
Valens Semiconductor's VA7000 and VS6320 Chipsets Power New Innovations in the Industrial Machine Vision Market

Valens Semiconductor's VA7000 and VS6320 Chipsets Power New Innovations in the Industrial Machine Vision Market

Valens Semiconductor的VA7000和VS6320芯片組推動工業機器視覺市場的新創新
PR Newswire ·  10/01 19:00

Integration of recently launched Valens chipsets into cutting-edge machine vision products from Teledyne e2v, Airy3D, FRAMOS, D3 Embedded, Leopard Imaging, and other companies, marks Valens' initial penetration into a $460 million Total Addressable Market

最近推出的Valens芯片已經整合到Teledyne e2v、Airy3D、FRAMOS、D3 Embedded、Leopard Imaging等公司的尖端機器視覺產品中,這標誌着Valens首次進入了價值46000萬美元的總可尋市場。

HOD HASHARON, Israel, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Valens Semiconductor (NYSE: VLN), a leader in high-performance connectivity, announced that it will showcase its innovative chipsets for the industrial machine vision market, thanks to the exceptional EMC performance and native CSI-2 extension support of the MIPI A-PHY-compliant VA7000, as well as the USB 3.2 extension capabilities of the VS6320.

以色列HOD HASHARON,2024年10月1日/路透社/--今天,高性能連接性領導者瓦倫斯半導體(紐交所:VLN)宣佈,由於符合MIPI A-PHY標準的VA7000具有出色的EMC性能和原生CSI-2擴展支持,以及VS6320具有USb 3.2擴展能力,將展示其用於工業機器視覺市場的創新芯片組。

Based on a variety of market research, the machine vision market is set to reach $7.8B by 2029, fueled by growth in factory and warehouse automation and tighter inspection regulations. MIPI A-PHY is a strong fit for this market due to the ability of the technology to be integrated inside the sensor, leading to smaller, more powerful, less expensive cameras. Valens estimates that its Total Addressable Market (TAM) in this segment is expected to reach $460 million by 2029.

根據各種市場研究,到2029年,機器視覺市場預計將達到780000000美元,這是由工廠和倉庫自動化以及更嚴格的檢驗規定推動的。MIPI A-PHY非常適合該市場,因爲該技術可以集成到傳感器內部,從而生產更小、更強大、更便宜的相機。Valens估計其在該細分市場的總可尋市場(TAM)預計到2029年將達到46000萬美元。

"Machine vision is rising across a number of industries, and Valens is well positioned to capture a significant market share with two of our most innovative chips – the VA7000 and the VS6320," said Gabi Shriki, SVP, Head of Audio-Video Business at Valens Semiconductor. "We look forward to seeing our chipsets enabling advanced machine vision solutions through our growing partnerships in this industry."

瓦倫斯半導體的音視頻業務總監Gabi Shriki表示:「機器視覺正在在多個行業中崛起,而瓦倫斯恰好憑藉我們最創新的兩款芯片--VA7000和VS6320--而具備捕獲大量市場份額的良好態勢。我們期待看到我們的芯片組通過與該行業的不斷增長的合作伙伴關係,實現先進的機器視覺解決方案。」

Both the VS6320 and VA7000 provide significant value for vision applications in the industrial market. Designed initially for automotive, the VA7000 chipset is the first to comply with the MIPI A-PHY standard for high-performance sensor connectivity. A-PHY's unique design provides automotive-grade, high-performance connectivity and enables customers to reduce the power, size, and cost of cameras – which are all essential for machine vision applications. The VS6320 is the first ASIC-based USB 3.2 high performance extension solution on the market. Using the VS6320 chipset removes the key limitation of USB-based industrial cameras – their short link distance – while maintaining all of their advantages.

VS6320和VA7000對工業市場的視覺應用提供了重要價值。最初爲汽車設計的VA7000芯片組是首個符合高性能傳感器連接性的MIPI A-PHY標準。 A-PHY的獨特設計提供了汽車級、高性能的連接性,並使客戶能夠減少相機的功耗、尺寸和成本--這些對機器視覺應用都至關重要。 VS6320是市場上第一個基於ASIC的USb 3.2高性能擴展解決方案。使用VS6320芯片組可消除USb工業相機的主要侷限性-短鏈接距離,並保持其所有優勢。

Valens has engaged with leading camera module manufacturers in industrial machine vision, and its chipsets are powering cutting-edge products by Teledyne e2v, Airy3D, FRAMOS, D3 Embedded, Leopard Imaging, and other companies.

