
Establishment Labs Receives U.S. FDA Approval for Motiva Implants

Establishment Labs Receives U.S. FDA Approval for Motiva Implants

establishment labs獲得了美國食品和藥物管理局對Motiva植入物的批准
Businesswire ·  09/27 05:02

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: ESTA), a global medical technology company dedicated to improving women's health and wellness, principally in breast aesthetics and reconstruction, announced it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix and Motiva SmoothSilk Round breast implants in primary and revision breast augmentation.

紐約(BUSINESS WIRE)——establishment labs控股有限公司(NASDAQ: ESTA),一家致力於改善婦女健康和健康的全球醫療科技公司,主要是在乳房美容和重建方面,宣佈其獲得了美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)批准在初次和複習乳房整形手術中使用Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix和Motiva SmoothSilk Round乳房植入物。

"Today's approval is transformative for breast aesthetics in the United States. This is a new era, in which women now have a choice of highly differentiated technology that is backed by rigorous scientific and clinical research," commented Juan José Chacón-Quirós, Founder and Chief Executive Officer. "Motiva implants have changed the paradigm by proving that women do not have to compromise when it comes to their aesthetic goals. We have never wavered in our commitment to women's health and our entire organization is ready to bring this passion and technology to the United States."

「今天的批准對於美國的乳房美學來說是變革性的。這是一個新時代,在這個時代,婦女現在可以選擇高度差異化的技術,該技術經過嚴格的科學和臨床研究支持,」創始人兼首席執行官Juan José Chacón-Quirós評論說。「Motiva植入物通過證明,當涉及她們的美學目標時,婦女無需妥協,改變了範式。我們對婦女健康的承諾從未動搖,我們整個組織已準備好將這種激情和技術帶到美國。」

Motiva SmoothSilk Round and Ergonomix Implants represent state of the art innovation in plastic surgery. These devices feature the patented SmoothSilk surface, designed for enhanced biocompatibility and scientifically shown to promote low inflammation. The Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix device is the first breast implant in the world that embodies the science of ergonomics, as it is designed to adapt, react, feel, and move like natural breast tissue. Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix implants are unique to the implant market, as their shape can adapt as the body changes position, maintaining a round shape when lying down and a teardrop shape when standing up. The Motiva SmoothSilk Round implants provide increased upper breast fullness and softness while keeping a round full form regardless of position.

Motiva SmoothSilk Round和Ergonomix植入物代表了整形外科領域的最新創新。這些器械具有專利的SmoothSilk表面,旨在增強生物相容性,並在科學上表明能促進低炎症。Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix器械是世界上第一個體現人體工程學科學的乳房植入物,因爲它設計成可以適應、反應、感覺和移動得像自然乳房組織一樣。Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix植入物在植入物市場上具有獨特性,因爲它們的形狀可以隨着身體的姿勢變化而調整,在躺下時保持圓形,在站立時保持水滴形。Motiva SmoothSilk Round實現了增加上胸部豐滿度和柔軟度,並保持全方位的圓形無論姿勢如何。

"The Motiva U.S. IDE Study is the most rigorous breast implant clinical trial ever performed under FDA guidelines and it shows that Motiva implants are not only safe and effective but also that women had exceptional results, with less than one percent rates of capsular contracture and rupture in the primary augmentation cohort," said board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Caroline A. Glicksman. "As the Medical Director of the Motiva study and an investigator, I am proud of the quality of the data and the patient follow-up rates of this study. Motiva implants were designed to reduce device related complications, and they will be welcomed by the plastic surgery community and women seeking breast augmentation in the United States."

「Motiva美國IDE研究是根據FDA指南進行的最嚴格的乳房植入物臨床試驗,它表明Motiva植入物不僅安全有效,而且婦女的結果異常出色,在初次成形隊中,假體包囊收縮和破裂率低於百分之一。」董事會認證整形外科醫生Dr. Caroline A. Glicksman表示。「作爲Motiva研究的醫學主任和調查員,我爲該研究的數據質量和患者後續率感到自豪。Motiva植入物旨在減少設備相關併發症,它們將受到整形外科社區和尋求美國乳房成形的婦女們的歡迎。」

The Motiva U.S. IDE Study was conducted at 32 centers in the U.S. and three centers in Western Europe. At the study endpoint of three years post-implantation, patient compliance in the primary augmentation cohort of the trial was 92.4%. The three-year, by-patient, Kaplan-Meier risk rates of first occurrence of complications for patients (95% confidence interval) in the primary augmentation cohort (N=451) were as follows: Capsular Contracture: 0.5%; Rupture, Confirmed or Suspected: 0.6% (MRI Cohort N=176); Breast Pain: 0.7%; Infection: 0.9%. Any reoperation, including an implant size change, was reported at 6.1% and any complication, including reoperations, was reported at 8.4%.

