
CDL Pilots First-of-its-kind Decarbonisation Initiative City Green Tenant Bonus Programme for Republic Plaza Tenants

CDL Pilots First-of-its-kind Decarbonisation Initiative City Green Tenant Bonus Programme for Republic Plaza Tenants

城市發展 ·  09/25 12:00

Singapore, 25 September 2024 - With the built environment responsible for some 40% of global carbon emissions, both building owners and users can work together to drive climate action. Beyond implementing infrastructure upgrades to enhance a building's environmental performance, building owners can partner their tenants to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices and promote a reduction in energy usage.

新加坡,2024年9月25日 - 製造行業佔全球碳排放約40%,建築物業所有者和用戶可以共同努力推動應對氣候變化。除了實施基礎設施升級以提升建築物的環境性能外,建築物所有者可以與他們的租戶合作,鼓勵採用可持續實踐,並促進能源利用的減少。

As part of its efforts to drive asset portfolio decarbonisation, major commercial landlord City Developments Limited (CDL) has implemented several engagement initiatives for its tenants and building users.


In 2014, the CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme was introduced to support and encourage its commercial tenants to reduce their energy consumption and environmental footprint. Under the programme, tenants are provided support in greening their offices to obtain the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark Office Interior certifications.


In July 2024, CDL piloted its City Green Tenant Bonus Programme, a first-of-its-kind decarbonisation initiative for tenants at its flagship Grade A office building – Republic Plaza to reduce Scope 3 emissions. As an extension of its Green Lease initiative, this programme aims to encourage and incentivise tenants to adopt sustainable practices and effectively reduce energy consumption.

2024年7月,CDL在其旗艦A級寫字樓 - 共和廣場試點推出了城市綠色租戶獎勵計劃,這是首個旨在減少第三範疇排放的脫碳倡議。作爲其綠色租賃舉措的延伸,該計劃旨在鼓勵和激勵租戶採取可持續實踐,有效減少能源消耗。

Qualifying tenants who achieve a 10% reduction in their annual power usage will receive a dollar-for-dollar rebate in the form of CDL vouchers at the end of the 12-month programme in June 2025. As part of the programme, tenants can also tap on sustainability knowledge and resource support provided by CDL.


Acknowledging its efforts in adopting a value-chain approach to collectively advance the sustainability agenda at the BCA Awards Ceremony held during the International Built Environment Week (IBEW) 2024 on 6 September 2024, Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for National Development, noted, "Not only has CDL developed its roadmap to achieve net-zero emissions for its assets by 2030, it has also been bringing partners together to drive sustainability through various initiatives.... In addition, CDL has launched a new Green Tenant Bonus Programme that will provide its tenants with rebates for reducing energy consumption. CDL also provides advisory support and best practices guidelines to help its tenants realise energy savings. I hope more firms and stakeholders will join our national effort to build a more sustainable Singapore for generations to come."

認可CDL採取價值鏈方法共同推進可持續發展議程的努力,在2024年9月6日舉行的國際建築環境周(IBEW)頒獎典禮上獲得中建機構頒獎。在那次頒獎典禮上,新加坡總理府部長、財政部第二部長兼國家發展部第二部長Indranee Rajah女士指出:「CDL不僅制定了2023年前實現資產零淨排放的路線圖,還正在聯合合作伙伴通過各種倡議推動可持續發展……此外,CDL推出了新的綠色租戶獎勵計劃,將爲租戶減少能源消耗提供回扣。CDL還提供諮詢支持和最佳實踐指南,以幫助租戶實現節能。希望更多企業和利益相關者加入我們的全國努力,爲子孫後代建設一個更可持續的新加坡。」

Through this initiative, if all qualifying tenants collectively achieve a 10% energy reduction, Republic Plaza can reduce its annual Scope 3 carbon emissions by up to 264,000 kgCO2e, equivalent to the energy needed to power 150 4-room HDB flats for an entire year. Reducing tenants' carbon emissions will also help address CDL's Scope 3 GHG emission source – and support Singapore's net-zero goals.

通過這一倡議,如果所有符合條件的租戶共同實現能源減少10%,Republic Plaza可以將其年度範圍3碳排放減少高達26.4萬千克二氧化碳當量,相當於爲150間4房HDb公寓提供一整年所需的能源。減少租戶的碳排放還將有助於解決CDL的範圍3溫室氣體排放來源,並支持新加坡的淨零目標。

