
This Homebuilder Is Slashing Prices In Key Cities Where Prices Soared The Most

This Homebuilder Is Slashing Prices In Key Cities Where Prices Soared The Most

Benzinga ·  02:05

In response to changing market conditions in Florida and Texas, leading homebuilder KB Home (NYSE:KBH) has decided to slash home prices in Austin, San Antonio, Orlando, and Jacksonville.

爲應對佛羅里達和德克薩斯州不斷變化的市場條件,領先的住宅建築商kb home(紐交所:KBH)決定在奧斯汀、聖安東尼奧、奧蘭多和傑克遜維爾削減房屋價格。

What Happened: According to KB Home's Chief Operating Officer, Robert McGibney, the company has reduced home prices in these regions due to shifts in the housing markets of Florida and Texas.

發生了什麼:據kb home首席運營官羅伯特·麥吉布尼稱,公司由於佛羅里達和德克薩斯州住房市場的變化,已經降低了這些地區的房屋價格。

Earlier this week, the company reported third-quarter financial results. The company reported third-quarter revenue of $1.75 billion, beating analyst estimates of $1.728 billion. The U.S. homebuilder reported third-quarter earnings of $2.04 per share, beating analyst estimates of $2.02 per share.


"We experienced variability in demand across the quarter, with softening in late June through July, as buyers continued to evaluate elevated mortgage interest rates, and general economic concerns were rising. As rates moderated in August, our net orders improved," said Jeffrey Mezger, chairman and CEO of KB Home.

"在本季度需求存在變化,在6月底到7月份出現疲軟,因爲購房者繼續評估升高的抵押利率,同時普遍經濟狀況也在惡化。隨着利率在8月份趨於穩定,我們的淨訂單有所改善。"kb home董事長兼首席執行官傑弗裏·梅斯格爾表示。

According to the ResiClub report, KB Home expects full-year 2024 housing revenues in the range of $6.85 billion to $6.95 billion. Average selling prices for the full year are expected to be approximately $490,000.

根據ResiClub報告,kb home預計2024財年的房屋營業收入區間爲685億至695億美元。全年的平均銷售價格預計約爲49萬美元。

According to McGibney, the company has witnessed a revival in sales since the implementation of the price cuts, especially in August, with sales improving each week of the month and continuing into September.


Also Read: KB Home Slips After Earnings: What's Next for Homebuilders?

另請閱讀:kb home盈利後下滑,房屋建築商的下一步是什麼?

ResiClub highlighted that the markets of Austin, San Antonio, Orlando, and Jacksonville are among the few metro area housing markets where active inventory for sale has bounced back to pre-pandemic levels. This rise in inventory was flagged as a critical metric to monitor for potential falling home prices.


Despite the price reductions, KB Home's net new orders in Q3 2024 remained essentially unchanged compared to Q3 2023. The company's gross margin continues to slowly compress after skyrocketing during the Pandemic Housing Boom, but it has not yet fully returned to pre-pandemic levels.

儘管價格下調,kb home在2024年第三季度的淨新增訂單與2023年第三季度基本持平。公司毛利率在疫情期住房繁榮後飆升後繼續緩慢下滑,但尚未完全恢復到疫情前的水平。

Why It Matters: The decision by KB Home to reduce prices in these key markets is a significant indicator of the changing dynamics in the housing market. The increase in active inventory, coupled with the company's steady sales despite price cuts, suggests a shift in consumer behavior and market conditions.

爲何重要:kb home決定在這些關鍵市場降價是住房市場變化動態的重要指標。活躍庫存的增加,再加上公司儘管降價仍保持穩定銷售,表明消費者行爲和市場情況發生了變化。

This could potentially impact other homebuilders and the overall housing market in the future. As such, this development warrants close monitoring by investors and stakeholders in the real estate sector.


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