
Athena Completes Transformative Transaction With Libra, Acquires Ontario Gold Assets, and Plans to Strengthen Management Team and Board

Athena Completes Transformative Transaction With Libra, Acquires Ontario Gold Assets, and Plans to Strengthen Management Team and Board

Accesswire ·  10/01 18:57

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / Athena Gold Corporation (CSE:ATHA)(OTCQB:AHNR) ("Athena Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to its press release of September 11, 2024, the Company has executed a definitive agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") dated September 30, 2024 with Libra Lithium Corp. ("Libra"), a privately-held company, to acquire up to a 100% right, title and interest in the Laird Lake and Oneman Lake gold projects in Ontario (collectively called the "Properties") (the "Acquisition").

多倫多,安大略省/ ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月1日 / Athena Gold Corporation (CSE:ATHA)(OTCQB:AHNR)("Athena Gold"或"該公司")高興地宣佈,根據2024年9月11日的新聞稿,該公司已於2024年9月30日簽署了一份明確協議("明確協議"),與私人持有的公司Libra Lithium Corp. ("Libra") 達成一項協議,以收購安大略省Laird Lake和Oneman Lake黃金項目高達100% 的權利、所有權和利益(統稱爲"資產")("收購")

Upon final regulatory approvals, members of Libra's board and management teams are expected to join Athena Gold. David Goodman, LLB, CFA, will join the Board of Directors as Chairman and Koby Kushner, P.Eng., CFA, will take on the role of President, CEO, and Director. John Power, current President of Athena Gold, is expected to remain as Secretary and Director. Ty Minnick will remain as Chief Financial Officer. The Board of Directors will consist of Athena's current Board of Directors which includes John Power, Brian Power and John Hiner and be expanded to five members with David Goodman and Koby Kushner. Members from Libra's technical team, Benjamin Kuzmich, MSc, P.Geo, and Andrew Jedemann, MSc, P.Geo, are expected to join Athena Gold as Vice President, Exploration, and Exploration Manager, respectively.

在最終獲得監管批准後,預計Libra董事會成員和管理團隊將加入Athena Gold。 David Goodman, LLb,CFA,將加入董事會擔任主席,Koby Kushner,P.Eng.,CFA,將擔任總裁、CEO兼董事。 Athena Gold現任總裁John Power預計將繼續擔任秘書和董事。Ty Minnick將繼續擔任首席財務官。董事會將由Athena目前的董事會成員John Power,Brian Power和John Hiner組成,將擴展至五名成員,並加入David Goodman和Koby Kushner。預計來自Libra技術團隊的Benjamin Kuzmich,MSc,P.Geo,和Andrew Jedemann,MSc,P.Geo,將加入Athena Gold,分別擔任勘探副總裁和勘探經理。

"Our team has spent the last few months compiling all historical data across Athena's portfolio in Nevada. As we dig deeper into the data at Excelsior Springs, we can't help but become more excited," said incoming CEO, Koby Kushner. "I believe Athena has some of the best drill intercepts from a junior mining company in Nevada, and that our team is well equipped to re-envision what was historically a high-grade, underground brownfields site, into a large-scale, high-margin, open pit gold target. Meanwhile, our team continues to put boots on the ground in Ontario, where we have samples pending from our recent reconnaissance program at Laird Lake."

"過去幾個月中,我們的團隊一直在整理內華達州Athena投資組合的所有歷史數據。當我們深入挖掘Excelsior Springs的數據時,我們不禁感到更加興奮,"即將上任的CEO Koby Kushner說道。"我相信Athena擁有內華達州一家初級礦業公司中最好的鑽孔截獲結果,我們的團隊已經做好準備重新構想歷史上一處高品位的地下布朗場地,將其打造成大規模、高利潤的露天黃金目標。同時,我們的團隊繼續在安大略省着手實地工作,我們在Laird Lake最近的勘探項目中仍有樣品待定。"

"Building upon our recent advancements at Excelsior Springs, I look forward to collaborating with Koby and his dedicated technical team with our collective goal to continue building shareholder value. While Excelsior Springs remains our flagship project, I am keen to diversify our portfolio with the addition of Laird Lake and Oneman Lake projects in Ontario," said John Power, President & CEO. "I am particularly excited about Laird, which covers an underexplored portion of the Red Lake Mining Camp and is proximal to Great Bear and Madsen mines under development. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Libra as a shareholder in Athena."