Valens已與工業機器視覺領先的攝像頭模塊製造商展開合作,其芯片組正在爲Teledyne e2v、Airy3D、FRAMOS、D3 Embedded、Leopard Imaging等公司的尖端產品提供動力支持。

Teledyne e2v supports MIPI A-PHY for its Optimom range of turnkey imaging modules. This option paves the way for their use in specific MIPI applications where the vision processing unit is some distance away from the module.

Teledyne e2v爲其Optimom系列成套成像模塊提供MIPI A-PHY支持。該選項爲它們在視覺處理單元與模塊相距較遠的特定MIPI應用鋪平了道路。

"Our Optimom modules are widely used across multiple industries, and the latest Optimom 5D is a groundbreaking solution that offers both 2D and 3D vision simultaneously," said François Trolez, Marketing Manager, at Teledyne e2v. "Valens is providing a state-of-the-art long-distance MIPI connection, using simple, unshielded cabling. We included A-PHY as an option because of its flawless EMC performance, as well as its recognition as an industry standard. This will ensure the reliability of the vision data, offering an exciting proposition for our robotic and AMR focused customers and partners."

「我們的Optimom模塊被廣泛應用於多個行業,最新的Optimom 5D是一項開創性的解決方案,同時提供2D和3D視覺。」來自Teledyne e2v的市場經理François Trolez表示,「Valens提供了一種最先進的遠程MIPI連接,使用簡單的、未屏蔽的電纜。我們將A-PHY選項包括在內,是因爲其出色的電磁兼容性表現,以及被行業認可的標準。這將確保視覺數據的可靠性,爲我們的機器人和AMR聚焦客戶和合作夥伴提供令人興奮的方案。」

The new Optimom 5D module features Teledyne e2v's Topaz5D image sensor and offers both 2D vision and 3D depth data outputs. This unique 5D technology is enabled by IPs and software from Airy3D.

新的Optimom 5D模塊配備了Teledyne e2v的Topaz5D圖像傳感器,並提供2D視覺和3D深度數據輸出。這種獨特的5D技術由Airy3D的IP和軟件實現。

"Airy3D's DepthIQ single-sensor IP enables machine-vision applications to be realised where traditional short-range stereo and time of flight products fall short," said Ron Low, Sr VP Business Development and Marketing. "Partnering with both Teledyne e2v and Valens Semiconductor, our combined solutions allow for challenges such as occlusions, changing light conditions and long reach latency to be overcome which is an exciting development for the machine-vision industry going forwards."

「Airy3D的DepthIQ單傳感器IP可以實現傳統短距離立體和飛行時間產品難以企及的機器視覺應用。」高級副總裁業務發展和市場營銷Ron Low表示,「與Teledyne e2v和Valens Semiconductor合作,我們的綜合解決方案可以應對遮擋、光線條件變化和長達潛伏延遲等挑戰,這對前進中的機器視覺行業是一項令人興奮的發展。」

FRAMOS, the leading global expert in embedded vision systems, has added A-PHY sensor module support to its popular FSM and FSM:GO ecosystem of optical image sensor modules, allowing for high bandwidth, link distance and cable flexibility.


"At FRAMOS, we take pride in providing our customers with the most advanced technologies on the market, bringing the best possible image into the memory of the customer's solution," said André Brela, Product Manager at FRAMOS. "We've invested in collaborating with Valens making the adopter module option with the VA7000 A-PHY chipset available to our joint customers because of the demand we see in the market for standardized long-reach CSI-2 extension, along with the innovations enabled by this technology, including cable length, EMC performance, and advanced link diagnostics."

「在FRAMOS,我們自豪地爲客戶提供市場上最先進的技術,將最佳圖像帶入客戶解決方案的記憶。」FRAMOS的產品經理André Brela表示,「我們已投資與Valens合作,推出支持VA7000 A-PHY芯片組的採用者模塊選項,因爲我們看到市場對標準化長距離CSI-2延伸的需求,以及這項技術帶來的創新,包括電纜長度、電磁兼容性表現和高級鏈路診斷。」

D3 Embedded, a company specializing in embedded AI imaging solutions, is integrating the VA7000 chipsets into its camera modules, allowing for longer link distances and the use of simple, flexible cabling.

