
Amazon Prime Day Data Insights Before October Event: Apple Purchases Up 22%, Celsius Tops Grocery Category

Amazon Prime Day Data Insights Before October Event: Apple Purchases Up 22%, Celsius Tops Grocery Category

亞馬遜Prime Day活動在十月事件之前的數據洞察:蘋果購買量增長22%,雪利酒成爲食品雜貨類別第一。
Benzinga ·  00:04 Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) reported setting new sales records during its July 2024 Prime Day event, though the company did not share many details on sales figures or growth.

亞馬遜公司(納斯達克:AMZN)報告稱其於2024年7月的Prime Day活動創造了新的銷售紀錄,儘管該公司沒有分享太多關於銷售數字或增長的細節。

Here's a look at the data on the trending categories and brands behind Amazon's record-breaking Prime Day 2024 event.

讓我們看一下亞馬遜創下紀錄的2024年Prime Day活動中正在趨勢的類別和品牌的數據。

The Details: Amazon's web traffic jumped by 65% on day one of Prime Day, according to data from SimilarWeb, indicating a high level of consumer interest in the sales event.

細節:根據SimilarWeb的數據,亞馬遜的網站流量在Prime Day的首日增加了65%,顯示消費者對銷售活動表現出了高度的興趣。

Overall, Amazon remained the number one brand by purchases, but Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) climbed past Samsung to claim the number two position with 22% purchase growth. Apple's growth was fueled by consumer searches for "Apple watch" and "airpods," which reached the top seventh- and eighth-ranked search terms, respectively.

總體而言,亞馬遜仍然是按購買量計算的頭號品牌,但蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)超越三星,以22%的購買增長率登上第二名,蘋果的增長得益於消費者對"Apple watch"和"airpods"的搜索,這兩者分別成爲前十大搜索詞的第七和第八位。

The Beauty & Personal Care category saw the largest purchase increase on Prime Day 2024, with sales growth of 14.8% year-over-year. COSRX was the top beauty brand by purchases, as K-Beauty trends continued to gain momentum. Koninklijke Philips NV's (NYSE:PHG) Philips Norelco entered the top 10 beauty and personal care brands in the number nine position.

個人護理和美容品類在2024年Prime Day上看到了最大的銷售增長,同比增長14.8%。韓貨(k-Beauty)趨勢繼續走高,COSRX是按購買量計算的頭號美容品牌,皇家飛利浦股份有限公司(紐交所:PHG)旗下的飛利浦剃鬚刀(Philips Norelco)以第九名的身份進入前十大美容護理品牌。

Electronics sales fell by 5.6% compared to 2023's Prime Day event. Samsung and Sony Group Corp. (NYSE:SONY) retained their rankings of number one and two by purchases in the category as consumers showed interest in gaming. "Gaming laptop," "gaming pc" and "gaming monitor" search terms all ranked in the top 10 electronic keywords from Prime Day 2024.

與2023年Prime Day相比,電子產品銷售下降了5.6%。三星和索尼集團公司(紐交所:SONY)在該類別中按購買量保持第一和第二的排名,消費者對arvr遊戲表現出了興趣。"Gaming laptop"、"gaming pc"和"gaming monitor"等搜索詞均進入了2024年Prime Day的電子關鍵詞前十名。

In the Grocery & Gourmet Food brands category, coffee brands and energy drinks featured heavily in the top 10 Grocery brands. CELSIUS energy drinks by Celsius Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CELH) climbed one spot to the number one position for purchases on Prime Day 2024.

在2024年Prime Day的食品雜貨品牌類別中,咖啡品牌和能量飲料在前十名食品品牌中佔據了重要地位。由celsius holdings公司推出的CELSIUS能量飲料在Prime Day 2024上購買量上升一位,位居第一名。

New items that joined the top 10 keywords for the Home and Kitchen category for 2024 were rice cookers, coffee table and espresso machine. Stanley Black & Decker Inc (NYSE:SWK) sells its rice cooker on Amazon, while Nestle SA – ADR (OTC:NSRGY)-owned Nespresso offers espresso machines.

2024年新加入家居和廚房類別前十大關鍵字的產品包括電飯煲、咖啡桌和濃縮咖啡機。 Stanley Black & Decker Inc(紐交所:SWK)在亞馬遜上銷售其電飯煲,而雀巢公司(OTC:NSRGY)旗下的Nespresso提供濃縮咖啡機。

What Else: Amazon's next major sales event will be Prime Big Deal Days on Oct. 8 and 9 to kick off the holiday shopping season.


Analysts are expecting growth for online retailers this holiday season as budget-conscious consumers look for a combination of value and convenience.


AMZN Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, shares are down 1.46% at $188.38 at the time of publication Friday.


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