
Why Is Everyone Talking About Air Canada Stock?

Why Is Everyone Talking About Air Canada Stock?

爲什麼所有人都在談論air canada股票?
The Motley Fool ·  09/27 09:00

Air Canada (TSX:AC) has always been in the news. But this time, the stock has been the talk. Its stock price surged 10% since September 9 and reached $16.6 after falling 26% since May. Nothing could revive the stock, its rising profits, falling debt, or higher revenue.


In 2023, Air Canada reported its best-ever revenue and net income in five years. By the first half of 2024, the airline halved its net debt to $3.6 billion. The 2023 earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) margin and earnings per share (EPS) returned to its pre-pandemic level.


Air Canada's fundamentals 2018 2019 2022 2023 Jan-June 2024
Revenue $18 billion $19.13 billion $16.56 billion $21.83 billion $10.75 billion
Net Income $37 million $1.47 billion ($1.7 billion) $2.276 billion $329 million
Net Debt $5.2 billion $2.84 billion $7.5 billion $4.567 billion $3.608 billion
EBITDA margin 17.80% 19% 8.80% 18.20% 12.70%
Air Canada's fundamentals from 2018 to the first half of 2024.
加拿大航空公司的基本面 2018 2019 2022 2023 2024年1月至6月
營業收入 $180億 191.3億美元 165.6億美元 218.3億美元 107.5億美元
淨利潤 3700萬美元 14.7億美元 (17億美元) 22.76億美元 3.29億美元
淨債務 52億美元 28.4億美元 $75億 45.67億美元 36.08億美元
息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤率 17.80% 19% 8.80% 18.20% 12.70%
Air Canada的基本面從2018年到2024年上半年。

Despite such encouraging fundamentals, the stock traded below $18 throughout 2023, with just a seasonal jump to $25 in July. This year, the stock traded below $20. While most stocks picked up from their pandemic low, Air Canada failed to sustain the recovery.

儘管基本面令人鼓舞,但股票在2023年整年都低於18美元,僅在7月出現短暫上漲至25美元。今年,股票交易價仍然低於20美元。儘管大多數股票從疫情低點反彈,但Air Canada未能維持復甦。

Why did Air Canada stock suddenly jump 10% in September?

爲什麼Air Canada股票在九月突然上漲10%?

However, Air Canada stock jumped suddenly in September as the airline just averted a major crisis. The airline has been in talks with pilots over wage increases. An earlier wage increase had already increased the airline's salary expense by 16% year over year in the first half. Moreover, issues with the Pratt & Whitney engine had increased its maintenance cost by 21% — all these expenses had already reduced its net profit by 61%.

然而,由於航空公司剛好避免了一場重大危機,Air Canada股票在九月突然飆升。該航空公司一直在與飛行員就加薪問題進行磋商。較早的薪資增長已經使該航空公司的年度薪資支出同比增加了16%。此外,由於普利特(Pratt & Whitney)發動機出現問題,其維護成本增加了21%——所有這些支出已經使其淨利潤減少了61%。

But what was scarier than rising expenses was a pilot strike. There has been a pilot shortage in the aviation industry since the pandemic, as many pilots retired. Pilots have been demanding a wage hike and even threatened to go on a 72-hour strike. Had this strike occurred, it could have grounded Air Canada's +1,000 daily flights worldwide. The opportunity cost of not agreeing to the wage hike would have been significant.

但比不斷增長的支出更令人擔憂的是飛行員罷工。自大流行病爆發以來,航空業一直存在飛行員短缺問題,因爲許多飛行員已經退休。飛行員一直在要求加薪,並甚至威脅要發起一場爲時72小時的罷工。如果這場罷工發生,將導致Air Canada全球的1000多個航班停飛。不同意加薪的機會成本將是巨大的。

Realizing the consequences of a strike, the airline's management reached a four-year tentative agreement offering pilots a 26% upfront pay boost along with a 4% annual hike over the next three years and other benefits. This four-year contract will add $1.9 billion to Air Canada's cost, or $475 million a year. Looking at the $2.2 billion net profit of 2023, the airline can take a hit on its margins. But it cannot lose revenue, or it will lose its market share.

意識到罷工的後果,航空公司管理層達成了爲期四年的暫定協議,提供飛行員26%的預付薪酬增長,以及接下來三年的4%年度漲幅和其他福利。這項爲期四年的合同將使Air Canada的成本增加19億美元,或者每年增加4.75億美元。考慮到2023年的22億美元淨利潤,航空公司可能會忍受利潤率下降。但它不能失去營收,否則將失去市場份額。

With this uncertainty settled, investors gave the stock a pat on its back with a 10% jump. Moreover, a fall in oil prices could help the airline partially offset the increase in salary expenses.


Analysts optimistic on Air Canada's recovery

分析師對Air Canada的復甦持樂觀態度

ATB Capital Markets analyst Chris Murray stated that with the union tensions averted, the management can focus on initiatives like share buybacks and expanding the fleet. Air Canada chief financial officer John Di Bert had said that returning value to shareholders "is high on the priority list."


CIBC has given the airline stock an "outperformer" recommendation with a price target of $25, representing a 25% upside. I would remain cautiously optimistic about the stock as the economics of airlines will now play out.


The better-than-expected earnings in 2023 were triggered by a supply shortage and growing demand for revenge travel. This demand is easing, and the supply is picking up as airlines receive aircraft deliveries. If the industry lands up with overcapacity once again, it could hurt AC's profit margins.


Should you buy this stock?


The airline industry has a lot to figure out. They have to identify a new normal post-pandemic and come to work harmoniously without eating each other's profits. Until then, Air Canada's stock price upside will be limited to $25, its seasonality peak it reaches in July. You could consider buying the stock in the $14-$18 price range and selling it at $24 in June-July. However, I would steer clear of the stock for long-term investing.


