
WebMD Announces 2024 Health Heroes: Visionaries Leveraging AI in Medicine

WebMD Announces 2024 Health Heroes: Visionaries Leveraging AI in Medicine

PR Newswire ·  09/26 21:03

NEWARK, N.J., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WebMD today announced the recipients of the 2024 WebMD Health Hero Awards, recognizing individuals who are leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform healthcare. This year's theme, "AI in Medicine" highlights how AI is being used to address critical health challenges, offering innovative solutions for diagnosing, treating, and preventing serious conditions.

NEWARk,2024年9月26日,WebMD今日宣佈了2024年WebMD Health Hero獎的獲獎者,表彰那些正在利用人工智能etf改變醫療保健的個人。今年的主題「醫學中的人工智能」突顯了人工智能是如何被用來應對重大健康挑戰,提供創新解決方案用於診斷、治療和預防嚴重疾病。

The 2024 WebMD Health Hero Award recipients exemplify how AI is reshaping the future of medicine, offering hope and saving lives in ways previously unimaginable. They are:

2024年WebMD Health Hero獎的獲獎者展示了人工智能是如何重塑醫學未來,以前難以想象的方式爲人們帶來希望並拯救生命。他們包括:

WebMD Health Hero Award logo
WebMD Health Hero獎徽標
  • David Fajgenbaum, MD, MBA, MScFinding Existing Drugs to Treat Rare Diseases With AI
    A physician-scientist at the University of Pennsylvania and co-founder of, Fajgenbaum used AI to identify an existing kidney transplant drug that treated his own rare condition, saving his life. His groundbreaking AI-driven research has also identified 16 other treatments for diseases that these drugs weren't originally intended for. His personal journey, research, and discoveries have been widely published in scientific journals, as well as in his best-selling book.
  • Suchi Saria, PhDNew AI Tool to Help Prevent Sepsis Deaths in Hospitals
    Saria, the founding research director at the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare at Johns Hopkins, developed an AI tool that has reduced the risk of sepsis-related deaths in hospitals by 20 percent. After losing her nephew to sepsis, Saria committed to creating this life-saving technology, which can detect sepsis nearly 6 hours earlier than traditional methods. Her work is already saving lives in hospitals across the country.
  • Regina Barzilay, PhDMIRAI: Predicting Breast Cancer Risk Years in Advance
    Barzilay, a Distinguished Professor at MIT, developed MIRAI, an AI tool that predicts breast cancer risk years before the disease appears on mammograms. MIRAI analyzes mammograms to assess future risk, especially in aggressive cancers that affect younger women. Validated on data from over 200,000 exams, MIRAI has proven more accurate than previous methods in predicting cancer risk across diverse groups. Prospective trials are underway to showcase its potential benefits in tailored screenings.
  • David Fajgenbaum醫學博士、工商管理碩士、碩士學位 – 利用人工智能找到治療罕見疾病的現有藥品
  • Suchi Saria博士 – 新的人工智能工具幫助預防醫院中敗血症死亡
  • Regina Barzilay博士 – MIRAI: 提前數年預測乳腺癌風險
    Barzilay是麻省理工學院的傑出教授,開發了MIRAI,一種能夠在乳房X光照片上出現疾病數年前預測乳腺癌風險的人工智能工具。 MIRAI分析乳房X光照片以評估未來風險,特別是對影響年輕女性的侵襲性癌症。 在超過20萬次檢查數據的驗證下,MIRAI在預測各種人群的癌症風險方面證明比以前的方法更準確。前瞻性試驗正在進行中,以展示其在定製篩查方面的潛在好處。

"Artificial Intelligence is reshaping healthcare in profound ways, saving lives and improving patient outcomes," said Dr. John Whyte, Chief Medical Officer of WebMD. "This year's Health Heroes are leading the way in AI innovation, and we are honored to recognize their achievements."

「人工智能以深遠的方式重塑醫療保健,挽救生命並改善患者預後,」 WebMD首席醫療官約翰·懷特博士表示。 「今年的醫療英雄們正在引領人工智能創新的道路,我們很榮幸能夠認可他們的成就。」

To learn more about the inspiring work of this year's honorees, visit:


About the WebMD Health Hero Awards
Now in its 17th year, the WebMD Health Hero Awards honor individuals and organizations making a lasting impact on health and wellness. WebMD celebrates those advancing healthcare through innovation, leadership, and courage. The recipients are chosen by WebMD's editorial team, which includes board-certified healthcare professionals and award-winning journalists.