借鑑我們最近在Excelsior Springs取得的進展,我期待與Koby及其專注的技術團隊合作,共同致力於繼續提升股東價值。雖然Excelsior Springs仍然是我們的旗艦項目,但我渴望通過在安大略省新增Laird Lake和Oneman Lake項目來實現我們的投資組合多樣化目標。"公司總裁兼首席執行官約翰·鮑爾表示。"我對Laird特別感到興奮,它覆蓋了紅湖礦區中一個未經充分開發的區域,毗鄰Great Bear和Madsen礦產項目正在開發中。我也想熱烈歡迎Libra成爲Athena的股東。"



  • Athena is to acquire Libra's Laird Lake and Oneman Lake projects in Ontario through the issuance of common shares to Libra, such that Libra will own 43,865,217 shares in Athena upon completion of the planned amalgamation.

  • Laird Lake (4,158 ha) is located in Ontario's Red Lake Gold Camp, which has produced over 29 million ounces of goldi from some of the highest-grade gold mines globally and is easily accessible via road.

    • Laird Lake is hosted in a similar structural setting as Kinross Gold's multimillion-ounce Great Bear project, and West Red Lake Gold's nearby Madsen mine, only 11 kilometres away. Kinross recently announced results of a preliminary economic assessment for the Great Bear project, that outlined a large-scale, high-margin, gold producer, capable of producing over 500,000 oz at an all-in sustaining cost of approximately US$800/oz over the first 8 years, with a US$1.9 billion NPV5% and 24.3% IRR after-tax, based on gold prices of US$1,900/ozi. Meanwhile, West Red Lake Gold recently reaffirmed its target of restarting production at Madsen in 2025ii.

    • The project covers approximately a 10-kilometre strike extent of the Balmer-Confederation Assemblage contact, the same contact that hosts the majority of gold deposits in the Red Lake Gold Camp. According to a recent Master of Science thesis, "the Laird Lake property likely represents the continuation of the same mineralized structure found at both the Madsen and Starrat-Olsen mines and was later displaced as far as 10 km west by the dextral Laird Lake fault post-2704 Ma.iii"

    • Despite being directly along trend of the nearby Madsen Mine and having visible gold showings on surface, Laird Lake remains largely untested, with only limited historical exploration work completed to date.

    • There can be no assurance that actual results on adjacent properties is any indication of future exploration success at Laird Lake.

  • Oneman Lake (578 ha) is located in the Kenora Mining District, within the Separation Rapids Greenstone Belt, and contains a breccia zone up to 100m wide with key indicator sulfide minerals.

  • Athena將通過向Libra發行普通股的方式收購Libra在安大略省的Laird Lake和Oneman Lake項目,這樣一來,在計劃的合併完成後,Libra將擁有Athena的43,865,217股普通股。

  • Laird Lake(4,158公頃)位於安大略省的紅湖金礦區,該區域產出了超過2900萬盎司的黃金,屬全球最高品位黃金礦之一,並且通過道路輕鬆到達。

    • Laird Lake所在的構造環境與金羅斯黃金的多百萬盎司Great Bear項目以及西紅湖金的附近Madsen金礦類似,僅11公里遠。金羅斯最近公佈了Great Bear項目的初步經濟評估結果,該評估描繪了一個大規模、高利潤的黃金生產商,頭8年可產出50萬盎司以上,全成本維持成本約爲每盎司800美元,在金價爲每盎司1,900美元時,稅後淨現值19億美元,內部收益率24.3%。與此同時,西紅湖金最近重申了其計劃在2025年啓動Madsen生產的目標。

    • 該項目所覆蓋的範圍約爲10公里,與Balmer-Confederation Assemblage接觸點相吻合,該接觸點擁有紅湖金礦區大部分黃金礦牀。根據最近的碩士論文所述,"Laird Lake項目很可能是Madsen和Starrat-Olsen礦牀發現的同一礦化構造的延伸,並在2704 Ma後被D型Laird Lake斷層向西最多位移了10公里。"

    • 儘管萊爾德湖正好位於附近麥迪森礦山的走向,並且地表上有可見的金礦顯示,但萊爾德湖仍然大部分尚未經過測試,迄今僅完成了有限的歷史勘探工作。

    • 無法保證鄰近地塊的實際結果能夠預示萊爾德湖未來勘探成功。

  • 奧尼曼湖(578公頃)位於肯諾拉礦區,分隔瀑布綠巖帶內,含有寬達10000萬的碎屑帶,含有關鍵指示性硫化礦物。

Planned Board and Management Additions:


  • David Goodman, Libra's co-founder and largest individual shareholder, is expected to join Athena's Board of Directors as Chairman.

