
VeeFriends Premieres New 2D-Animated Kids Series Produced by Candle Media's Moonbug Entertainment on YouTube: Fast-Paced Fun, Action-Packed Battles, and Life Lessons Await

VeeFriends Premieres New 2D-Animated Kids Series Produced by Candle Media's Moonbug Entertainment on YouTube: Fast-Paced Fun, Action-Packed Battles, and Life Lessons Await

VeeFriends首映新的2D動畫兒童系列,由蠟燭傳媒的Moonbug Entertainment在YouTube上製作:快節奏樂趣,充滿動作的戰鬥和人生教訓等待着
PR Newswire ·  09/30 21:48

Produced by Moonbug Entertainment and VaynerWatt, the first three VeeFriends episodes will premiere on VeeFriends YouTube Kids channel on September 30.

由Moonbug娛樂和VaynerWatt製作,VeeFriends的前三集將於9月30日在VeeFriends YouTube Kids頻道首播。

LOS ANGELES and NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- VeeFriends, a new 2D-animated cartoon series produced by Moonbug Entertainment, a part of Candle Media, and VaynerWatt that's based on the VeeFriends character universe, is set to premiere its first three episodes on VeeFriends YouTube Kids channel on September 30. It's Spongebob Squarepants meets Teen Titans Go, with just a splash of Sesame Street, as a wild collection of larger-than-life characters are pitted against each other in the VeeDome to battle out the biggest issues facing kids today. With a total of 20 three-minute episodes, VeeFriends promises fast-paced, laugh-out-loud entertainment, with new episodes dropping weekly on Saturdays after the premiere.

洛杉磯和紐約,2024年9月30日 /PRNewswire/ -- VeeFriends,一部由 Moonbug娛樂旗下的Candle Media的一部分,以及 VaynerWatt 爲基礎打造的2D動畫系列。 VeeFriends character universe, is set to premiere its first three episodes on VeeFriends YouTube Kids channel on September 30. It's Spongebob Squarepants meets Teen Titans Go, with just a splash of Sesame Street, as a wild collection of larger-than-life characters are pitted against each other in the VeeDome to battle out the biggest issues facing kids today. With a total of 20 three-minute episodes, VeeFriends promises fast-paced, laugh-out-loud entertainment, with new episodes dropping weekly on Saturdays after the premiere.

VeeFriends Cartoons feature six main characters: Dialed-In Dog, Empathy Elephant, Dynamic Dinosaur, Fearless Fairy, Perfect Persian Cat, and Gracious Grizzly Bear.
VeeFriends Cartoons feature six main characters: Dialed-In Dog, Empathy Elephant, Dynamic Dinosaur, Fearless Fairy, Perfect Persian Cat, and Gracious Grizzly Bear.

"I created VeeFriends to help change the world and inspire people to see things from others' perspectives through relatable characters. I am so excited that this show is finally coming to life," says VeeFriends Creator Gary Vaynerchuk. "For this first animated series, we use epic, action-packed stories to give kids the tools to handle their emotions, build resilience, and truly embrace who they are. That's where the real win happens."

"I created VeeFriends to help change the world and inspire people to see things from others' perspectives through relatable characters. I am so excited that this show is finally coming to life," says VeeFriends Creator Gary Vaynerchuk. "For this first animated series, we use epic, action-packed stories to give kids the tools to handle their emotions, build resilience, and truly embrace who they are. That's where the real win happens."

Rated for children aged 6-11, the show's mission is to reshape how kids view the world by embracing challenges and defeat, teaching that failure is a key step toward growth. Through fun, action-packed battles, VeeFriends highlights resilience, motivation, and the importance of learning from setbacks, showing kids how to face emotions and turn struggles into personal growth opportunities.

Rated for children aged 6-11, the show's mission is to reshape how kids view the world by embracing challenges and defeat, teaching that failure is a key step toward growth. Through fun, action-packed battles, VeeFriends highlights resilience, motivation, and the importance of learning from setbacks, showing kids how to face emotions and turn struggles into personal growth opportunities.

"We're thrilled to partner with Gary Vaynerchuk and VaynerWatt to bring the VeeFriends animated series to life," said Candle Media Co-CEO's Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs. "Gary and the VeeFriends team have built a vibrant and deeply engaged community, and we are proud to have co-produced a series that is highly entertaining, and also enriched with important life lessons for kids and families. This partnership is perfectly aligned with that of Candle and our team at Moonbug: to create franchise content that both entertains and inspires."

"We're thrilled to partner with Gary Vaynerchuk and VaynerWatt to bring the VeeFriends animated series to life," said Candle Media Co-CEO's Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs. "Gary and the VeeFriends team have built a vibrant and deeply engaged community, and we are proud to have co-produced a series that is highly entertaining, and also enriched with important life lessons for kids and families. This partnership is perfectly aligned with that of Candle and our team at Moonbug: to create franchise content that both entertains and inspires."

