
Dominion Energy Ready to Respond to Hurricane Helene

Dominion Energy Ready to Respond to Hurricane Helene

道明尼資源 ·  09/26 12:00
  • Crews, Equipment Staged Across South Carolina
  • Customers Urged to Stay Safe
  • 隊伍、設備已經在南卡羅來納各地準備就緒。
  • 建議顧客保持安全。

CAYCE, S.C. (Sept. 26, 2024) – Dominion Energy is prepared for the impact of Hurricane Helene, a powerful storm expected to bring strong winds, heavy rain and isolated tornadoes across South Carolina. The company urges customers to stay safe and be prepared for power outages.

南卡羅來納州凱西(2024年9月26日) - 多明尼恩能源已準備好應對颶風海倫的影響,這是一場強烈風暴,預計將給南卡羅來納州帶來強勁風、暴雨和局部龍捲風。該公司敦促顧客保持安全,並做好停電準備。

Crew members, vehicles and equipment are strategically staged throughout Dominion Energy's service territory in South Carolina. Additional Dominion Energy crew members will arrive later tonight from Virginia. The company remains in contact with neighboring utilities and contract companies to secure additional resources if needed.


"Helene is a very large, fast-moving and powerful storm, and we are prepared for impacts throughout our service territory." said Keller Kissam, president of Dominion Energy South Carolina. "Even as the center of the storm tracks to our west, we can't be complacent or let our guard down. I urge our customers to take care of themselves and their families so that they're ready for Helene. Our crews are ready to roll from all locations and will be flexible throughout the storm."


Tips for customers to stay safe and be informed:


  • Create or restock your emergency kit. It's not too late to make sure you have everything you need in your emergency kit. The National Weather Service recommends creating a basic disaster kit before a storm hits, including water, flashlights, batteries, and non-perishable foods. Learn more about what to include in a basic kit.
  • Download the Dominion Energy app. The fastest and most secure way to report or track an outage is using the Dominion Energy app. Customers may also report outages by going to or calling 800-251-7234.
  • Check the outage map. Customers can use the Dominion Energy outage map for up-to-date information on restoration progress.
  • Stay away from downed power lines. Always assume downed power lines are energized and dangerous. Keep in mind that downed lines may not always be visible and use extra caution when walking outside after a storm. Please remain at least 30 feet away from downed lines. South Carolina customers should call 888-333-4465 right away to report a downed power line.
  • Follow Dominion Energy on social media. The company will provide regular updates and additional tips to help keep customers informed and safe.
  • 創建或補充您的應急包。現在補充應急包還不算晚。國家氣象局建議在風暴來臨前創建一個基本的災難包,包括水、手電筒、電池和不易腐爛的食物。了解更多關於基本包裝內容的信息。
  • 下載多米尼恩能源應用程序。報告或追蹤停電的最快和最安全的方法是使用多米尼恩能源應用程序。客戶也可以登錄 或致電 800-251-7234報停電事宜。
  • 查看停電地圖。客戶可以使用多米尼恩能源停電地圖來獲取有關恢復進展的最新信息。
  • 遠離倒下的電力線。始終假設倒下的電力線是帶電和危險的。請記住,倒下的線可能並不總是顯眼的,平時外出散步要格外小心。請至少保持距離倒下的電力線30英尺。南卡羅來納州客戶應立即撥打888-333-4465報告倒下的電力線。
  • 關注Dominion Energy的社交媒體。該公司將提供定期更新和額外提示,以幫助客戶了解信息和保持安全。

For more info and tips, visit


About Dominion Energy
More than 4.5 million customers in 13 states energize their homes and businesses with electricity or natural gas from Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va. The company is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy every day and to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. Please visit to learn more.

位於弗吉尼亞里士滿市的Dominion Energy(紐交所:D)爲13個州的450萬客戶提供家庭和商業用電或天然氣。公司致力於提供可靠、經濟、越來越清潔的能源,並致力於在2050年之前實現淨零排放。請訪問DominionEnergy.com了解更多信息。