  • Koby Kushner, Libra's co-founder and CEO, is expected to join Athena's Board of Directors and take on the role of President and CEO of the Company.

  • Members from Libra's technical team, Benjamin Kuzmich and Andrew Jedemann, are expected to join Athena as Vice President, Exploration, and Exploration Manager, respectively.

  • 利布拉的聯合創始人也是最大的個人股東大衛·古德曼預計將加入雅典娜的董事會擔任主席。

  • 利布拉的聯合創始人兼首席執行官科比·庫什納預計將加入雅典娜的董事會並擔任公司總裁兼首席執行官。

  • 利布拉的技術團隊成員本傑明·庫茲米奇和安德魯·傑德曼預計將加入雅典娜擔任副總裁、勘探,和勘探經理。

Koby Kushner, P.Eng., CFA, is the Chief Executive Officer and a director of Libra. He has spent most of his career as a mining engineer and more recently, an equity research analyst. Prior to entering finance, Mr. Kushner worked at several mines in Ontario and Manitoba, including Hemlo (Barrick Gold), Detour, Rice Lake, and others. During this time, Mr. Kushner has seen projects advance through all stages of development, including exploration, production, and closure. He then moved into equity research at Red Cloud Securities, a mining-only investment bank, where he wrote on over 100 companies across various stages of development and a wide range of commodities, with a particular focus on precious and energy metals. He holds a BSc in Mining Engineering from Queen's University, is a licensed Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and is a CFA charterholder.

Koby Kushner是Libra的首席執行官和董事。他大部分職業生涯都是採礦工程師,近年來轉爲權益研究分析師。在進入金融領域之前,Kushner先生曾在安大略省和馬尼托巴省多個礦山工作,包括Hemlo(巴里克黃金)、Detour、Rice Lake等礦山。在此期間,Kushner先生見證了項目從初勘、生產到閉坑的各個階段發展。後來他加入Red Cloud Securities擔任權益研究員,這是一家專注於礦業的投資銀行,在該銀行他撰寫了超過100家公司的研究報告,涵蓋各個發展階段和廣泛的大宗商品,尤其關注貴金屬和能源金屬。他擁有皇后大學的礦業工程學士學位,是安大略省持有註冊專業工程師資格,也是CFA持證人。

David Goodman, LLB, CFA, is the Chairman of Libra. Mr. Goodman left an early career as a litigator in 1994 to become a Partner, Vice President and Portfolio Manager at the investment management firm behind Dynamic Funds. He became President and Chief Executive Officer of Dynamic Funds in 2001 and of DundeeWealth, Dynamic's public company parent, in 2007. Under Mr. Goodman's leadership, the firm became one of Canada's best performing and fastest growing investment managers, was recognized as Fund Company of the Year seven times at the Canadian Investment Awards while growing assets under management from $5 billion to approximately $50 billion, until its ultimate sale in 2011 to a Canadian bank. In the past Mr. Goodman was a member of the boards of DundeeWealth, Repadre Capital Corporation, Dundee Corporation, SickKids Foundation and a trustee of the Dundee REIT. Mr. Goodman was previously the head of Global Asset Management for a major Canadian bank and CEO of Dundee Corporation. In addition to his business interests, Mr. Goodman is the founder and CEO of Humour Me, an annual event whereby high-profile executives compete in stand-up comedy and has raised over $20 million to date for worthy causes.

