
Cassava Sciences Unusual Options Activity

Cassava Sciences Unusual Options Activity

cassava sciences 期權異動
Benzinga ·  09/27 23:17

Investors with a lot of money to spend have taken a bearish stance on Cassava Sciences (NASDAQ:SAVA).

資金充沛的投資者對Cassava Sciences (納斯達克: SAVA) 採取了看淡的立場。

And retail traders should know.


We noticed this today when the trades showed up on publicly available options history that we track here at Benzinga.


Whether these are institutions or just wealthy individuals, we don't know. But when something this big happens with SAVA, it often means somebody knows something is about to happen.


So how do we know what these investors just did?


Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 15 uncommon options trades for Cassava Sciences.

今天,Benzinga的期權掃描器發現了15筆Cassava Sciences的非常規期權交易。

This isn't normal.


The overall sentiment of these big-money traders is split between 40% bullish and 46%, bearish.


Out of all of the special options we uncovered, 11 are puts, for a total amount of $1,182,634, and 4 are calls, for a total amount of $186,612.


Expected Price Movements


Analyzing the Volume and Open Interest in these contracts, it seems that the big players have been eyeing a price window from $10.0 to $60.0 for Cassava Sciences during the past quarter.

分析這些合約的成交量和未平倉合約量,似乎大戶在過去一個季度一直覬覦Cassava Sciences的價格區間從$10.0到$60.0。

Insights into Volume & Open Interest


In today's trading context, the average open interest for options of Cassava Sciences stands at 624.67, with a total volume reaching 6,170.00. The accompanying chart delineates the progression of both call and put option volume and open interest for high-value trades in Cassava Sciences, situated within the strike price corridor from $10.0 to $60.0, throughout the last 30 days.

在今天的交易情況中,Cassava Sciences期權的平均未平倉合約量爲624.67,總成交量達到6,170。隨附圖表描述了過去30天內,Cassava Sciences高價交易的看漲和看跌期權成交量和未平倉合約量的變化,這些期權位於從$10.0到$60.0的行權價走廊中。

Cassava Sciences Call and Put Volume: 30-Day Overview

Cassava Sciences看漲和看跌成交量:30天概覽


Noteworthy Options Activity:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
SAVA PUT SWEEP BULLISH 11/15/24 $5.1 $5.05 $5.05 $25.00 $452.0K 153 5
SAVA PUT SWEEP BULLISH 11/15/24 $7.4 $7.35 $7.35 $30.00 $166.8K 105 234
SAVA PUT SWEEP BEARISH 11/15/24 $3.15 $2.8 $3.15 $20.00 $164.7K 902 273
SAVA PUT SWEEP BULLISH 11/15/24 $5.2 $5.15 $5.15 $25.00 $110.7K 153 1.1K
SAVA CALL TRADE BULLISH 01/17/25 $8.55 $8.5 $8.55 $60.00 $85.5K 1.4K 115
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 執行價格 總交易價格 未平倉合約數量 成交量
SAVA 看跌 SWEEP 看好 11/15/24 $5.1 $5.05 $5.05 $25.00 $452.0千美元 153 5
SAVA 看跌 SWEEP 看好 11/15/24 $7.4 $7.35 $7.35 $30.00 $166.8K 105 234
SAVA 看跌 SWEEP 看淡 11/15/24 $3.15 $2.8 $3.15 $20.00 164.7K美元 902 273
SAVA 看跌 SWEEP 看好 11/15/24 $5.2 $5.15 $5.15 $25.00 110.7K美元 153 1.1千
SAVA 看漲 交易 看好 01/17/25 $8.55 $8.5 $8.55 $60.00 $85.5K 1.4千 115

About Cassava Sciences

關於Cassava Sciences

Cassava Sciences Inc is a clinical-stage biotechnology company engaged in developing a scientific approach for the treatment and detection of Alzheimer's disease. Its therapeutic product candidate is called simufilam, and it is a novel treatment for Alzheimer's disease; and investigational diagnostic product candidate is called SavaDx, and it is a novel way to detect the presence of Alzheimer's disease from a small sample of blood, possibly years before the overt appearance of clinical symptoms. It is currently conducting two randomized placebo-controlled Phase 3 clinical trials of oral simufilam in patients with Alzheimer's disease dementia.

Cassava Sciences Inc是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,致力於開發治療和檢測阿爾茨海默病的科學方法。其治療產品候選者被稱爲simufilam,是一種用於治療阿爾茨海默病的新型治療方法;其診斷產品候選者是SavaDx,是一種從少量血液樣本中檢測阿爾茨海默病存在的新方法,可能在臨床症狀明顯出現之前多年就能檢測到。目前,該公司正在進行兩項隨機安慰劑對照的第三階段臨床試驗,觀察口服simufilam在阿爾茨海默病癡呆患者中的療效。

Having examined the options trading patterns of Cassava Sciences, our attention now turns directly to the company. This shift allows us to delve into its present market position and performance

在研究了cassava sciences的期權交易模式後,我們現在將注意力直接轉向該公司。這種轉變使我們能夠深入了解其當前的市場地位和表現

Present Market Standing of Cassava Sciences

Cassava Sciences的當前市場地位

  • Trading volume stands at 3,473,313, with SAVA's price down by -13.12%, positioned at $27.69.
  • RSI indicators show the stock to be is currently neutral between overbought and oversold.
  • Earnings announcement expected in 39 days.
  • 交易量爲3,473,313,SAVA的價格下跌了-13.12%,位於27.69美元。
  • RSI指標顯示該股票目前處於超買和超賣之間的中立狀態。
  • 將在39天內公佈收益報告。

Unusual Options Activity Detected: Smart Money on the Move


Benzinga Edge's Unusual Options board spots potential market movers before they happen. See what positions big money is taking on your favorite stocks. Click here for access.

Benzinga Edge的期權異動模塊可以提前發現潛在的市場熱點。了解大筆的資金在您喜歡的股票上的倉位變動。點擊這裏獲取訪問權限。

Trading options involves greater risks but also offers the potential for higher profits. Savvy traders mitigate these risks through ongoing education, strategic trade adjustments, utilizing various indicators, and staying attuned to market dynamics. Keep up with the latest options trades for Cassava Sciences with Benzinga Pro for real-time alerts.

交易期權涉及更大的風險,但也提供更高利潤的潛力。精明的交易者通過持續的教育、戰略性的交易調整、利用各種指標,並保持對市場動態的敏感來降低這些風險。通過Benzinga Pro及時獲取Cassava Sciences的最新期權交易,以獲取實時警報。

