
Affin Sees Sarawak's 31% Stake To Yield Positive Growth For The Bank

Affin Sees Sarawak's 31% Stake To Yield Positive Growth For The Bank

Business Today ·  09/27 22:33

Affin has announced that the Sarawak Government via its wholly owned subsidiary company, SG Assetfin Holdings Sdn Bhd has concluded the share purchase agreement (SPA) of AFFIN shares owned by Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) and
Boustead Holdings Berhad, thereby becoming the largest shareholder with an approximately 31% stake.

Affin宣佈,砂拉越政府通過其全資子公司SG Assetfin Holdings Sdn Bhd已簽訂了Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera(LTAT)擁有的AFFIN股份的股票購買協議(SPA)以及
Boustead Holdings Berhad,從而成爲擁有約31%股份的最大股東。

Prior to the acquisition, the Sarawak Government held a 4.81% stake in AFFIN. With the conclusion of the SPA, their stake has increased to approximately 31%, representing a significant step forward. The Bank said that this strategic move is expected to yield positive benefits accelerating its growth and reinforcing its status as a leading financial institution in the banking industry.


Sarawak's Premier, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Haji Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg said the decision to invest in AFFIN had been driven by a need to take a strategic step to create a financial platform and synergy with a sound and competent bank which would be essential for the state towards elevating its huge economic potentials.


"By leveraging on AFFIN's extensive network and expertise, we will work together to unlock new opportunities, facilitate access to capital, and ignite the entrepreneurial spirit of our people. Together, we will build a financial ecosystem that nurtures innovation, promotes financial literacy and empowers financial literacy, and enables our communities to achieve their aspirations," he said.He expressed his confidence that with the unwavering commitment and collective efforts of the team
at AFFIN the bank would flourish and become the beacon of financial excellence that Sarawak and the nation deserved.

「通過利用AFFIN的廣泛網絡和專業知識,我們將共同努力開啓新的機會,促進獲得資本的機會,並點燃我們員工的企業家精神。他說,我們將共同建立一個金融生態系統,培育創新,提高金融素養,增強金融素養,使我們的社區能夠實現他們的願望。」 他表示相信,在團隊堅定不移的承諾和集體努力下,

Tuan Adly Zahari, Deputy Minister of Defence stated, "This strategic decision is expected to yield substantial positive returns, reflected in competitive and sustainable dividends for LTAT contributors, who are members of the Malaysian Armed Forces. LTAT will not only strengthen its longterm financial stability but also ensure that our contributors' savings consistently benefit from reliable returns and sustainable growth, underscoring our commitment to their financial well-being."

國防部副部長Tuan Adly Zahari表示:「這一戰略決定預計將帶來可觀的正回報,這反映在作爲馬來西亞武裝部隊成員的LTat捐助者具有競爭力和可持續的股息上。Ltat不僅將加強其長期財務穩定,而且還將確保我們的捐款人的儲蓄持續受益於可靠的回報和可持續增長,這凸顯了我們對他們財務狀況的承諾。」

President & Group Chief Executive Officer of Affin Bank Berhad, Datuk Wan Razly Abdullah said, "This agreement is not just a milestone—it is a quantum leap that will propel AFFIN into a new frontier of excellence. With this strategic move, we aim to reshape the banking landscape through bold innovations and creative solutions, securing our industry's emergence and significance for the future."

Affin Bank Berhad總裁兼集團首席執行官拿督萬·拉茲利·阿卜杜拉說:「該協議不僅是一個里程碑,而且是一次巨大的飛躍,它將推動AFFIN進入一個新的卓越領域。通過這一戰略舉措,我們的目標是通過大膽的創新和創造性的解決方案重塑銀行業格局,確保我們行業的崛起和對未來的重要性。」