David Goodman,法學學士,特許金融分析師(CFA),是Libra的董事長。Goodman先生在1994年離開了作爲訴訟律師的早期職業,成爲投資管理公司的合夥人、副總裁和投資組合經理,該公司是Dynamic Funds的背後。他於2001年擔任Dynamic Funds的總裁兼首席執行官,並於2007年擔任了DundeeWealth的總裁,後者是Dynamic的上市公司母公司。在Goodman先生的領導下,該公司成爲加拿大最業績優秀和增長最快的投資經理之一,曾七次獲得加拿大投資大獎的年度基金公司,同時將資產管理規模從$5 billion增長到約$50 billion,在其最終於2011年被一家加拿大銀行收購。過去,Goodman先生曾是DundeeWealth、Repadre Capital Corporation、Dundee Corporation、SickKids基金會的董事會成員,以及Dundee REIt的受託人。Goodman先生曾是一家加拿大主要銀行的全球資產管理主管和Dundee Corporation的首席執行官。除了他的商業興趣,Goodman先生還是Humour Me的創始人兼首席執行官,這是一個每年舉辦的活動,高知名度的高管在這裏進行喜劇表演,並已爲有價值的事業籌集超過$20 million至今。

Benjamin Kuzmich, MSc., P.Geo, is the Vice President, Exploration of Libra. He is a professional geologist with a proven track record of exploration success in Canada throughout Ontario, Manitoba, and the Yukon. His accomplishments include the delineation of the E-Zone at Barrick's Hemlo gold mine, where he managed a $20M drill program, and where his reinterpretation of geologic models resulted in a 23% improvement in underground head grade for 2019. Outside of Hemlo, he led the discovery of the Little Wing gold occurrence at Alamos's Lynn Lake project as well as numerous REE/LCT pegmatite, precious, and base metal occurrences throughout the Superior Province. He completed his MSc thesis at Lakehead University on the highly endowed, critical mineral-rich Ring of Fire in northern Ontario, and his undergraduate thesis on S-type granitic intrusions.

Benjamin Kuzmich, msc, P.Geo,是Libra的勘探副總裁。他是一名專業地質學家,在加拿大安大略省、曼尼託巴和育空地區取得了勘探成功的經驗記錄。他的成就包括在Barrick Gold的Hemlo黃金礦區劃定E區的地點,他管理了一個耗資$20 million的鑽井項目,他對地質模型的重新解釋導致2019年地下平均品位提高了23%。除了Hemlo外,他還帶領在Alamos的Lynn Lake項目發現了Little Wing金礦點,以及在蘇必利爾省發現了衆多稀土元素/LCt長石,貴金屬以及基礎金屬礦點。他在Lakehead大學完成了關於安大略北部富含重要礦產的「火環」研究所的碩士論文,並在本科論文中研究了S型花崗質侵入岩。

Andrew Jedemann, MSc., P.Geo, is the Exploration Manager of Libra. He is an experienced professional geologist with a strong technical background who has been exploring for various commodities in northwestern Ontario over the past 8 years. Andrew has spent most of his career working on several early- to advanced-stage Au, Li, and Ni-Cu-PGE projects around Northwestern Ontario, most notably of which included designing, implementing, and managing >20,000m of drilling at the Barrick - Hemlo gold mine. Additionally, Andrew has worked in the prolific Ring of Fire where he assisted in generating new base and precious metal targets as well as directly overseeing field exploration work. Andrew completed his MSc Geology degree from Lakehead University in partnership with the University of Tasmania (CODES) on characterizing an early-stage porphyry and epithermal prospect on Vancouver Island.

Andrew Jedemann, MSc., P.Geo,是Libra的勘探經理。他是一位經驗豐富的專業地質學家,具有強大的技術背景,在過去的8年裏一直在安大略西北部勘探各種商品。安德魯在其職業生涯的大部分時間裏,一直在安大略西北部的幾個早期到高級階段的Au、Li和Ni-Cu-PGE項目上工作,其中最著名的是在巴里克-赫姆洛黃金礦進行設計、實施和管理超過2000000萬的鑽探工作。此外,安德魯還曾在火之環地區工作,協助生成新的基本金屬和貴金屬目標,並直接監督現場勘探工作。安德魯在與塔斯馬尼亞大學(CODES)合作的Lakehead大學完成了他的地質學碩士學位,研究對象是溫哥華島上的一個早期斑岩和熱液礦牀。

Terms of the Definitive Agreement:


