
Award-winning Engineering Firm, CloudMoyo, Announces Strategic Refocus

Award-winning Engineering Firm, CloudMoyo, Announces Strategic Refocus

PR Newswire ·  10/01 22:30

BELLEVUE, Wash., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Award-winning digital engineering firm, CloudMoyo, has announced an exciting strategic refocus. CloudMoyo will be refreshing their business strategy to focus on contextualizing their technologies to a variety of industries like finance, technology, transportation, retail, and more. Their teams will soon be verticalized, with subject matter experts specializing in entire industries and CloudMoyo's existing solutions. This change will lead to more specialized, industry-specific solutions for their new and existing customers.

BELLEVUE,華盛頓州,2024年10月1日/ PRNewswire / - 多次獲獎的數字工程公司CloudMoyo宣佈了一項令人振奮的戰略重新聚焦。CloudMoyo將更新他們的業務策略,專注於將他們的技術應用於金融、科技、運輸、零售等各種行業。他們的團隊將很快垂直化,專業化主題專家專注於整個行業和CloudMoyo現有的解決方案。這一變化將導致爲新老客戶提供更專業化、行業特定的解決方案。

This strategic shift reflects CloudMoyo's deepening expertise in contract intelligence solutions, with a focus on industry-specific and business process-specific capabilities. CloudMoyo will also be in greater alignment with their strategic partners, Microsoft and Icertis, who already focus their solutions from an industry perspective.


CloudMoyo will be refreshing its business strategy to focus on contextualizing its technologies to a various industries.


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"We're looking forward to CloudMoyo's growth towards an industry-specific approach when it comes to building unique services and solutions for our customers. This approach will complement and enhance our expertise by focusing more deeply on sourcing, procurement, sales, legal, and IT business processes," says Manish Kedia, CEO of CloudMoyo. "Our customers can expect CloudMoyo's teams to grasp obstacles within their industry, allowing us to provide digital, contract intelligence, and AI solutions faster, with more efficiency and steadfast competence."

"我們期待CloudMoyo在爲客戶構建獨特服務和解決方案時邁向行業特定方法的增長。這種方法將通過更深入地關注採購、銷售、法律和IT業務流程,來補充和增強我們的專業知識,"CloudMoyo的CEO Manish Kedia表示。"我們的客戶可以期待CloudMoyo團隊了解他們行業內的障礙,使我們能夠更快、更高效、更堅定地提供數字、合同智能和人工智能解決方案。"

CloudMoyo has remained strong in their solutions for the industrial, CPG, retail, transportation, AEC, and technology & consulting spheres, and will be adding a deeper focus on Technology & Media (TMT) and Financial & Insurance (BFSI).


This new business strategy also brings new heads of verticals:


  • Varun Gautam – Solutions sales and consulting, with a focus working alongside Icertis field teams for expansion opportunities.
  • Amit Gupta – Industrial and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), with a focus on enterprise expansion.
  • Aditya Mohan – Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT) sector, and consulting; focus includes alliances.
  • Unmesh Nipankar – Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), and Healthcare and Lifesciences (HLS); also leading customer engagement and transformation.
  • Atul Pande – Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) and Transportation; also serves as Digital Practice leader.
  • Ajay Pulpa – Icertis Contract Intelligence consulting, with a focus on gaining more value from existing enterprise systems (ERP, CRM, etc.).
  • Subhadip Roypramanik – head the global systems integrators (SI) vertical and consulting partners.
  • Varun Gautam - 解決方案銷售和諮詢,重點是與Icertis現場團隊合作拓展機會。
  • Amit Gupta -主要關注企業擴張的工業和消費品包裝(CPG)。
  • Aditya Mohan -主要關注技術,媒體和電信(TMT)領域以及諮詢;重點包括聯盟。
  • Unmesh Nipankar -主要關注銀行,金融服務和保險(BFSI)以及醫療保健和生命科學(HLS);還領導客戶參與和轉型。
  • Atul Pande -主要從事建築,工程,施工和運輸;還擔任數字業務領導者。
  • Ajay Pulpa -專注於Icertis合同智能諮詢,重點是從現有企業系統(ERP,CRm等)獲得更多價值。
  • Subhadip Roypramanik -領導全球系統集成商(SI)垂直領域和諮詢合作伙伴。

Members of the new vertical heads also attended the 2024 Icertis Connect East in NYC on September 9-10. During this event, CloudMoyo CEO – Manish Kedia – hosted an exclusive customer panel with two of their top customers, focused on how businesses across industries can leverage ICI to optimize processes, accelerate AI adoption, and boost profitability.

新垂直領導成員還參加了2024年9月9-10日在紐約舉辦的Icertis Connect East活動。在這次活動期間,CloudMoyo首席執行官Manish Kedia主持了一個專門面向兩位頂級客戶的客戶專題討論小組,重點討論跨行業企業如何利用ICI優化流程,加速AI採用,並提高盈利能力。

"CloudMoyo has been a strategic Icertis partner for nearly a decade, with dedicated teams well-versed in contract intelligence. Contracting challenges vary by industry, and CloudMoyo's decision to align with our vertical-first approach at Icertis will enable more value for shared customers looking to transform their contracts with AI," says John Okunski, Senior Vice President, Alliances at Icertis.

