
Million Mammogram Challenge Launches With OUTFRONT Media in New York City in Partnership With MaleRoom Founder Mindie Kaplan and Imerman Angels

Million Mammogram Challenge Launches With OUTFRONT Media in New York City in Partnership With MaleRoom Founder Mindie Kaplan and Imerman Angels

百萬乳房X光挑戰在紐約市與MaleRoom創始人Mindie Kaplan和Imerman Angels合作啓動
PR Newswire ·  10/02 03:54

New 360-Degree Campaign Launches October 1 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Inviting Women to Share and Post Mammogram Dates to Promote Early Detection


NEW YORK, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OUTFRONT Media (NYSE: OUT), one of the largest out of home (OOH) media companies in the U.S., has partnered with MaleRoom Founder and CEO Mindie Kaplan and Imerman Angels to launch a bold new early detection campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

2024年10月1日,紐約 / PRNewswire / -- OUTFRONt媒體 (紐交所:OUT),美國最大戶外媒體公司之一,已與 MaleRoom 創始人兼首席執行官Mindie Kaplan以及 Imerman Angels 合作推出了一個大膽的新早期發現宣傳活動,以支持乳腺癌意識月

The Million Mammogram Challenge is a new movement kicking off on October 1, 2024, that aims to change the narrative for young women around shame, celebrating their femininity and early detection. The campaign will encourage women to schedule and share their mammogram dates at


Mindie Kaplan joins in Times Square for the campaign reveal.
Mindie Kaplan加入時代廣場揭示活動。

Said Kaplan: "The Million Mammogram Challenge will save lives and change narratives. I'm incredibly grateful to OUTFRONT for daring to do something different together!"

Kaplan說:「百萬乳腺X挑戰將拯救生命並改變敘事。我非常感激outfront media inc.敢於做一些與衆不同的事情!」

The creative – designed by OUTFRONT Studios, the company's internal creative agency – features a stunning photo of Mindie Kaplan with the headline "Cancer Isn't the Star of My Story" that will be shown on OUTFRONT OOH signage across the country, from billboards in major metropolitan areas – including one of the largest billboards in Times Square – to New York City's MTA transit system. The transit ads will be equipped with QR codes that link to the above website.

這項創意由outfront media inc.的內部創意機構OUTFRONt Studios設計,展示了Mindie Kaplan的驚人照片,並配有標題「癌症不是我故事的主角」,將出現在全國各地的outfront media inc. OOH標識牌上,從主要都市地區的廣告牌,包括時代廣場上最大的廣告牌之一,到紐約市的MTA交通系統。這些交通廣告將配備QR碼,連接到上述網站。

"We are absolutely thrilled to partner in this important campaign and are confident that the power of our medium will ensure that the message reach millions both directly and through social channel amplification," said Jodi Senese, Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer at OUTFRONT Media.

「我們非常高興能參與這一重要活動,並確信我們媒體的力量將確保這一消息直接觸及數百萬人,也通過社交媒體的放大傳遞,」 outfront media inc.的執行副總裁兼首席營銷官Jodi Senese說。

The photo was taken by photographer Tom Kubik six months after Kaplan's double mastectomy, to commemorate the halfway point of her surgeries. Liberating and empowering, she posted the image on her personal Instagram to challenge followers to post their mammogram dates, and was shocked to see how many then scheduled long-overdue exams. This experience emboldened her to launch the nationwide Million Mammogram Challenge.

這張照片是由攝影師Tom Kubik在Kaplan接受雙乳切除手術六個月後拍攝的,以紀念她手術的中途。這種解放和賦權感促使她在個人Instagram上發佈了這張照片,挑戰追隨者發佈他們的乳腺X日期,她驚訝地看到有多少人隨後安排了長期拖延的檢查。這一經歷鼓舞她啓動了全國範圍的百萬乳腺X挑戰。

The OOH campaign will be amplified on social media via OUTFRONT, Imerman Angels and Kaplan's social channels, with other social OOH (#sOOH) opportunities in process with influencers and other cancer survivors.

在社交媒體上通過outfront、Imerman Angels和Kaplan的社交渠道放大戶外廣告活動,同時利用其他社交戶外(#sOOH)機會與意見領袖和其他癌症倖存者合作中。

In addition to the OOH campaign and the above website, there will be an event in Times Square on October 1 to kick off the Challenge, and an industry panel discussion – "Rewriting the Narrative: Reframing Breast Cancer Awareness" – at the Female Quotient's Equality Lounge @ Advertising Week in New York on October 9.

