
Relativity Announces General Availability of Relativity AiR for Review at 15th Annual Relativity Fest

Relativity Announces General Availability of Relativity AiR for Review at 15th Annual Relativity Fest

相對論宣佈第15屆Relativity Fest上的Relativity AiR現已正式推出,供審核使用。
PR Newswire ·  09/26 23:15

The conference keynote underscored how Relativity and its community are innovating together to shape technological transformation in the legal industry


CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Relativity, a global legal technology company, announced the general availability of its generative AI-powered document review solution, Relativity aiR for Review, at Relativity Fest. In today's keynote address, the company showcased how it's collaborating with and empowering its community to tackle today's most pressing legal data challenges through Relativity aiR, its generative AI suite built in RelativityOne, enhancements to streamline the end-to-end experience, and solutions to address emerging use cases.

2024年9月26日,芝加哥 / PRNewswire / - 全球法律科技公司Relativity在Relativity Fest上宣佈其生成式AI動力文件審查解決方案Relativity aiR for Review的普遍可用性。在今天的主題演講中,公司展示瞭如何與社區合作,鼓勵其社區應對當今最緊迫的法律數據挑戰,通過Relativity aiR解決,這是其建立在RelativityOne中的生成式AI套件,用於增強端到端體驗,以及解決新興用例。

"Legal professionals have been eagerly awaiting and long discussing the imminent shift in how generative AI can be applied to solve increasingly complex legal challenges driven by a new era of data discovery," said Phil Saunders, CEO of Relativity. "We're no longer on the precipice of this profound change, we are fully immersed in this seminal moment, and we're not just anticipating technological transformation — we're working with our user community to thoughtfully shape it together."

“法律專業人士一直在急切地等待和長期討論生成式AI如何應用於解決日益複雜的法律挑戰,這是由新數據發現時代驅動的。Relativity首席執行官Phil Saunders表示:「我們不再處於這一深刻變革的邊緣,我們完全沉浸在這一重要時刻中,我們不僅僅是在預期技術變革 - 我們正在與用戶社區合作,共同慎重地塑造它。」

Unlocking the Future of Legal Review with Generative AI
In last year's Relativity Fest keynote address, the company unveiled plans to harness the power of generative AI to accelerate and elevate the quality of document review, a crucial component in uncovering relevant evidence in legal proceedings and investigations. Since the limited availability launch of aiR for Review in January, Relativity has collaborated with over 50 customers and partners to test the solution on millions of documents across over 170 workspaces and matters. By conducting testing and gathering feedback, Relativity can deliver purposeful AI with usefulness and responsibility top of mind.

在去年的Relativity Fest主題演講中,公司披露了利用生成式AI加速和提升文件審查質量的計劃,這是揭示在法律訴訟和調查中發現相關證據的關鍵組成部分。自1月份推出aiR for Review的有限可用性以來,Relativity已與50多名客戶和合作夥伴合作,在170多個工作區和事務中的數百萬份文件中測試方案。通過進行測試和收集反饋,Relativity可以提供具有用處和責任感的有意義的AI。

By using aiR for Review, customers have delivered immense cost savings and higher quality results to their clients, cutting project time in half, and finding over 96% of responsive documents across multiple analyses. The solution's ability to analyze thousands of documents per hour supports the use of generative AI across the most multifaceted projects, such as a recent analysis of over one million documents completed by global advisory firm, Teneo, earlier this month.

通過使用aiR for Review,客戶已爲客戶獲得了巨大的成本節約和更高質量的結果,將項目時間縮短了一半,並在多次分析中找到96%以上的響應性文檔。解決方案每小時能夠分析數千份文件,支持在最複雜的項目中使用生成式AI,例如本月早些時候全球諮詢公司Teneo完成的一項超過一百萬份文件的分析。

"We've used Relativity aiR for Review on multiple live projects with tremendous success," said Mike Cichy, Regional Manager of Litigation Support at Foley & Lardner LLP. "In one case, we had an extremely tight production deadline; aiR for Review completed the review, which would have taken over 15 people and three weeks of time, in less than one week, all while delivering results that far outperformed what we've seen in traditional human review."