In each episode of VeeFriends, characters compete in the VeeDome, the ultimate challenge arena, where they try to find the middle – where they can both be fully themselves, and also flexible, cooperative, and understanding of others. The show features six main characters, each with their own unique personality traits and quirks, who will be joined by additional guest characters in various episodes. The main characters are:

在《VeeFriends》的每一集中,角色們在VeeDome進行競技,這裏是終極挑戰競技場,他們嘗試找到平衡 - 在這裏他們可以完全做自己,同時也要靈活、合作並且理解他人。這個節目有六位主要角色,每個角色都有自己獨特的個性特點和怪癖,在不同的集數中還會有不同的客串角色參與。主要角色包括:

  • Dialed-In Dog
  • Empathy Elephant
  • Dynamic Dinosaur
  • Fearless Fairy
  • Perfect Persian Cat
  • Gracious Grizzly Bear
  • 對焦犬
  • 移情大象
  • 活力恐龍
  • 無畏精靈
  • 完美波斯貓
  • 和藹灰熊

Guiding them all through the VeeDome's competitions is the Dome Master who ensures that each battle runs smoothly and that every character who steps into the VeeDome comes out a little stronger and a lot more self-aware.


"We hope VeeFriends captures the attention of kids and families alike with its mix of fun, action, and life lessons," said VeeFriends President Andy Krainak.

「我們希望VeeFriends通過其有趣、充滿活力和生活教訓的混合風格吸引孩子和家庭的注意,」 VeeFriends總裁安迪·克拉納克說。

About VeeFriends
VeeFriends is a contemporary entertainment company that combines collectibles, events, games and technology to allow people to make stronger connections with themselves and the VeeFriends. The company's mission is to scale its unique VeeFriends characters and their qualities to create a happier world. These characters foster a sense of balance and inspire accountability, positivity, creativity, self-discovery, and personal growth. For more information, visit , join the discord channel, and follow VeeFriends on Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

VeeFriends 是一家現代娛樂公司,結合了收藏品、活動、遊戲和科技,讓人們與自己和VeeFriends建立更緊密的聯繫。該公司的使命是擴大其獨特的VeeFriends角色及其品質,創造一個更幸福的世界。這些角色培養平衡感,激發責任感、積極性、創造力、自我發現和個人成長。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 ,加入 discord頻道,並關注VeeFriends Instagram, LinkedInX.

About Moonbug Entertainment
Moonbug is an award-winning global entertainment company inspiring kids everywhere to laugh, learn and grow. The company is behind some of the biggest kids' entertainment brands in the world including CoComelon and Blippi. Moonbug believes every child should have access to entertaining and enriching content, making its shows available on more than 150 video platforms globally including Netflix, Disney+, BBC iPlayer and YouTube Kids. The company is also a global leader in pre-school music and audio experiences, available on 100+ audio platforms globally. Moonbug brands extend far beyond the screen to include streaming music, consumer products and live events.

Moonbug是一家屢獲殊榮的全球娛樂公司,激發各地兒童歡笑、學習和成長。該公司是全球最大的兒童娛樂品牌之一,包括CoComelon和Blippi。Moonbug相信每個孩子都應該接觸富有娛樂性和豐富內涵的內容,使其節目在全球超過150個視頻平台上均可觀賞,包括奈飛、迪士尼+、BBC iPlayer和YouTube Kids。該公司還是全球領先的學齡前音樂和音頻體驗提供商,在全球100多個音頻平台上均可獲取。Moonbug品牌不僅僅限於屏幕,還包括流媒體音樂、消費產品和現場活動。

Moonbug is part of Candle Media, an independent, creator-friendly home for cutting-edge, high-quality, category-defining brands and franchises. By bringing together elite talent operating at the intersection of content, community, and commerce, it helps to position leading entertainment businesses for accelerated, sustainable growth in the current market and beyond. Candle is run by its Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs, leading entertainment executives Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs, and backed by investment capital from funds managed by Blackstone's flagship private equity business.

Moonbug是Candle Media的一部分,它是一個獨立的、致力於創新的、高品質的、定義類別的品牌和特許經營機構的家園。通過彙集在內容、社區和商業交叉點運營的卓越人才,它有助於爲當前市場及未來的加速、可持續增長設定領先娛樂企業的地位。Candle由其共同主席兼共同首席執行官領導,這兩位是領先的娛樂高管凱文·梅耶和湯姆·斯塔格斯,受黑石旗艦私募股權業務管理的基金投資支持。

About VaynerWatt
VaynerWATT is a content production company co-founded in January 2023 by Eric Wattenberg, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Matt Higgins. Operating out of New York City and Los Angeles, VaynerWATT is redefining the traditional entertainment industry by combining innovative storytelling, strategic brand partnerships, and go-to market strategies with content that resonates across platforms and cultures. For more information, please check and @VaynerWatt's social handles.

VaynerWatt是由Eric Wattenberg、Gary Vaynerchuk和Matt Higgins共同創立於2023年1月的內容製作公司。總部位於紐約市和洛杉磯的VaynerWatt通過結合創新敘事、戰略品牌合作和營銷策略,運用與各個平台和文化共鳴的內容,重新定義了傳統娛樂行業。欲了解更多信息,請查看vaynerwatt.com和@VaynerWatt的社交賬號。

Media Contacts
For Moonbug Entertainment: [email protected]
For Gary Vaynerchuk, VaynerWatt, and VeeFriends: [email protected]

有關Moonbug Entertainment:[email protected]
關於Gary Vaynerchuk、VaynerWatt和VeeFriends: [email protected]

SOURCE Gary Vaynerchuk

資訊來源Gary Vaynerchuk




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