
Wesley House Training Programs Thrive With Support From Spectrum Community Center Assist

Wesley House Training Programs Thrive With Support From Spectrum Community Center Assist

Wesley House培訓項目在Spectrum社區中心的支持下蓬勃發展
特許通訊 ·  10/01 12:00

News and ViewsOctober 1, 2024

新聞與觀點 2024 年 10 月 1 日

Wesley House Training Programs Thrive With Support From Spectrum Community Center Assist

在 Spectrum 社區中心援助的支持下,Wesley House 培訓計劃蓬勃發展

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Wesley House Community Services in Louisville, Kentucky, helps empower families by providing technology training, financial education and English as a second language (ESL) classes. Spectrum has awarded multiple grants to the nonprofit in the last several years, benefiting area residents.

肯塔基州路易斯維爾的Wesley House社區服務部通過提供技術培訓、金融教育和英語作爲第二語言(ESL)課程來幫助增強家庭能力。在過去的幾年中,Spectrum已向該非營利組織發放了多筆補助金,使該地區的居民受益。

"I retired from fire rescue in 2020, and when I tried to go back into the workforce, my skills hadn't kept up," said Michael Coleman, retired firefighter. "So, I was referred to Wesley House, where I took a very basic technology training course to get back up to speed." After completing courses for computer science and focusing on resume building, Michael is currently enrolled at a local university with plans to earn a bachelor's degree in organizational leadership.

退休消防員邁克爾·科爾曼說:「我於2020年從消防救援中退休,當我試圖重返工作崗位時,我的技能跟不上。」「因此,我被推薦到Wesley House,在那裏我參加了一門非常基礎的技術培訓課程,以恢復學習速度。」在完成計算機科學課程並專注於簡歷建設之後,邁克爾目前正在當地一所大學就讀,並計劃獲得組織領導學學士學位。

Over the past two years, Spectrum has provided Wesley House $173,000 in funding and in-kind support from Spectrum Community Center Assist (SCCA) to upgrade its technology training center, make other facility improvements, and support workforce development programs.

在過去的兩年中,Spectrum已向Wesley House提供了17.3萬美元的資金和Spectrum Community Center Assist(SCCA)提供的實物支持,用於升級其技術培訓中心,改善其他設施並支持勞動力發展計劃。

SCCA is Charter's $30 million philanthropic initiative to revitalize local community centers and invest in job training programs in underserved rural and urban neighborhoods.


More about Spectrum Community Center Assist can be found here.


