
Pharma Company Gets FDA Green Light For Next Phase Trial For Tourette Syndrome

Pharma Company Gets FDA Green Light For Next Phase Trial For Tourette Syndrome

Benzinga ·  10/01 08:09

SciSparc Ltd.(NASDAQ:SPRC), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its investigational new drug (IND), which enables the company to proceed to Phase IIb clinical trial for its medication to treat Tourette Syndrome (TS).

納斯達克上市的SciSparc Ltd.(SPRC)是一家處於臨床階段的藥品公司,宣佈美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)已批准其新藥物研究(IND),使該公司可以進入第IIb期臨床試驗階段,用於治療抽動症(TS)的藥物。

This FDA approval is a significant milestone for the company as it seeks to address unmet medical needs in managing TS.


SciSparc Targets Unmet Medical


Tourette Syndrome is a complex neurological disorder that affects patients worldwide, especially children and adolescents. Existing treatments often fall short of effectively managing symptoms. "As the currently used medications are managing only a small number of disease symptoms with limited efficacy and questionable safety, we believe there is a clear unmet medical need for the management of TS," said SciSparc's CEO, Oz Adler.

抽動症是一種影響全球患者,特別是兒童和青少年的複雜神經系統紊亂。現有的治療方法通常無法有效地管理症狀。 「由於目前使用的藥物僅管理了少數疾病症狀,其功效有限且安全性存疑,我們認爲管理TS存在明顯的未滿足的醫療需求,」SciSparc的首席執行官Oz Adler表示。

SciSparc's drug candidate, SCI-110, has already shown promising results in earlier trials. A Phase IIa clinical trial at Yale University demonstrated a reduction in TS-related tics of 21% across patients with almost 40% of participants experiencing a greater than 25% reduction.


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Global Clinical Trial To Start Soon


The upcoming Phase IIb trial will take place at three medical institutions: the Yale Child Study Center in Connecticut, the Hannover Medical School in Germany and the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel.


This trial will focus on assessing the efficacy, safety, and tolerability in adult patients. "The therapy of choice should also have a favorable safety profile, allowing for high patient drug compliance," Adler added.

該試驗將重點評估成人患者的療效、安全性和耐受性。"治療選擇還應具有良好的安全性概況,以確保患者高度遵從藥物治療," Adler 表示。

Participants in the trial will be randomized at a 1:1 ratio to receive either SCI-110 or a placebo. The trial will measure changes using the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale at weeks 12 and 26, with the primary safety objective being to assess serious adverse events across the patient population.

試驗中的參與者將以 1:1 的比例隨機分配,分別接受 SCI-110 或安慰劑。該試驗將在第 12周和第 26周使用耶魯全球抽動嚴重度量表進行變化測量,主要安全目標是評估整個患者群中的嚴重不良事件。

Cannabinoids And The Broader Vision


SciSparc is specialized in cannabinoid-based treatments for neurological disorders.

SciSparc 在神經系統疾病的大麻類化合物治療方面專業化。

Besides SCI-110 for TS, the company is also exploring its potential for Alzheimer's disease and agitation. "We believe our innovative drug candidate SCI-110 has the potential to be this desired therapy," Adler said.

除了用於TS的 SCI-110 外,公司還在探索其在阿爾茨海默病和煩躁症中的潛力。"我們相信我們的創新藥物候選 SCI-110 有可能成爲這種期望的治療方法," Adler 說。

  • Read Also: Cannabis For Tourette Syndrome? Significant Improvement In Quality Of Life, Finds Israeli Study
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