
Top 2 Utilities Stocks That Could Blast Off This Quarter

Top 2 Utilities Stocks That Could Blast Off This Quarter

Benzinga ·  09/30 20:32

The most oversold stocks in the utilities sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.

RSI是一個動量指標,它比較股票在價格上漲的日子裏的走強與價格下跌的日子的走強。與股票的價格走勢相比,它可以讓交易者更好地了解股票在短期內的表現。根據Benzinga Pro的數據,當相對強弱指數低於30時,資產通常被視爲超賣。

Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.


VivoPower International PLC (NASDAQ:VVPR)

VivoPower International PLC(納斯達克股票代碼:VVPR)

  • On Sept. 17, VivoPower announced a heads of agreement to merge with Future Automotive Solutions and Technologies. The company's stock fell around 42% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $1.02.
  • RSI Value: 28.40
  • VVPR Price Action: Shares of VivoPower International fell 7% to close at $1.06 on Friday.
  • Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest VVPR news.
  • 9月17日,VivoPower宣佈了與未來汽車解決方案和技術公司合併的協議負責人。該公司的股票在過去一個月中下跌了約42%,跌至52周低點1.02美元。
  • RSI 值:28.40
  • VVPR價格走勢:週五,VivoPower International的股價下跌了7%,收於1.06美元。
  • Benzinga Pro 的實時新聞提醒注意最新的 VVPR 新聞。

Alternus Clean Energy Inc (NASDAQ:ALCE)

Alternus 清潔能源公司(納斯達克股票代碼:ALCE)

  • On Sept. 19, Alternus Clean Energy announced the termination of Membership Interest Purchase and Sales Agreement (MIPSA) for Portfolio of Solar Parks. Alternus CEO Vincent Browne commented, "It is unfortunate that we cannot continue with this transaction as planned. However, this is just one of many identified strategic acquisitions and business growth areas underway for Alternus, such as the recent joint venture announcement with Hover Energy and other projects in review and under negotiation. We remain fully committed to the renewable energy market in the United States, whether via the acquisition of operating or ready-to-build projects and look forward to sharing these as soon as we can." The company's stock fell around 27% over the past month. It has a 52-week low of $0.15.
  • RSI Value: 25.93
  • ALCE Price Action: Shares of Alternus Clean Energy fell 2% to close at $0.16 on Friday.
  • Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in ALCE stock.
  • 9月19日,Alternus Clean Energy宣佈終止太陽能園區投資組合的會員權益購買和銷售協議(MIPSA)。Alternus首席執行官文森特·布朗評論說:「不幸的是,我們無法按計劃繼續進行這筆交易。但是,這只是Alternus已確定的衆多戰略收購和業務增長領域之一,例如最近宣佈與Hover Energy的合資企業以及其他正在審查和談判中的項目。無論是通過收購運營項目還是現成建項目,我們都將全力支持美國的可再生能源市場,並期待儘快分享這些項目。」該公司的股票在過去一個月中下跌了約27%。它的52周低點爲0.15美元。
  • RSI 值:25.93
  • ALCE價格走勢:週五,Alternus Clean Energy的股價下跌了2%,收於0.16美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的圖表工具幫助確定了ALCE股票的走勢。
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