
Elon Musk Says Because Almost None Of You Do Your Math Sums, The World Is Largely Not Using The Big Fireball In The Sky: 'All Energy Generation Will Be Solar'

Elon Musk Says Because Almost None Of You Do Your Math Sums, The World Is Largely Not Using The Big Fireball In The Sky: 'All Energy Generation Will Be Solar'

Benzinga ·  11:50

Elon Musk, the influential tech entrepreneur, recently emphasized the immense potential of solar energy, citing the Kardashev Scale and simple math to back his claims.


What Happened: In a series of posts on Thursday, Musk, known for his visionary ideas, reiterated his belief in solar energy's potential to meet our civilization's power needs. He stated on X, "Once you understand Kardashev Scale, it becomes utterly obvious that essentially all energy generation will be solar."

發生的事情:在週四發佈的一系列帖子中,以其具有遠見的想法而聞名的馬斯克重申了他對太陽能潛力的信念,認爲可以滿足我們文明的能源需求。他在 X 上表示:「一旦你理解了卡爾達舍夫刻度,就會顯而易見地認爲基本所有能源的生成都將是太陽能。」

Once you understand Kardashev Scale, it becomes utterly obvious that essentially all energy generation will be solar.
Also, just do the math on solar on Earth and you soon figure out that a relatively small corner of Texas or New Mexico can easily serve all US electricity.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2024


— 伊隆·馬斯克 (@elonmusk) 2024年9月26日

Musk further explained that a small portion of Texas or New Mexico could easily serve all US electricity needs if utilized for solar energy generation. He also highlighted the solar energy received by one square mile on the Earth's surface, emphasizing the efficiency of the Starlink global satellite network, which is entirely solar/battery powered.


Why It Matters: Musk's recent posts echo his earlier views on solar energy's potential. In February 2023, he suggested that the amount of solar energy received by Earth could power a civilization 100 times larger than ours.

爲什麼重要:馬斯克最近的帖子反映了他對太陽能潛力的早前觀點。在 2023 年 2 月,他建議地球接收的太陽能的量足以爲比我們大 100 倍的文明提供能量。

Moreover, Musk has previously highlighted the challenges of scaling renewable energy, particularly the lack of energy storage. He noted in August 2023 that the intermittent nature of wind and solar power makes stationary battery packs at utility scale increasingly important.

此外,馬斯克此前曾強調再生能源規模化的挑戰,尤其是能源存儲的不足。他指出在 2023 年 8 月,風能和太陽能的間歇性特性使得規模化靜態電池組變得愈發重要。

His company, Tesla Inc, has been actively working on energy storage solutions. In August, Musk announced that Tesla could produce over 700,000 units of its Powerwall 3, a product he termed 'great', in a year.

特斯拉公司一直在積極研發能源存儲解決方案。今年八月,馬斯克宣佈特斯拉可以在一年內生產超過70萬台其稱之爲「出色」的Powerwall 3產品。

Image via Shutterstock


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Shivdeep Dhaliwal