除了戶外廣告活動和上述網站之外,10月1日還將在時代廣場舉辦一場活動,開啓挑戰,以及一個行業專題討論 – "重塑敘事:重新構建乳腺癌意識" – 在 Female Quotient's Equality Lounge @ Advertising Week 將於10月9日在紐約舉行。

These will also be supported by a special episode of Kaplan's "MaleRoom" dating podcast, featuring other cancer survivors talking about their experiences, and a short-form documentary film "The Million Mammogram Movement" is in development, with award-winning director Cheryl Miller Houser. By talking about and normalizing the shame around breast cancer surgery and dating, Kaplan aims to change the narrative and create awareness, community and a movement for women to embrace their transformed bodies.

這些活動還將得到Kaplan的"MaleRoom"約會播客的特別節目的支持,節目中其他癌症倖存者將談論他們的經歷,此外,正在製作一部名爲"百萬乳房檢查運動"的短片紀錄片,該片由屢獲殊榮的導演Cheryl Miller Houser執導。通過談論和正常化圍繞乳腺癌手術和約會的羞恥感,Kaplan旨在改變敘事,創造意識、社群和讓女性擁抱變化後的身體的運動。

"Knowledge is power. And knowledge earlier is always better. Empower yourself and others, and let's work together to find and stop cancer before it takes too many of our lives, by making a pledge to get checked at," said Jonny Imerman, young adult testicular cancer survivor and co-founder of Imerman Angels and CLOZTALK. "Plus, if you know someone who already has cancer, please tell them about Imerman Angels (, the largest mentoring program for cancer families, where someone with cancer will be introduced to another person who has already experienced the same cancer, as a mentor, or big brother or big sister, to support with friendship, knowledge and experience. Always free."

"知識就是力量。而且越早知道越好。讓自己和他人更強大,讓我們共同努力,在癌症奪走太多生命之前找到並阻止它,通過在 millionmammogramchallenge.com上發誓接受檢查,"說到的是Jonny Imerman,青年睾丸癌倖存者、Imerman Angels和CLOZTALk的聯合創始人。而且,如果你認識已患癌症的人,請告訴他們關於Imerman Angels(, 癌症家庭最大的輔導計劃,患癌症的人將被介紹給已經經歷過同樣癌症的人,作爲輔導,或者是哥哥或姐姐,用友誼、知識和經驗給予支持。永遠免費。

Imerman Angels is a global organization that provides free personalized one-on-one cancer support for cancer fighters, survivors, previvors and caregivers. It was founded by cancer survivor Jonny Imerman and a group of like-minded advocates and supporters, created on the belief that no one should have to face cancer alone and without the necessary support. Since 2006, Imerman Angels has made over 34,000 matches in more than 110 countries and facilitated endless honest conversations about living with cancer.

Imerman Angels是一個全球組織,爲癌症患者、倖存者、攜帶者和照顧者提供免費個性化一對一癌症支持。它是由癌症倖存者Jonny Imerman和一群志同道合的倡導者和支持者創立的,他們認爲沒有人應該獨自面對癌症,缺少必要的支持。自2006年以來,Imerman Angels在110多個國家進行了超過34,000次匹配,並促進了關於與癌症共同生活的無數誠實對話。

MaleRoom is a media brand founded by Kaplan and featuring content by men for women to get inside the mind of the opposite sex. This podcast, video and event series launched in February and has recently been featured in People, the New York Times and Cosmopolitan. Kaplan was previously with the Chicago Sun Times as creator of the video series, "Happy Hour with Mindie" where she interviewed big names in the start-up world, sports, music and culture. She is also VP of Innovation at MediaMint, which acquired her company Rated VR, a virtual and augmented reality agency that she founded to specialize in content and product innovation for Fortune 500 brands. She has more than a decade of experience in digital media, tech and branding.

MaleRoom是由Kaplan創立的媒體品牌,提供男性爲女性製作的內容,讓女性了解對方的思維。這個播客、視頻和活動系列於2月份推出,最近被People、紐約時報和Cosmopolitan等媒體報道。Kaplan以前在芝加哥太陽報擔任視頻系列"Happy Hour with Mindie"的創作者,她在節目中採訪了初創企業界、體育、音樂和文化領域的重要人物。她還是MediaMint的創新副總裁,該公司收購了她創立的虛擬和增強現實代理機構Rated VR,專注於爲財富500強品牌提供內容和產品創新。她在數字媒體、技術和品牌營銷領域擁有超過十年的經驗。

About OUTFRONT Media Inc.
OUTFRONT leverages the power of technology, location and creativity to connect brands with consumers outside of their homes through one of the largest and most diverse sets of billboard, transit, and mobile assets in the United States. Through its technology platform, OUTFRONT will fundamentally change the ways advertisers engage audiences on-the-go.

關於OUTFRONT Media Inc。

*Website references included in this press release have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release.


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