"我們已經在多個實際項目中使用Relativity aiR進行審查,取得了巨大成功,"Foley & Lardner LLP的訴訟支持區域經理Mike Cichy說。"在一個案例中,我們有一個非常緊迫的交付截止日期;aiR for Review 完成了審查,這個過程需要15人和三週時間,在不到一週的時間內完成了,而且交付的結果遠遠超出了傳統人工審查的表現。"

This year's keynote address also highlighted Relativity's next generative AI solution to revolutionize review — Relativity aiR for Privilege. aiR for Privilege accelerates first-pass privilege review through automation, pinpointing privileged information and reducing disclosure risks with speed and accuracy. aiR for Privilege helps attorneys create privilege logs in a fraction of the time with AI that understands privileged material and generates log descriptions, enabling customers and partners to quickly yet confidently protect their clients' sensitive information. The solution is expected to be generally available by the end of the year. aiR for Privilege launched for limited availability in the U.S. in April and currently has 15 partners and customers participating in the program. Relativity is expanding the program to include additional partners and customers looking to test and further develop the solution. Troutman Pepper eMerge is currently using aiR for Privilege and has reported they expect it to cut privilege review time by more than 50%.

今年的主題演講還強調了Relativity的下一代人工智能解決方案,用於徹底改變審查 — Relativity aiR for Privilege。aiR for Privilege通過自動化加速首次特權審查,準確定位特權信息,減少披露風險,速度和準確性。aiR for Privilege幫助律師以AI快速創建特權日誌,了解特權材料並生成日誌描述,使客戶和合作夥伴能夠迅速而自信地保護客戶的敏感信息。該解決方案預計將於年底前正式推出。 aiR for Privilege於今年4月在美國有限上線,目前有15家合作伙伴和客戶參與該計劃。Relativity正在擴大該計劃,包括更多合作伙伴和客戶,希望測試和進一步開發該解決方案。Troutman Pepper eMerge目前正在使用aiR for Privilege,並表示他們預計可以將特權審查時間縮短超過50%。

"Relativity aiR for Privilege's ability to use AI to identify privileged content more accurately and efficiently, while also drafting descriptions of why documents are privileged, is really promising, and will help drastically reduce the time needed to conduct this expensive and nuanced component of document review," said Alison Grounds, Managing Partner at Troutman Pepper eMerge. "We've been able to get hands-on experience using the tool and have really enjoyed the ability to provide feedback on how to enhance the solution even further."

"Relativity aiR for Privilege利用人工智能更準確高效地識別特權內容,同時起草文件的特權原因說明,這一點真的很有前途,將有助於大幅減少進行這種昂貴且微妙的文件審查組成部分所需的時間,"Troutman Pepper eMerge的管理合夥人Alison Grounds說。"我們已經能夠親身體驗工具,並且非常喜歡提供反饋,以進一步增強解決方案。"

The keynote also touched on Relativity aiR for Case Strategy, which makes it faster and simpler for litigation attorneys to extract facts, craft case narratives, and prepare for depositions and trial. aiR for Case Strategy is currently in advanced access with 15 customers and is slated to be generally available in early 2025.

主題演講還涉及Relativity aiR for Case Strategy,這使得訴訟律師更快更簡單地提取事實、制定案件敘事,併爲詢問和審判做準備。目前,aiR for Case Strategy正處於高級使用階段,擁有15位客戶,並計劃在2025年初全面推出。

Customers and partners interested in helping design cutting-edge generative AI solutions for privilege review and case strategy should inquire about early access programs by contacting their RelativityOne representative.


Streamlining Modern Data Collection
In the keynote, Relativity showcased new solutions for seamless modern data collection, delivering a stronger end-to-end user experience.


This year, a new integration with RelativityOne and Cellebrite's Endpoint Inspector and Mobile Now products will be generally available. The integration with Cellebrite, a global leader in premier digital investigative solutions, offers a comprehensive end-to-end solution, making it easier for custodians and cutting the time to collect, process and review mobile data from days or weeks to just a few hours.

