
Prime Medicine Announces Strategic Research Collaboration and License Agreement With Bristol Myers Squibb to Develop and Commercialize Multiple Prime Edited Ex Vivo T-Cell Therapies

Prime Medicine Announces Strategic Research Collaboration and License Agreement With Bristol Myers Squibb to Develop and Commercialize Multiple Prime Edited Ex Vivo T-Cell Therapies

Prime Medicine宣佈與百時美施貴寶達成戰略研究合作及許可協議,開發和商業化多種Prime編輯的體外T細胞療法
GlobeNewswire ·  09/30 19:00

Collaboration Combines Prime Medicine's Precise, Multiplex Gene Editing Capabilities with Bristol Myers Squibb's Broad Expertise in Development and Commercialization of Novel Cell Therapies

合作將Prime Medicine的精確、多重基因編輯能力與百時美施貴寶在新細胞療法開發和商業化方面的廣泛專業知識相結合

Prime Medicine to Receive $110 Million Upfront, with Potential for More Than $3.5 Billion in Milestones, Including $1.4 Billion in Development Milestones and More Than $2.1 Billion in Commercialization Milestones

Prime Medicine將獲得1.1億美元的預付款,其里程碑可能超過35億美元,其中包括14億美元的開發里程碑和超過21億美元的商業化里程碑

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept.  30, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prime Medicine, Inc. (Nasdaq: PRME) today announced a strategic research collaboration and license agreement with Bristol Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) to develop reagents for the next generation of ex vivo T-cell therapies. Under the terms of the agreement, Prime Medicine will design optimized Prime Editor reagents for a select number of targets, including reagents that use its Prime Assisted Site-Specific Integrase Gene Editing (PASSIGE) technology. Bristol Myers Squibb will be responsible for development, manufacturing and commercialization of the next generation cell therapies, with support from Prime Medicine in gene editing strategy and reagent development.

馬薩諸塞州劍橋,2024年9月30日(環球新聞專線)——Prime Medicine, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:PRME)今天宣佈與百時美施貴寶(紐約證券交易所代碼:BMY)達成戰略研究合作和許可協議,爲下一代體外T細胞療法開發試劑。根據協議條款,Prime Medicine將爲特定數量的靶標設計優化的Prime Editor試劑,包括使用其Prime輔助位點特異性整合酶基因編輯(PASSIGE)技術的試劑。Bristol Myers Squibb將負責下一代細胞療法的開發、製造和商業化,Prime Medicine將在基因編輯策略和試劑開發方面提供支持。

"We are excited to collaborate with Bristol Myers Squibb, a global leader in cell therapy for hematology, immunology, and oncology. Through this effort, we will apply our Prime Editing technology beyond the rare genetic diseases in our internal pipeline, potentially unlocking opportunities in areas of high unmet needs in immunological diseases and cancer," said Keith Gottesdiener, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Prime Medicine. "We are particularly excited that efforts under this collaboration will leverage our PASSIGE technology, that we believe will advance our one-step, non-viral, multi-kilobase-size gene editing approach into the clinic. There is tremendous opportunity for PASSIGE and Prime Editing to revolutionize the field of cell therapy, and we look forward to expanding our reach over time through both internal and partnered efforts."

“我們很高興與血液學、免疫學和腫瘤學細胞療法領域的全球領導者百時美施貴寶合作。Prime Medicine總裁兼首席執行官Keith Gottesdienerwand.D. 表示,通過這項工作,我們將把我們的Prime Editing技術應用於內部研發中的罕見遺傳病之外,這有可能在免疫疾病和癌症的高未得到滿足的需求領域開啓機會。「我們特別興奮的是,此次合作下的努力將利用我們的PASSIGE技術,我們相信這將把我們的一步式、非病毒、多千鹼基大小的基因編輯方法推向臨床。PASSIGE和Prime Editing有巨大的機會徹底改變細胞療法領域,我們期待隨着時間的推移通過內部和合作努力擴大我們的覆蓋範圍。」

Prime Medicine's PASSIGE technology combines Prime Editing with an integrase or other site-specific recombinase to introduce large gene-sized cargo into the genome for stable cargo expression. PASSIGE is delivered through an entirely non-viral manufacturing process without introducing double-stranded DNA breaks or off-target edits and may enable more precise and effective genetic modification.