Pursuant to the Definitive Agreement, Athena Gold will acquire up to a 100% interest in the Properties, consisting of 218 mining claims covering approximately 4,736 hectares. The Properties are comprised of two projects: one known as the Oneman Lake Project located near Kenora, Ontario and the other known as the Laird Lake Project in Red Lake, Ontario. Pursuant to an option agreement dated August 19, 2024, with Bounty Gold Corp. ("Bounty Gold"), Libra has earned 100% ownership of the Oneman Lake Project and has the exclusive option to acquire the Laird Lake Project (the "Option") subject to certain terms and conditions. Bounty Gold has consented to the transfer of the Properties to Athena Gold.

根據最終協議,Athena Gold將獲得權益高達100%的總面積達4,736公頃的物業,包括218項採礦權。該物業由兩個項目組成:一個位於安大略省Kenora附近的Oneman Lake項目,另一個位於安大略省Red Lake的Laird Lake項目。根據日期爲2024年8月19日的期權協議,Libra已獲得Oneman Lake項目100%的所有權,並獨家擁有獲取Laird Lake項目的期權(「期權」),受到一定條款和條件的約束。Bounty Gold已同意將物業轉讓給Athena Gold。

All parties to this transaction are arm's length.


As consideration of the Properties, Athena Gold has agreed to issue 43,865,217 common shares in the capital of Athena Gold's wholly owned subsidiary, Nova Athena Gold Corp. to Libra, at a deemed value of CDN $0.05 per share.

作爲對該物業的考慮,Athena Gold同意向Libra發行43,865,217股Athena Gold全資子公司Nova Athena Gold Corp.的普通股,每股設定價爲加元0.05加元。

Athena Gold will assume all obligations of the Option to Bounty Gold to acquire the Laird Lake Project by incurring the following cash payments and share issuances over the course of five years (which may be accelerated at Athena Gold's option):

Athena Gold將承擔所有Buyout Gold公司獲取Laird Lake項目的期權的義務,通過在五年內進行以下現金支付和股票發行(可由Athena Gold選擇加快執行):

  1. payment of CDN $50,000 in cash on or before August 19, 2025, of which up to 50% of such payment may be made in the form of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold;

  2. payment of CDN $50,000 in cash on or before August 19. 2026, of which up to 50% of such payment may be made in the form of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold;

  3. payment of CDN $50,000 in cash on or before August 19, 2027, of which up to 50% of such payment may be made in the form of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold;

  4. payment of CDN $50,000 in cash on or before August 19, 2028, of which up to 50% of such payment may be made in the form of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold; and

  5. payment of CDN $1,000,000 in cash on or before August 19, 2029, or alternatively

  6. payment of 75% in cash and the issuance of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold equal to 25% of the payment, for a total payment of CDN $1,250,000;

  7. payment of 50% in cash and the issuance of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold equal to 50% of the payment, for a total payment of CDN $1,500,000; or

  8. payment of 25% in cash and the issuance of common shares in the capital of Athena Gold equal to 75% of the payment, for a total payment of CDN $1,750,000.

  1. 支付50,000加元現金,最遲於2025年8月19日或之前支付,其中最多可有50%的付款以Athena Gold資本的普通股形式支付;

  2. 支付50,000加元現金,最遲於2026年8月19日或之前支付,其中最多可有50%的付款以Athena Gold資本的普通股形式支付;

  3. 支付50,000加元現金,最遲於2027年8月19日或之前支付,其中最多可有50%的付款以Athena Gold資本的普通股形式支付;

  4. 支付50,000加元現金,最遲於2028年8月19日或之前支付,其中最多可有50%的付款以Athena Gold資本的普通股形式支付;並

  5. 支付1,000,000加元現金,最遲於2029年8月19日或

  6. 支付75%現金,併發行Athena Gold資本的普通股,相等於支付額的25%,總額爲1,250,000加元;

  7. 支付50%現金,併發行Athena Gold資本的普通股,相等於支付額的50%,總額爲1,500,000加元;或

  8. 支付25%現金,併發行Athena Gold資本的普通股,相等於支付額的75%,總額爲1,750,000加元。

In the event that Athena Gold pays any of the payments to Bounty Gold in the form of both cash and common shares, the price per share will be determined with the number of shares being based on a per share deemed issue price equal to the 30-day VWAP of the shares for the period of any twenty (20) consecutive trading days on the Canadian Securities Exchange ending on the date that is three business days prior to the date of issuance of the additional common shares.


