
11 Award Winners Among Increased Nominations at 2024 Sustainability Impact Awards

11 Award Winners Among Increased Nominations at 2024 Sustainability Impact Awards

大華銀行 ·  09/26 12:00

City Developments Limited named the Impact Enterprise of the Year under the Large Enterprise category


Singapore, 26 September 2024 – Eleven individuals and enterprises were recognised for demonstrating leadership to advance sustainability at the Sustainability Impact (SI) Awards 2024, jointly organised by The Business Times (BT) and UOB. Into its second year, the awards ceremony was held at PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, where President Tharman Shanmugaratnam was the Guest-of-Honour.

新加坡,2024年9月26日 - 11名個人和企業因在可持續發展中展示領導力而受到表彰,這是由商業時報(BT)和大華銀行(UOb)共同組織的2024年可持續影響獎(SI Awards)。頒獎典禮已進入第二年,在濱海灣PARKROYAL COLLECTION集線上舉行,新加坡總統尚穆加拉特納姆擔任嘉賓榮譽。

The awards honour and recognise individuals and enterprises whose sustainability efforts have made a substantial impact on both the environment and society. This year, there was an increase of about 20 per cent in nominations received for the awards.


City Developments Limited was named the Impact Enterprise of the Year under the Large Enterprise category for its capacity building and thought leadership in climate action. The property developer has, with the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore, built a sustainability academy that has hosted more than 1,000 advocacy events and reached out to 34,500 in-person visitors. Three other large enterprises – Keppel Ltd, Sentosa Development Corporation, and UOL Group-Pan Pacific Hotels Group (UOL-PPHG) were also presented the Impact Enterprise Excellence Award for their sustainability initiatives.

新加坡城市發展有限公司因在氣候行動領域的能力建設和思想領導地位而獲得大型企業類別下的年度衝擊企業稱號。這家房地產開發商與新加坡可持續能源協會合作建立了一個可持續學院,已舉辦了1000多次倡導活動,吸引了34500名訪客。另外三家大型企業 - 吉寶有限公司、聖陶沙發展公司和華業集團 - 泛太平洋酒店集團(UOL-PPHG)也因其可持續倡議獲得了年度衝擊企業卓越獎。

Among the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), BlueAcres Pte Ltd stood out with its unique blend of environmental and social impact. The company enables individuals with moderate autism to acquire farming skills – allowing them to be part of the society while alleviating Singapore's labour shortage on farms. Three other SMEs – Edible Garden City, Ground-Up Initiative, and Seven Clean Seas, also received the Impact Enterprise Excellence Award for their diverse range of sustainability efforts.

在中小企業(SMEs)中,BlueAcres Pte Ltd 憑藉其獨特的環境和社會影響脫穎而出。該公司使患有中度自閉症的個體獲得種植技能 - 使他們成爲社會的一部分,同時緩解新加坡農場勞動力短缺問題。另外三家中小企業 - Edible Garden City,Ground-Up Initiative 和 Seven Clean Seas,也因他們多樣化的可持續努力獲得了年度衝擊企業卓越獎。

Under the Individual category, Chief Sustainability Officer at City Developments Limited, Ms Esther An, was named the Impact Leader of the Year for pioneering sustainability advocacy. Ms An chairs the Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee which helps shape national regulations for sustainability reporting. She is the only Singaporean representative on the board of the Global Reporting Initiative, an international independent standards organisation that helps businesses and organisations take responsibility for their impacts.


Two other sustainability champions, Mr Cheng Hsing Yao and Mr Jeffrey Sim, clinched the Individual Excellence Award. Mr Cheng Hsing Yao, Group Chief Executive Officer of property developer, GuocoLand, and Director of Discover Tanjong Pagar, was recognised for his contributions to Singapore's urban landscape. Mr Jeffrey Sim, Group Chief Executive Officer of SBS Transit, was honoured for his incorporation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into the operations of the transport company.

兩位可持續發展領軍人物鄭興耀先生和Jeffrey Sim先生榮獲個人卓越獎。鄭興耀先生是房地產開發商國浩房地產集團首席執行官,也是屯集廣場的主董事,他因爲對新加坡都市景觀的貢獻而受到認可。SBS Transit集團首席執行官Jeffrey Sim先生因將環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)考慮因素融入運輸公司運營而受到榮譽。

BT editor Ms Chen Huifen said, "In today's evolving business landscape, sustainability is no longer optional—it is imperative. Through the Sustainability Impact Awards, we are not just acknowledging sustainability achievements, but also challenging ourselves and others to push the boundaries of what is possible in sustainable innovation. By honouring these exemplary efforts, we hope to inspire others to take meaningful action towards a more responsible future."


Mr Wee Ee Cheong, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UOB, said, "UOB is committed to be a catalyst for change in our collective drive to build a sustainable future. As a responsible financial steward, we collaborate with ecosystem partners to provide innovative solutions to support our customers in their sustainability journey. By extending our efforts to the wider community, we hope the Sustainability Impact Awards will inspire more individuals and companies to create lasting, positive impact."

大華銀行副主席兼首席執行官Wee Ee Cheong先生表示:「大華銀行致力於成爲塑造可持續未來的變革推手。作爲一家負責任的金融管理者,我們與生態系統合作伙伴合作,提供創新解決方案,支持我們的客戶在可持續發展之路上。通過將我們的努力延伸至更廣泛的社區,我們希望可持續影響獎能激勵更多個人和公司創造持久而積極的影響。」

The Centre for Governance and Sustainability at the National University of Singapore Business School is the Knowledge Partner for SI Awards.


More information on SI Awards can be found at