美洲IDE研究在美國的32箇中心和西歐的三個中心進行。在植入術後三年的研究終點,試驗的初次隆胸隊列患者遵從性爲92.4%。初次隆胸隊列(N=451)患者的三年患者級別Kaplan-Meier併發症首次發生風險率(95%置信區間)如下:囊膜攣縮:0.5%; 破裂,經確認或疑似:0.6%(MRI隊列N=176); 乳房疼痛:0.7%; 感染:0.9%。包括植入物尺寸更改在內的任何再手術報告爲6.1%,任何併發症,包括再手術,報告爲8.4%。

"There has been a real lack of innovation in the U.S. breast implant market for well over a decade," added board-certified plastic surgeon and study investigator Dr. M. Bradley Calobrace. "Motiva should transform breast augmentation, both in how we operate and in what we can achieve for our patients. A safer, next generation viscoelastic implant with a uniquely designed low inflammatory surface will undoubtedly improve clinical and aesthetic outcomes. I am pleased to finally be able to offer Motiva implants to my patients in the United States."

「美國乳房植入市場在過去十多年裏真正缺乏創新,」董事會認證整形外科醫生和研究調查員m. Bradley Calobrace博士表示。「Motiva應該在我們操作的方式以及爲患者取得的成就方面改變乳房隆胸。一種更安全、下一代粘彈性植入物,具有獨特設計的低炎症表面,無疑將改善臨床和美學效果。我很高興最終能向我的美國患者提供Motiva植入物。」

Since first becoming commercially available in 2010, nearly four million Motiva devices have been delivered to plastic and reconstructive surgeons in over 85 countries. The company's technologies and products are covered by over 200 patent applications in 20 separate patent families worldwide and are supported by over 100 clinical and scientific studies and peer reviewed publications. The Motiva Implant approval announced today is the first new breast implant PMA approved by the U.S. FDA since 2013.


"Motiva is the first and only implant purposefully designed for women and their lifestyles," said Dr. Kamakshi R. Zeidler, a board-certified plastic surgeon and member of the Establishment Labs Femtech Advisory Board. "These implants move and feel like natural breast tissue. The rates of complications in the clinical trial were also much lower than we have seen with any other implant in a U.S. PMA study. This is true Femtech. I could not be happier that women in the United States now have access to this revolutionary technology."

「Motiva是第一款也是唯一一款專門爲女性及其生活方式設計的植入物,」董事會認證整形外科醫生兼Establishment Labs Femtech諮詢委員會成員Kamakshi R. Zeidler博士表示。「這些植入物的移動和手感就像天然乳房組織。臨床試驗中的併發症率也比我們在美國PMA研究中看到的任何其他植入物要低得多。這就是真正的Femtech。我爲美國的女性現在能夠獲得這項革命性技術感到非常高興。」

About Establishment Labs

關於Establishment Labs

Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. is a global medical technology company dedicated to improving women's health and wellness through the power of science, engineering, and technology. The Company offers a portfolio of Femtech solutions for breast health, breast aesthetics and breast reconstruction. The nearly four million Motiva devices Establishment Labs has delivered to plastic and reconstructive surgeons since 2010 have created a new standard for safety and patient satisfaction in the over 85 countries in which they are available. The Motiva Flora tissue expander is used to improve outcomes in breast reconstruction following breast cancer and it is the only regulatory-approved expander in the world with an integrated port using radio-frequency technology that is MRI conditional. Mia Femtech, Establishment Lab's unique minimally invasive experience for breast harmony, is the Company's most recent breakthrough innovation. These solutions are supported by over 200 patent applications in 20 separate patent families worldwide and over 100 scientific and clinical studies and publications in peer reviewed journals. Establishment Labs manufactures at two facilities in Costa Rica compliant with all applicable regulatory standards under ISO13485:2016 and FDA 21 CFR 820 under the MDSAP program. Please visit our website for additional information at .

Establishment Labs Holdings Inc.是一家全球醫療科技公司,致力於通過科學、工程和技術改善婦女的健康和福祉。該公司提供了一系列面向乳腺健康、乳房美觀和乳房重建的Femtech解決方案。自2010年以來,Establishment Labs已向整形外科醫生提供了近400萬個Motiva器械,爲85多個可用國家/地區樹立了一種安全和病人滿意度的新標準。Motiva Flora組織擴張器用於乳腺癌後乳房重建的治療,是世界上唯一具有集成端口且使用射頻技術、可進行MRI檢查的擴張器。Mia Femtech,Establishment Lab的獨特微創乳房協調體驗,是該公司最新的突破性創新。這些解決方案獲得了全球20個專利家族中逾200項專利申請的支持,以及100多個科學和臨床研究,並在同行評議期刊上發表了論文。Establishment Labs在哥斯達黎加的兩個設施生產的產品符合ISO13485:2016和FDA 21 CFR 820的所有適用監管標準,順利通過MDSAP計劃。請訪問我們網站以獲取更多信息。