專注於嵌入式人工智能圖像解決方案的公司D3 Embedded正在將VA7000芯片組整合到其相機模塊中,使得能夠實現更長的鏈接距離並使用簡單靈活的電纜。

"We were impressed by Valens' ability to do multi-gig link speeds over unshielded cables and connectors," said Scott Reardon, CEO at D3 Embedded. "This is something our customers in the Industrial Vehicles and Robotics market have been looking for and it will open the door to more optimized embedded vision solutions. We're happy to be working with Valens to put this innovative product in front of our customers and partners."

"我們對Valens在未經屏蔽電纜和連接器上實現多千兆鏈接速度的能力印象深刻,"D3 Embedded的CEO Scott Reardon說。"這正是我們在工業車輛和機器人市場中的客戶一直在尋找的,將爲更優化的嵌入式視覺解決方案打開大門。我們很高興與Valens合作,把這一創新產品展示給我們的客戶和合作夥伴。"

Leopard Imaging, an established supplier of high-performance machine vision cameras, is offering an A-PHY camera module tailored for industrial applications.

作爲一家專業從事高性能機器視覺相機的供應商,Leopard Imaging推出了專爲工業應用量身定製的A-PHY相機模塊。

"We're familiar with the technological advantages that Valens' A-PHY chipsets bring through our automotive module offering," said Cliff Cheng, SVP of Marketing at Leopard Imaging. "A-PHY solves issues we've had in providing high bandwidth, long distance connectivity will ensuring robust EMC immunity. We look forward to seeing these camera modules powering innovative, cross-market solutions."

"我們通過我們的汽車模組產品看到了Valens A-PHY芯片組帶來的技術優勢,"Leopard Imaging的營銷高級副總裁Cliff Cheng說。"A-PHY解決了我們在提供高帶寬、長距離連接時遇到的問題,同時確保了強大的電磁兼容性。我們期待看到這些相機模塊推動創新的跨市場解決方案。"

The Valens' VA7000-based solutions by Teledyne e2v, Airy3D, FRAMOS, D3 Embedded and Leopard Imaging, as well as the Valens VS6320, will be showcased at the Valens booth (10F80) at VISION in Stuttgart, on October 8-10, 2024.

Teledyne e2v、Airy3D、FRAMOS、D3 Embedded和Leopard Imaging利用Valens的VA7000解決方案,以及Valens的VS6320,將於2024年10月8日至10日在斯圖加特VISION展上的Valens展位(10F80)展示。

About Valens Semiconductor

關於Valens SemiconductorValens Semiconductor

Valens Semiconductor (NYSE:VLN) is a leader in high-performance connectivity, enabling customers to transform the digital experiences of people worldwide. Valens' chipsets are integrated into countless devices from leading customers, powering state-of-the-art audio-video installations, next-generation videoconferencing, and enabling the evolution of ADAS and autonomous driving. Pushing the boundaries of connectivity, Valens sets the standard everywhere it operates, and its technology forms the basis for the leading industry standards such as HDBaseT and MIPI A-PHY. For more information, visit .