Upon completion of the above obligations by Athena Gold, Bounty Gold will retain a 2% NSR on the Properties, of which 1% may be purchased by Athena Gold for CDN $1,000,000 at any time.

雅典娜黃金完成上述義務後,賞金黃金將保留物業的2% NSR,其中1%隨時可由雅典娜黃金以100萬加元購買。

Athena Gold has agreed to pay a finder's fee to Castlewood Capital Corp. in connection with the Acquisition, through the issuance of 1,737,236 common shares in the capital of Nova Athena Gold Corp. The finder's fee will be payable upon completion of the proposed Amalgamation of Athena Gold.

雅典娜黃金同意在收購之後向Castlewood Capital Corp.支付一項發現者費,通過發行新金星金業有限公司資本中的1,737,236普通股。發現者費將在雅典娜黃金提議的合併完成後支付。

All common shares issued pursuant to the Acquisition will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day from the date of issuance in Canada. Any shares issued by Athena Gold prior to the proposed Amalgamation will be subject to applicable United States hold periods.


None of the foregoing shares have been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any applicable state securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) or persons in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor will there be any sale of the foregoing securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


As a result of the Acquisition, Libra will beneficially own approximately 19.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of Nova Athena.


The Acquisition is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory and corporate approvals, including the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange.


Proposed Amalgamation and Redomicile to Canada


Within thirty days following the execution and delivery of the Definitive Agreement, Athena Gold and Nova Athena will enter into and execute a Plan of Merger and Amalgamation (the "Merger Agreement") pursuant to which, subject to obtaining the necessary consents and regulatory approvals and compliance with all applicable legal requirements, Athena Gold will complete the merger and amalgamation with and into Nova Athena and redomicile to British Columbia, Canada (the "Amalgamation" or "Merger"). As a result of the Amalgamation, Nova Athena shall be the surviving entity. In the Amalgamation, each stockholder of Athena Gold will receive one common share in the capital of Nova Athena for each common share of Athena Gold. The existing shares of Nova Athena held by Athena Gold prior to the Amalgamation will be gifted back and cancelled. Following completion of the Merger, Libra will not own more than 19.9% of the issued share capital as a result of the cancellation. The Company will continue to maintain its stock listing on the OTCQB and anticipates a seamless continuation of its stock trading in both US and Canadian marketplaces. The Company expects that the Amalgamation will become effective in the early part of 2025.

在簽署和交付最終協議後的三十天內,Athena Gold和Nova Athena將簽署並執行一項合併和合並計劃("合併協議"),根據該協議,Athena Gold將完成與Nova Athena的合併及合併,並遷址至加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省("合併"或"合併")。 作爲合併的結果,Nova Athena將成爲存續實體。 在合併中,Athena Gold的每位股東將收到Nova Athena資本中每份Athena Gold普通股的一份普通股。 合併之前由Athena Gold持有的Nova Athena現有股份將被退還並註銷。 合併完成後,由於註銷的結果,Libra將不會擁有超過發行股本的19.9%。 公司將繼續保持其在OTCQb的股票上市,並預計其股票在美國和加拿大市場的交易將順利進行。 公司預計合併將於2025年初生效。

Athena Gold will hold a shareholder meeting to approve the proposed Amalgamation to be called as soon as possible. In addition to the proposed Amalgamation, shareholders will be asked to approve an increase in Athena Gold's authorized capital to an unlimited number of common shares, a change of name (if required) and the delisting of Athena Gold's common shares from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Full details of the proposed merger and redomicile, including the associated benefits and risks, will be provided in the registration statement on Form S-4 to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Athena Gold.

Athena Gold將召開股東大會盡快審議擬議的合併。 除擬議的合併外,股東還將被要求批准將Athena Gold的授權資本增加至無限量的普通股,更改名稱(如有必要)以及將Athena Gold的普通股從證券交易委員會除牌。 擬議合併和遷址的所有詳細內容,包括相關的利益和風險,將在由Athena Gold提交給證券交易委員會的S-4表格註冊申報書中提供。

About Athena Gold Corporation

關於Athena Gold Corporation

Athena Gold is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct additional exploration drilling and studies on the Project.