Prime Medicine 的 PASSIGE 技術將 Prime Editing 與整合酶或其他位點特異性重組酶相結合,將大型基因大小的貨物引入基因組,以實現穩定的載體表達。PASSIGE 通過完全非病毒的製造過程交付,無需引入雙鏈 DNA 斷裂或脫靶編輯,可以實現更精確、更有效的基因改造。

"We are excited to enter this agreement with Prime Medicine as we continue to explore and invest in next generation approaches, including gene editing technologies, that may help unlock the full potential of cell therapy," said Teri Foy, Senior Vice President of Cancer Immunology and Cell Therapy Therapeutic Research Center at Bristol Myers Squibb. "Integrating Prime Medicine's technologies with our internal capabilities has the potential to open new avenues for innovation and we look forward to collaborating with them as we continue to bring the promise of cell therapy to immunology and oncology."

百時美施貴寶癌症免疫學和細胞療法治療研究中心高級副總裁泰瑞·福伊表示:「我們很高興能與Prime Medicine簽訂這項協議,因爲我們將繼續探索和投資下一代方法,包括基因編輯技術,這些方法可能有助於釋放細胞療法的全部潛力。」「將Prime Medicine的技術與我們的內部能力相結合,有可能爲創新開闢新的途徑,我們期待與他們合作,繼續爲免疫學和腫瘤學帶來細胞療法的前景。」

Under the terms of the agreement, Prime Medicine will receive a $55 million upfront payment and a $55 million equity investment from Bristol Myers Squibb. Prime Medicine is also eligible to receive more than $3.5 billion in milestones, including up to $1.4 billion in development milestones and more than $2.1 billion in commercialization milestones, along with royalties on net sales.

根據協議條款,Prime Medicine將獲得5500萬美元的預付款,以及來自百時美施貴寶的5500萬美元股權投資。Prime Medicine還有資格獲得超過35億美元的里程碑,包括高達14億美元的開發里程碑和超過21億美元的商業化里程碑,以及淨銷售額的特許權使用費。

About Prime Medicine
Prime Medicine is a leading biotechnology company dedicated to creating and delivering the next generation of gene editing therapies to patients. The Company is deploying its proprietary Prime Editing platform, a versatile, precise and efficient gene editing technology, to develop a new class of differentiated one-time curative genetic therapies. Designed to make only the right edit at the right position within a gene while minimizing unwanted DNA modifications, Prime Editors have the potential to repair almost all types of genetic mutations and work in many different tissues, organs and cell types. Taken together, Prime Editing's versatile gene editing capabilities could unlock opportunities across thousands of potential indications.

Prime Medicine 是一家領先的生物技術公司,致力於爲患者創造和提供下一代基因編輯療法。該公司正在部署其專有的Prime Editing平台,這是一種多功能、精確和高效的基因編輯技術,以開發一類新的差異化一次性治療遺傳療法。Prime Editors旨在僅在基因的正確位置進行正確的編輯,同時最大限度地減少不必要的DNA修改,它有可能修復幾乎所有類型的基因突變,並適用於許多不同的組織、器官和細胞類型。總而言之,Prime Editing的多功能基因編輯能力可以爲數千種潛在適應症開啓機會。

Prime Medicine is currently progressing a diversified portfolio of investigational therapeutic programs organized around our core areas of focus: hematology, immunology and oncology, liver and lung. Across each core area, Prime Medicine is focused initially on a set of high value programs, each targeting a disease with well-understood biology and a clearly defined clinical development and regulatory path, and each expected to provide the foundation for expansion into additional opportunities. Over time, the Company intends to maximize Prime Editing's broad and versatile therapeutic potential, as well as the modularity of the Prime Editing platform, to rapidly and efficiently expand beyond the diseases in its current pipeline, potentially including additional genetic diseases, immunological diseases, cancers, infectious diseases, and targeting genetic risk factors in common diseases, which collectively impact millions of people. For more information, please visit .

Prime Medicine目前正在推進圍繞我們的核心重點領域組織的多元化研究性治療項目組合:血液學、免疫學和腫瘤學、肝臟和肺部。在每個核心領域,Prime Medicine最初專注於一系列高價值的項目,每個項目都針對一種具有衆所周知的生物學特徵和明確的臨床開發和監管路徑的疾病,每個項目都有望爲擴展到更多機會提供基礎。隨着時間的推移,該公司打算最大限度地發揮Prime Editing廣泛而多功能的治療潛力以及Prime Editing平台的模塊化,以快速高效地擴展其當前產品線中的疾病,可能包括其他遺傳疾病、免疫疾病、癌症、傳染病以及針對共同影響數百萬人的常見疾病中的遺傳風險因素。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

2024 Prime Medicine, Inc. All rights reserved. PRIME MEDICINE, the Prime Medicine logos, and PASSIGE are trademarks of Prime Medicine, Inc. All other trademarks referred to herein are the property of their respective owners.

2024 Prime Medicine, Inc. 版權所有。PRIME MEDICINE、Prime Medicine 徽標和 PASSIGE 是 Prime Medicine, Inc. 的商標。此處提及的所有其他商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。