Valens Semiconductor(紐交所:VLN)是高性能連接領域的領導者,使客戶能夠改變全球人們的數字體驗。Valens的芯片組集成到許多領先客戶的設備中,支持最先進的音視頻安裝、下一代視頻會議,促進ADAS和自動駕駛的發展。Valens在推動連接性的邊界,並在其運營的各個領域樹立了標準,其技術構成了行業領先標準(如HDBaset和MIPI A-PHY)的基礎。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "estimate," "plan," "project," "forecast," "intend," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "seek," "target" or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our anticipated future results, including financial results, currency exchange rates, and contract wins, and future economic and market conditions. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this press release, and on the current expectations of Valens Semiconductor's ("Valens") management and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as and must not be relied on by any investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of Valens Semiconductor. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the cyclicality of the semiconductor industry; the effect of inflation and a rising interest rate environment on our customers and industry; the ability of our customers to absorb inventory; the impact of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 on our customers' budgets and on economic conditions generally, as well as the length, severity of and pace of recovery following the pandemic; competition in the semiconductor industry, and the failure to introduce new technologies and products in a timely manner to compete successfully against competitors; if Valens fails to adjust its supply chain volume due to changing market conditions or fails to estimate its customers' demand; disruptions in relationships with any one of Valens' key customers; any difficulty selling Valens' products if customers do not design its products into their product offerings; Valens' dependence on winning selection processes; even if Valens succeeds in winning selection processes for its products, Valens may not generate timely or sufficient net sales or margins from those wins; sustained yield problems or other delays in the manufacturing process of products; our ability to effectively manage, invest in, grow, and retain our sales force, research and development capabilities, marketing team and other key personnel; our ability to timely adjust product prices to customers following price increase by the supply chain; our ability to adjust our inventory level due to reduction in demand due to inventory buffers accrued by customers; our expectations regarding the outcome of any future litigation in which we are named as a party; our ability to adequately protect and defend our intellectual property and other proprietary rights; the market price and trading volume of the Valens ordinary shares may be volatile and could decline significantly; political, economic, governmental and tax consequences associated with our incorporation and location in Israel; and those factors discussed in Valens' Form 20-F filed with the SEC on February 28, 2024 under the heading "Risk Factors," and other documents of Valens filed, or to be filed, with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or our assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that Valens does not presently know or that Valens currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect Valens' expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this press release. Valens anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause Valens' assessments to change. However, while Valens may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Valens specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Valens' assessment as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含"前瞻性聲明",涉及1995年美國《私人證券訴訟改革法》"安全港"規定。前瞻性聲明可通過使用"估計"、"計劃"、"項目"、"預測"、"打算"、"將"、"預期"、"期盼"、"相信"、"搜索"、"目標"或其他類似表述來識別,這些表述預測或指示未來事件或趨勢或非歷史事實的聲明。這些前瞻性聲明包括但不限於關於我們預期的未來業績,包括財務業績、貨幣兌換率和合同贏得情況,以及未來的經濟和市場情況。這些聲明基於各種假設,無論本新聞稿中是否有指定,並根據Valens Semiconductor("Valens")管理層的當前期望,不是實際表現的預測。這些前瞻性聲明僅供說明目的,並不打算作爲任何投資者的保證、擔保、預測或確定事實或概率的聲明,也不得被任何投資者依賴。實際事件和情況難以預測並將有所不同於假設。許多實際事件和情況超出了Valens Semiconductor的控制範圍。這些前瞻性聲明受到許多風險和不確定性的影響,包括半導體行業的週期性;通貨膨脹和升息環境對我們客戶和行業的影響;我們客戶吸收庫存的能力;COVID-19全球大流行對我們客戶預算和一般經濟狀況的影響,以及疫情後的持續時間、嚴重程度和恢復速度;半導體行業的競爭以及未能及時推出新技術和產品以成功與競爭對手競爭;如果Valens未能根據市場變化調整供應鏈容量或未能估計客戶需求;與Valens任何關鍵客戶的關係中斷;如果客戶未將其產品設計爲產品的一部分而難以銷售Valens產品;Valens依賴於贏得選擇過程;即使Valens成功贏得其產品的選擇過程,Valens可能無法從這些 wins 產生及時或足夠的淨銷售額或利潤;產品的生產過程中存在持續的產量問題或延遲;我們有效管理、投資、增長和保留銷售團隊、研發能力、營銷團隊和其他關鍵人員的能力;投資供應鏈價格上漲後及時調整產品價格到客戶的能力;庫存緩衝引起需求減少,我們調整庫存水平的能力;關於我們未來任何訴訟結果的預期;我們充分保護和捍衛我們的知識產權和其他專有權利的能力;Valens普通股的市場價格和交易量可能會波動並可能大幅下降;與我們在以色列設立和設在的政治、經濟、政府和稅收後果;以及Valens在2024年2月28日提交給SEC的20-F表格中討論的那些名爲"風險因素"的因素,以及Valens已經提交或將提交給SEC的其他文件。如果其中任何風險變爲現實,或我們的假設被證明不正確,實際結果可能會與這些前瞻性聲明所暗示的結果有所不同。Valens當前不知道或當前認爲不重要的其他風險也可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中包含的結果不同。此外,前瞻性聲明反映了Valens對未來事件、計劃或展望的期望以及本新聞稿發佈日期的觀點。Valens預計後續事件和發展可能導致Valens的評估發生變化。然而,儘管Valens可能選擇在將來某個時候更新這些前瞻性聲明,但Valens明確聲明沒有義務這樣做。這些前瞻性聲明不應該被視爲代表Valens在本新聞稿發佈日期後的評估。因此,不應過分依賴這些前瞻性聲明。

Press Contacts


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Valens Semiconductor
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