About Our Flagship Excelsior Springs Project

關於我們的旗艦Excelsior Springs項目

The Excelsior Springs Project (the "Project") lies within the prolific Walker Lane tectonic trend, a large region of northwest-trending, strike-slip fault zones that host a significant number of precious metal deposits having very strong structural control for mineralization. The Walker Lane trend is experiencing a major resurgence of intense and successful exploration and development.

Excelsior Springs項目("項目")位於富有產量的Walker Lane構造帶內,這是一個大型的北西向走向的走滑斷裂帶區域,其中容納了大量具有礦化強結構控件的貴金屬礦牀。Walker Lane構造帶正在經歷一次強烈而成功的勘探和開發的復甦。

The Project contains numerous prospect pits, trenches, roads, surface sampling sites and 113 drill holes to date within a 300m X 3,000m wide (1,000 foot-wide and 10,000-foot-long east-west trending zone of shearing and alteration. Underground workings on the two patented claims within the Project had unverified, historical production of 19,200 oz at 41.1 g/t Au.

項目包含許多礦化點、探礦溝、道路、表層採樣點和迄今爲止的113口鑽孔,位於一個30000萬 X 300000萬範圍內(東西走向的1000英尺寬和10000英尺長的剪切帶和改造帶。項目內的兩個有專利的索賠地下作業歷史產量爲未經驗證的19200盎司,平均含金量爲41.1克/噸。

Gold mineralization discovered at the Project to date occurs in quartz veins, stock-works, and silicified zones in hornfels and calc-silicate altered country rock and is generally close to porphyry dykes. The best grades and thicknesses discovered recently were found in oxidized and altered sedimentary rock immediately above porphyry dykes intruded along preexisting east- and east-northeast trending faults. The mineralized stock-work vein zones are shallow and have a relatively flat plunge, making them potentially amenable to open pit mining methods.


Based on the results of previous drilling programs, the Project has the potential to host one or more shallow gold deposits amenable to open pit mining, along with deeper, higher grade feeder zones that may be found and could be mined by underground methods. In the opinion of management and its consultants, the Project is very promising and further exploration has the potential to expand the known mineralization and establish additional mineralized zones.


For further information about Athena Gold Corporation and our Excelsior Springs Gold project, please visit .

有關Athena Gold Corporation和我們的Excelsior Springs Gold項目的更多信息,請訪問。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


John C. Power, President
Athena Gold Corporation
For further information, please contact:
Phone: John C. Power, (707) 291-6198

電話:約翰·C·鮑爾,(707) 291-6198

Jason Libenson
President and CCO
Castlewood Capital Corporation

Jason Libenson
Castlewood Capital Corporation

Forward Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding future exploration plans, future results from exploration, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: "believes", "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", "plans", "may", "should", "potential", "scheduled", or variations of such words and phrases and similar expressions, which, by their nature, refer to future events or results that may, could, would, might or will occur or be taken or achieved. In making the forward-looking statements in this press release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that there will be investor interest in future financings, market fundamentals will result in sustained precious metals demand and prices, the receipt of any necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in connection with the future exploration and development of the Company's projects in a timely manner.


The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors as disclosed in the final long form prospectus of the Company dated August 31, 2021.


Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements in this press release or incorporated by reference herein, except as otherwise.


iGreat Bear Technical Report: Voluntary National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report

iGreat Bear技術報告:自願國家43-101技術報告

iiWest Red Lake recent announcement about restart activities in 2025: West Red Lake Gold Provides Madsen Mine Restart Activities

iiWest Red Lake最近宣佈將於2025年重新啓動活動:West Red Lake Gold提供Madsen礦重新啓動活動

iiiRecent Master of Science thesis on Laird Lake: Geology and geochemistry of the Laird Lake property and associated gold mineralization, Red Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Ontario

iii最近關於Laird Lake的碩士論文:Laird Lake物業及相關黃金礦化地質和地球化學,紅湖綠巖帶,安大略西北部

SOURCE: Athena Gold Corp

來源:Athena Gold Corp

