen to steer clear of competing in sports with his long-time friend and Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Spotify Inc.(紐交所: SPOT)首席執行官丹尼爾·埃克表示,他選擇避免與長期朋友及meta platforms公司(納斯達克: META)首席執行官馬克·扎克伯格競爭。

What Happened: During a conversation on Acquired Podcast that was posted on YouTube on Monday, Ek was asked if their relationship amplifies their competitiveness.

發生了什麼:在週一發佈在YouTube上的Acquired Podcast的對話中,埃克被問及他們的關係是否加劇了彼此的競爭。

In response, the Spotify CEO said, "The rule I have with Mark is I don't try to go into a competition with him because I know it'll end badly for both of us."


He went on to speak about Zuckerberg's intense competitiveness, even to the point of sustaining injuries, which has discouraged him from engaging in sports with the Meta CEO.

他接着談到扎克伯格的激烈競爭意識,甚至因此受傷,這讓他望而卻步,不願與meta platforms公司的首席執行官進行體育競技。

"The last time he sort of tore his ACL with someone rather than giving up, so I feel like it would end pretty badly," he said, adding, "I like playing when I know I'll win, so I think it's a pretty good thing not to do that."


In the past few years, Zuckerberg has embraced mixed martial arts and surfing as new interests, giving him a fresh outlook and influencing his style along the way.


Last year in November it was reported that he underwent surgery to repair a torn knee ligament.


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Why It's Important: Sean Parker, an early investor in both Spotify and Facebook, introduced Ek and Zuckerberg in 2008. Their early talks focused on integrating Spotify with Facebook, a key move for the music-streaming platform's growth when it was still invite-only.

爲什麼重要:早期投資者肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)在2008年介紹了埃克和扎克伯格。 他們早期的對話集中在將Spotify與Facebook整合,這對於音樂流媒體平台在仍然僅限邀請制時的增長是關鍵舉措。

In a separate interview last year, Ek told Forbes that Zuckerberg has learned from his experiences the good and bad, ignited fresh passion, and realized the need for responsible action.


"But there's still some of the old Mark, where he is betting on things even though everyone tells him 'this is never gonna work,'" he stated at the time.


The Spotify CEO was probably referring to Zuckerberg's bold $100 billion investment in the Metaverse. While this move initially shook Wall Street and Facebook's stock, the company has since rebounded.

Spotify首席執行官可能指的是扎克伯格對元宇宙概念大膽投資1000億美元。 儘管此舉最初引起華爾街和Facebook股票的動盪,但該公司此後已經重新站穩腳跟。

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