"CloudMoyo與Icertis幾乎有十年的戰略合作伙伴關係,並且擁有精通合同智能的專職團隊。合同挑戰因行業而異,CloudMoyo選擇與Icertis的垂直優先方法保持一致,將爲那些希望通過AI改變合同的共享客戶提供更多價值," Icertis奇科副總裁,聯盟部高級副總裁John Okunski說。

CloudMoyo is looking forward to investing deeper in customer engagement and working with their partners by contributing an in-depth understanding of their business processes and providing meaningful solutions to address customer challenges.


They're also passionate about the new opportunities this shift will bring their employees to expand the skillsets of CloudMoyo's teams. As a reflection of CloudMoyo's FORTE values, the company continuously seeks to support the career growth of its employees by providing opportunities to sharpen and challenge their skills. CloudMoyo's strategic refocus will build teams that can hit the ground running, already understanding obstacles customers face within their industries. It will create a larger consulting focus, positioning CloudMoyo as a top-tier consulting and engineering firm.

他們還對這種轉變帶來的新機遇充滿熱情,這將爲CloudMoyo團隊的技能不斷拓展提供機會。作爲CloudMoyo FORTE價值觀的體現,該公司不斷尋求支持員工職業發展的機會,提供機會錘鍊和挑戰他們的技能。CloudMoyo的戰略重新聚焦將建立能夠迅速上手的團隊,已經了解客戶所面臨行業挑戰的障礙。它將打造一個更大的諮詢重點,將CloudMoyo定位爲一家一流的諮詢和工程公司。

CloudMoyo is looking forward to the transformation this strategic refocus will bring. Their leadership is excited to serve their customers in new, transformative ways and bring opportunities for their employees to grow and transform with resilience.


Additional coverage on CloudMoyo website >>


About CloudMoyo


CloudMoyo is a global digital engineering firm headquartered in Bellevue, WA, with an innovation center in Pune India. We're at the intersection of cloud and AI for enterprises across manufacturing, technology, retail, transportation, distribution, and more.


We work with various partners to deliver innovative solutions. With Icertis, we utilize our domain expertise to accelerate end-to-end, organization-wide contract intelligence business solutions, empowering our customers in self-governance, automatic risk and compliance monitoring, and AI-based legacy migration, as well as utilizing Icertis ExploreAI in implementations to bring the power of generative AI to contracting. Our partnership with Microsoft allows us to empower our customers in democratizing data, infuse operations with AI, innovate with cloud-native applications, and integrate solutions at litespeed using our CloudMoyo Application-Analytics Framework (CAF). With our Azure expertise, our teams can bring the power of OpenAI to any enterprise application. Our customer-focused approach dedicates SMEs and engineers to create an exceptional team to serve you.

我們與各種合作伙伴合作,提供創新解決方案。與Icertis合作,我們利用自身領域專業知識加速端到端、全組織範圍的合同智能業務解決方案,爲客戶自我治理、自動風險和合規監控,並利用基於AI的遺留遷移,同時在實施中利用Icertis ExploreAI,將生成AI的力量引入合同中。我們與微軟的合作使我們能夠讓客戶實現數據民主化,並通過AI注入運營,在雲原生應用中創新,並利用我們的CloudMoyo應用分析框架(CAF)在lite速度上集成解決方案。憑藉我們在Azure方面的專業知識,我們的團隊可以將OpenAI的力量帶到任何企業應用中。我們以客戶爲中心的方法致力於爲您提供卓越團隊。

Trusted by our customers to address their unique business needs, whether strategy and design or implementation, CloudMoyo is fueled by the fast-evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI/ML, and digital engineering platforms. We're determined to continue supporting our customers in transforming with resilience and thriving despite the challenging macroeconomic outlook ahead. Our track record includes developing enterprise solutions for a variety of customers, including several Fortune 1000 companies.


As a reflection of our FORTE values, CloudMoyo was honored as the Icertis Partner of the Year – Forte Values in 2021. They were also awarded the 2024 Highest Delivery NPS Award at the 2024 Icertis Partner Summit. CloudMoyo is recognized by Seattle Business Magazine as a "Top Company to Work For" for the fifth consecutive year, ranking again on the prestigious list for 2023.

作爲我們FORTE價值觀的反映,CloudMoyo榮獲2021年Icertis年度合作伙伴- Forte Values獎。他們還獲得了2024年Icertis合作伙伴峯會上的2024年最高交付NPS獎。CloudMoyo被《西雅圖商業雜誌》評爲連續第五年的「最佳工作公司」,並連續第二次榮登2023年的知名榜單。

Contact: Joy Bartolome, [email protected]

聯繫人:Joy Bartolome,[email protected]

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