WebMD醫療英雄獎已進入第17年,表彰在健康和福祉領域產生持久影響的個人和組織。 WebMD表彰那些通過創新、領導和勇氣推動醫療保健的人。 獲獎者由WebMD的編輯團隊選擇,該團隊包括持牌醫療專業人員和屢獲殊榮的記者。

Join Tonight's Medscape Masters Event: Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI
As part of the WebMD Health Hero Awards celebration, healthcare professionals are invited to attend tonight's Medscape Masters event: Revolutionizing Healthcare: AI-Driven Solutions. This session will feature WebMD Health Hero honoree, Dr. Fajgenbaum, who will discuss his pioneering work in using AI to repurpose existing drugs for rare diseases, as well as his broader insights into the evolving role of AI in clinical practice. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives on how AI is transforming treatment approaches. To register, click here. Medscape is a subsidiary of WebMD Health Corp.

作爲WebMD醫療英雄獎慶典的一部分,醫療保健專業人士被邀請參加今晚的Medscape大師活動:革新醫療保健:人工智能驅動的解決方案。 本次研討會將邀請WebMD健康英雄獲獎者法伊根鮑姆博士,他將討論自己在使用人工智能爲罕見疾病重新利用現有藥物方面的開創性工作,以及他對人工智能在臨床實踐中不斷髮展角色的更廣泛見解。 參與者將獲得有價值的觀點,了解人工智能如何改變治療方法。 要註冊,請單擊 這裏Medscape是WebMD Health Corp.的子公司。

About WebMD Health Corp.
WebMD Health Corp., an Internet Brands company, is at the heart of the digital health revolution that is transforming the healthcare experience for consumers, patients, healthcare professionals, employers, health plans and health systems. Through public and private online portals, mobile platforms, and health-focused publications, WebMD delivers leading-edge content and digital services that enable and improve decision-making, support and motivate health actions, streamline and simplify the healthcare journey, and improve patient care.

關於WebMD Health Corp。
WebMD Health Corp.,作爲互聯網品牌公司的一部分,處於數字醫療革命的核心,正在爲消費者、患者、醫療專業人員、僱主、健康計劃和醫療系統提供轉型中的醫療體驗。通過公共和私人在線門戶、移動平台和健康專業出版物,WebMD提供領先的內容和數字化服務,促進和改進決策、支持和激勵健康行爲、簡化和簡化醫療旅程,並改善患者護理。

The WebMD Health Network includes WebMD Health, Medscape, WebMD Ignite (encompassing Krames, The Wellness Network and Mercury Healthcare), Jobson Healthcare Information, MediQuality, Frontline, Vitals Consumer Services, Aptus Health, PulsePoint, The Wellness Network, SanovaWorks, MNG Health, MedicineNet, eMedicineHealth, RxList, OnHealth, Medscape Education, and other owned WebMD sites. WebMD, Medscape, CME Circle, Medpulse, eMedicine, MedicineNet, and RxList are among the trademarks of WebMD Health Corp. or its subsidiaries.

WebMD Health Network包括WebMD Health、Medscape、WebMD Ignite(包括Krames、The Wellness Network和Mercury Healthcare)、Jobson Healthcare Information、MediQuality、Frontline、Vitals Consumer Services、Aptus Health、PulsePoint、The Wellness Network、SanovaWorks、MNG Health、MedicineNet、eMedicineHealth、RxList、OnHealth、Medscape Education,以及其他旗下WebMD網站。WebMD、Medscape、CME Circle、Medpulse、eMedicine、MedicineNet萬億.eheart.org和RxList是WebMD Health Corp.或其子公司的商標。

About Internet Brands
Internet Brands, headquartered in El Segundo, Calif, is a fully integrated online media and software services company focused on four high-value vertical categories: Health, Automotive, Legal, and Home/Travel. The company's properties and platforms include the WebMD, Medscape, and Henry Schein ONE networks, which are the global leaders in their markets; Nolo, Avvo, and Martindale, which form the largest consumer information provider in the legal market; and CarsDirect, Fodor's Travel, and many others which are leaders in their key verticals such as auto, travel, and home. For more information, please visit .

關於Internet Brands
總部位於加利福尼亞州埃爾塞貢多的Internet Brands是一家完全集成的在線媒體和軟件服務公司,專注於四個高價值垂直領域:健康、汽車、法律和家庭/旅行。該公司的產品和平台包括WebMD、Medscape和Henry Schein ONE網絡,它們是各自市場的全球領導者;Nolo、Avvo和Martindale組成了法律市場中最大的消費者信息提供商;CarsDirect、Fodor's Travel等等是各自關鍵垂直領域的領導者,如汽車、旅行和家庭。

SOURCE WebMD Health Corp.

來源:WebMD Health Corp.




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