
Xpeng Enters Spain and Portugal With 3 Models

Xpeng Enters Spain and Portugal With 3 Models

CnEVPost ·  09/28 21:30

Xpeng has launched the G9 and G6 SUVs and the P7 sedan in Spain and Portugal as it expands its European footprint.

小鵬汽車在西班牙和葡萄牙推出了G9和G6 SUV以及P7轎車,擴大了其在歐洲的業務版圖。

(Image credit: Xpeng)

Xpeng (NYSE: XPEV) has entered the Spanish and Portuguese markets, as the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker expands its European footprint.


The company held launch events in Madrid, Spain, on September 25 and Lisbon, Portugal, on September 26, launching the G9 and G6 SUVs (sport utility vehicles) and the P7 sedan in both European countries, according to a statement today.

根據今天的一份聲明,該公司在9月25日在西班牙馬德里和9月26日在葡萄牙里斯本舉行了發佈活動,在這兩個歐洲國家推出了G9和G6 SUV(運動型多用途車)以及P7轎車。

In Spain, Xpeng received 650 reservations for test drives on the day of the launch in Madrid, it said.


By partnering with Salvador Caetano, the largest automotive group in the Iberian Peninsula, Xpeng will quickly establish a sales network in the Spanish market covering 10 cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Malaga, according to the company.

該公司表示,通過與伊比利亞半島最大的汽車集團Salvador Caetano合作,在西班牙市場迅速建立了覆蓋馬德里、巴塞羅那、塞維利亞和馬拉加等10個城市的銷售網絡。

In addition, Xpeng's sales network in Portugal will expand to 6 sales outlets by the end of 2024 and 15 by the end of 2025, on top of its current 2 sales outlets in Lisbon and Porto, it said.


Xpeng exported a batch of vehicles to Norway at the end of 2020, marking its first foray into the European market.


The company paused its overseas expansion in the second half of 2022, but restarted that effort in early 2023.


On February 18 -- the first working day after China's 2024 Lunar New Year holiday -- Xpeng chairman and CEO He Xiaopeng said in an internal letter that 2024 would be the first year of V 2.0 for Xpeng's internationalization efforts.

2月18日是中國2024年農曆新年假期後的第一個工作日,小鵬汽車董事長兼首席執行官何小鵬在一封內部信中表示,2024年將是小鵬汽車國際化努力的V 2.0啓動年。

The company launched the G9 and P7 in Germany in March and the G9 and G6 in France in May.


In July, Xpeng took the G6 to the Goodwood Festival of Speed 2024, marking the model's UK debut.

2024年7月,小鵬汽車將G6車型帶到Goodwood 2024速度節,標誌着該型號在英國的首次亮相。

The G6 would be open for ordering in the UK later this year, Xpeng said at the time.


Spain, the fourth-largest economy in the European Union, is an important option for Chinese carmakers looking to grow sales overseas, Xpeng said today, adding that the Portuguese car market has also shown strong growth in sales in recent years.


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