今年,RelativityOne與Cellebrite的Endpoint Inspector和Mobile Now產品進行了新的集成,將全面推出。與Cellebrite的集成,作爲全球領先的數字調查解決方案提供商,提供了全面的端到端解決方案,使保管人更容易收集、處理和審查移動數據的時間從數天或數週縮短到僅需幾小時。

Additionally, a recently announced integration with OpenAI's ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API allows ChatGPT Enterprise customers to seamlessly collect and process human-to-AI conversational data using Collect in RelativityOne.

此外,最近宣佈與OpenAI的ChatGPt Enterprise Compliance API集成,允許ChatGPt Enterprise客戶通過在RelativityOne中進行Collect,無縫收集和處理人機對話數據。

Navigating New Legal Challenges with Relativity Data Breach Response and Contracts
With the widening risk landscape, legal professionals must now navigate emerging challenges like data breaches and complex contract analysis. Data breaches have become increasingly prevalent, requiring response processes that enable quick decision making and action. To support this, Relativity offers Relativity Data Breach Response which leverages AI to help RelativityOne users respond to data breaches with accuracy and speed. New updates to further enhance the tool include a report that simplifies the entity deduplication experience and a dashboard that gives an at-a-glance view of the data breach response impact.


The growing complexity and volume of contracts legal teams are tasked with managing demands meticulous analysis to identify potential risks and ensure compliance with evolving legal standards and regulations. Relativity Contracts transforms agreements into actionable, structured data that reveal accurate insights resulting in faster and more favorable decisions. Before the end of the year, Contracts will come with purpose-built AI to automatically identify over a dozen of the most critical contract data points as well as the rationale and confidence of the data points discovered. This Essential Fields model powered by generative AI will be available out of the box as a default analysis option.

法律團隊所負責管理的合同越來越複雜,需要進行細緻的分析,以識別潛在風險,並確保符合不斷髮展的法律標準和法規的合規性。Relativity Contracts將協議轉化爲可執行的結構化數據,揭示準確見解,從而導致更快速且更有利的決策。在年底之前,Contracts將配備特定目的的人工智能,自動識別超過一打最關鍵的合同數據點,以及發現的數據點的基本原理和置信度。這款由生成式人工智能提供支持的Essential Fields模型將作爲默認分析選項直接提供。

"Having additional RelativityOne solutions, like Contracts and Data Breach Response, available in the same platform we already innovate on top of today is impactful because it means we can apply our expertise to solve new challenges for customers and expand our business," said David Nides, Principal at KPMG LLP. "These capabilities empower us with greater efficiency and actionable insights to transform our customers' contract analysis and breach processes."

「在同一平台上擁有額外的RelativityOne解決方案,如Contracts和數據泄露響應,對我們早已創新的平台具有重要影響,因爲這意味着我們可以運用我們的專業知識來解決客戶面臨的新挑戰並擴大我們的業務,」KPMG LLP的負責人David Nides表示。「這些功能賦予我們更高效率和可操作見解的力量,從而轉變我們客戶的合同分析和違約流程。」

About Relativity Fest
Relativity Fest is an annual conference designed to educate and connect the legal data community. Taking place Sept. 25-27 in Chicago, it's a premier event for legal and tech professionals to talk shop, connect with peers and learn from each other. Learn more about keynote announcements in this blog authored by Relativity Chief Product Officer, Chris Brown.

關於Relativity Fest
Relativity Fest是一年一度旨在教育和連接法律數據社區的會議。於9月25日至27日在芝加哥舉行,是法律和科技專業人士進行交流、與同行互動並互相學習的首要活動。在這篇由Relativity首席產品官Chris Brown撰寫的博客中,了解更多主題公告內容。

About Relativity
Relativity makes software to help users organize data, discover the truth and act on it. Its SaaS product, RelativityOne, manages large volumes of data and quickly identifies key issues during litigation and internal investigations. Relativity has more than 300,000 users in approximately 40 countries serving thousands of organizations globally primarily in legal, financial services and government sectors, including the U.S. Department of Justice and 198 of the Am Law 200. Please contact Relativity at [email protected] or visit for more information.


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