
Get Paid $9,999.99 If You Correctly Guess 99 Brand's New Mystery Flavor--But There's a Retro Twist on How to Participate

Get Paid $9,999.99 If You Correctly Guess 99 Brand's New Mystery Flavor--But There's a Retro Twist on How to Participate

PR Newswire ·  10/01 21:09

99 Brand is opening a retro hotline and awarding the 99th caller who guesses the new flavor correctly a payday worth celebrating

99 Brand正在開通一條復古熱線,並獎勵第99位猜對新口味的呼叫者,贏得值得慶祝的獎勵

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Yo, yo, yo! 99 Brand on the line! Known for its excitable spirit and fun flavors that evoke the joys of simpler times, 99 Brand is thrilled to unveil a new mystery flavor dropping in stores nationwide in late October. While the exact flavor remains a secret for now, the brand invites fans to embark on a nostalgic journey back to the 90s.

肯塔基,路易斯維爾,2024年10月1日 / PRNewswire / -- Yo, yo, yo! 99 Brand 在線上!以其激動人心的烈酒和喚起簡單時光樂趣的口味而聞名,99 Brand 隆重推出一種新的神祕口味,將於10月下旬在全國各地的商店上市。儘管確切的口味目前仍是祕密,但這個品牌邀請粉絲們踏上一段回到90年代的懷舊之旅。

Call 1-833-GUESS99 and be the 99th caller to correctly identify the 99 Brand mystery flavor for a chance to win $9,999.99!
致電1-833-GUESS99,成爲正確識別99 Brand 神祕口味的第99位呼叫者,有機會贏得9,999.99美元!
99 Brand is thrilled to unveil a new mystery flavor dropping in stores nationwide in late October
99 Brand 隆重推出一種新的神祕口味,將於10月下旬在全國各地的商店上市

