
Is BCE Stock or Enbridge Stock a Better Buy for Passive Income?

Is BCE Stock or Enbridge Stock a Better Buy for Passive Income?

The Motley Fool ·  09/27 04:10

BCE (TSX:BCE) and Enbridge (TSX:ENB) have long track records of dividend growth and pay generous distributions that are popular for portfolios targeting passive income. Investors with some cash to put to work are wondering if BCE stock or ENB stock is currently undervalued and good to buy for a self-directed Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) focused on dividends.

BCE(tsx:BCE)和恩橋(tsx:ENB)長期以來長期付股息的豐厚回報,深受追求 passIVe income 的投資者歡迎。有些現金要使用,而且想知道目前 BCE 股票或 ENb 股票是否被低估並且適合用於自主決策的免稅儲蓄賬戶(TFSA)專注於股息的投資組合。



BCE saw its share price plunge over the past two years as rising interest rates drove up borrowing costs. At the time of writing, BCE trades near $47 per share compared to $74 at the high point in 2022.

BCE 的股價在過去兩年中暴跌,因爲利率上升推高了借貸成本。撰寫本文時,BCE 股價接近每股 47 美元,而 2022 年最高點爲 74 美元。

The communications giant uses debt to fund part of its capital program, including the expansion of fibre optic lines to the premises of its customers and the rollout of the 5G network. Canada is a large country, so it is expensive for BCE and its peers to build world-class communications infrastructure that reaches the majority of the population.

這家通信巨頭利用債務資助其資本計劃的一部分,包括將光纖線路擴展至其客戶的樓宇以及推出 5g 網絡。加拿大是一個遼闊的國家,因此對 BCE 及其同行來說,在通達大部分人口的世界一流通信基礎設施上投入巨資。

At the same time, BCE's media business is struggling with reduced advertising revenue. Price wars in the mobile segment are also having an impact.

與此同時,BCE 的媒體業務正面臨廣告收入減少的困境。移動領域的價格戰也產生影響。

On the positive side, BCE recently announced a deal to sell its stake in Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) for $4.7 billion. The cash will be used to reduce debt, which should ease concerns about the safety of the dividend. BCE expects 2024 revenue and adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) to be largely in line with 2023 despite the challenging environment. Management trimmed staff levels considerably in the past year and sold or closed dozens of radio stations. These moves will reduce operating expenses in 2025. Falling interest rates will lower borrowing costs and can free up more cash to support the distribution to shareholders.

積極方面,BCE 最近宣佈將其在 Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment(MLSE)的股份出售 4.7 億美元。這筆現金將用於減少債務,這將緩解對股息安全性的擔憂。儘管環境嚴峻,BCE 預計 2024 年的營業收入和利息稅前調整利潤、折舊費用和攤銷費用(EBITDA)與 2023 年基本持平。管理層在過去一年中大幅裁員並出售或關閉數十家廣播電臺。這些舉措將減少 2025 年的營業費用。利率下降將降低借貸成本,可以釋放更多現金以支持向股東的分紅。

Investors who buy BCE stock at the current level can get a dividend yield of 8.4%.

在當前水平購入 BCE 股票的投資者可以獲得 8.4% 的股息收益。



Enbridge also uses debt to fund its growth program, which includes acquisitions and development projects. The drop in interest rates in Canada and the United States should make more cash available for distributions and debt reduction.


Enbridge trades near $55 per share at the time of writing compared to the 12-month low of around $43. It is closing in on the $59 it reached in 2022 before the pullback.


Enbridge is in the process of completing the final part of its $14 billion acquisition of three natural gas utilities in the United States. The company also has a $25 billion capital program on the go that will help boost revenue and cash flow in the coming years.


The oil pipeline business has new competition from the recently completed Trans Mountain pipeline. This has led to a reduction in toll fees in order for Enbridge to continue to attract volume on its system. Enbridge's oil and natural gas pipeline assets remain strategically important for the Canadian and American economies, so some of the concerns about volumes and revenue might be overblown. In addition, the company has shifted capital investments to renewables, exports, and natural gas utilities in recent years to diversify the revenue stream.

油品管道業務受到最近竣工的Trans Mountain管道的新競爭。這導致調低通行費,以便恩橋繼續吸引系統內的成交量。恩橋的石油和天然氣管道資產對加拿大和美國經濟仍然具有戰略重要性,因此關於成交量和營收的一些擔憂可能有些誇大。此外,公司近年來將資本投資轉向可再生能源、出口和天然氣公用事業,以實現營收流的多樣化。

Enbridge isn't as cheap as it was a year ago, but investors can still get a 6.7% yield on the stock, and annual dividend growth should be in the 3% to 5% range over the medium term.


Is one a good pick today?


BCE is arguably the riskier choice right now, so investors need to keep this in mind. However, the stock is probably oversold at this level, and the $4.7 billion cash infusion from the sale of the MLSE stake will ease pressure on the balance sheet when the deal closes next year. If you think the dividend is safe, the 8.4% yield is attractive today.


Enbridge has had a big move off the 12-month low. As long as interest rates continue to decline in the U.S. and Canada, the stock will likely trend higher over the next couple of years. In the near term, however, a broad-based decline in the overall market should be expected, given the extent of the rally this year, so investors might see a better entry point emerge in the coming months. That being said, you can get a solid 6.7% yield right now and wait for the dividend increases to boost the return on the initial investment.


Contrarian income investors might want to make BCE the first choice today. Otherwise, ENB stock should be a solid long-term dividend pick.


