
How Hurricane Helene Could Disrupt Global Semiconductor Supply Chain, And Potentially Drive Inflation Higher

How Hurricane Helene Could Disrupt Global Semiconductor Supply Chain, And Potentially Drive Inflation Higher

Benzinga ·  04:06

Hurricane Helene landed in the southeastern United States on Thursday, causing deadly floods and billions of dollars worth of damage. The storm, which hit North Carolina particularly hard, also has the potential to disrupt the $500 billion semiconductor industry, which could cause inflation to spike higher.
What Does Helene Have To Do With Semiconductors? Spruce Pine, a mining town in North Carolina, has some of the purest quartz on Earth, according to the Verge. The town's quartz is essential for semiconductor manufacturers, as it's used to produce silicon wafers, a critical component for semiconductors and chips.
Footage shared to social media sites like X shows roads completely underwater in areas surrounding Spruce Pine, although the exact damage done to the town's mining operations is unclear. A spokesperson from The Quartz Corp, one of the town's mining companies, told the Verge that it's too early to comment on the storm's impact on the company's operations.
Read Also: Hurricane Helene Devastates Southeastern U.S., Slamming Infrastructure And Leaving Millions Powerless

So, this wouldn't be the first time a natural disaster has impacted Spruce Pine's mining operations. In 2008, a fire impeded the miner's ability to produce the town's high-purity quartz, sending "shivers" through the industry, according to Wired. But today, 16 years after the fire, semiconductors are much more pertinent to the global economy, with everything from cars to smartphones requiring advanced chips.
The Context: When the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the global semiconductor supply chain, it impeded the production flow of goods like cars and appliances, sending prices higher as supply was constrained. And while the Federal Reserve and other central banks have made progress in their fights against inflation, supply chain issues like a hurricane disrupting semiconductor production could cause inflation to rise again.

海倫與半導體有何關係?根據The Verge的報道,北卡羅來納州的Spruce Pine是地球上一些最純淨的石英之一。該鎮的石英對半導體制造商至關重要,因爲它用於生產硅片,這是半導體和芯片的關鍵組件。
在社交媒體網站(如X)分享的視頻顯示,圍繞Spruce Pine地區的道路完全被淹沒,儘管該鎮的採礦作業造成的確切破壞尚不清楚。該鎮採礦公司之一The Quartz Corp的發言人告訴The Verge,現在評論風暴對公司運營的影響還爲時過早。

因此,這並非第一次自然災害影響了Spruce Pine的採礦作業。據Wired報道,2008年一場火災影響了該礦工廠生產該鎮高純度石英的能力,給整個行業帶來"震顫"。但是,16年後的今天,半導體對全球經濟更爲重要,從汽車到智能手機都需要先進的芯片。

Pictures and video courtesy of Richard Crouse and the Let's talk Spruce Pine FB group. The rural area of the mountains has been absolutely decimated by Hurricane Helene. People are stranded. This is a dire situation. @WRAL @ABC11_WTVD @WLOS_13

— kelciecrouse (@kelciecrousee) September 28, 2024

圖片和視頻由Richard Crouse和Let's talk Spruce Pine Fb小組提供。這個山區的農村地區被颶風海倫徹底摧毀。人們被困。情況非常糟糕。@WRAL @ABC11_WTVD @WLOS_13

— kelciecrouse (@kelciecrousee) 2024年9月28日

In addition to the town's mining companies, semiconductor manufacturing companies that are reliant on Spruce Pine's raw materials could be impacted by the flooding. These companies include Tawain Semiconductor Mfg (NYSE:TSM), ASML Holding (NASDAQ:ASML), Applied Materials (NASDAQ:AMAT), and more.
In addition to the disruptions potentially caused by Hurricane Helene, ongoing labor disputes with dockworkers could also impact the global supply chain and increase the prices of goods.
Keep Reading:

除了該鎮的礦業公司外,依賴Spruce Pine原材料的半導體制造公司可能受洪水影響。這些公司包括臺灣半導體制造(紐約證券交易所:TSM)、阿斯麥控股(納斯達克:ASML)、應用材料(納斯達克:AMAT)等。

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