
IBM Expands Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York to Advance Algorithm Discovery Globally

IBM Expands Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York to Advance Algorithm Discovery Globally

IBM Corp ·  09/26 12:00

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today the completion of its latest expansion of the IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie, New York, which operates the highest number of available utility-scale quantum computers at a single location in the world. These systems are a part of the more than a dozen quantum computers offered to global clients via the IBM cloud.



To advance its mission of bringing useful quantum computing to the world, IBM has heavily invested in deploying advanced quantum hardware architectures. First introduced late last year, the IBM Quantum Heron processor has now been deployed in IBM's global Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie.


Now available via the cloud, IBM's Heron-based system offers up to a 16-fold improvement in performance and a 25-fold increase in speed over previous IBM quantum computers as they were measured two years ago. In addition to the two IBM Heron-based computers now available, the additional systems within the IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie are now all capable of operating at the level of utility-scale: the point at which quantum computers can run quantum circuits more accurately than classical computers simulating them. In turn, this opens the possibility to explore new computational territories for global users who are pushing forward the discovery of new quantum algorithms that will unlock quantum advantage.

現已可以通過雲端獲得基於Heron的IBM系統,相對於兩年前衡量的先前的IBm量子計算機,該系統的性能提升了多達16倍,速度提高了25倍。除了目前可用的兩臺基於IBm Heron的計算機外,普基普西的IBm量子數據中心內的其他系統現在都具備了運行實用級別的能力:量子計算機可以比模擬它們的經典計算機更準確地運行量子電路。這樣一來,全球用戶有了探索新的計算領域的可能性,推動發現將釋放量子優勢的新量子算法。

IBM's users are now tapping the improved performance capabilities of IBM Heron and IBM utility-scale systems to build quantum algorithms for their industries with Qiskit, IBM's quantum software stack, which has been built to simplify programming quantum computers.

現在,IBM的用戶正在利用IBm Heron和IBm實用級系統的性能提升功能,使用Qiskit構建適用於其行業的量子算法,Qiskit是IBM的量子軟件堆棧,旨在簡化編程量子計算機。

"Since IBM made the first quantum computer available on the cloud in 2016, we have broken barriers across quantum hardware and software to build our largest and highest-performing fleet of globally accessible quantum systems," said Jay Gambetta, Vice President at IBM Quantum. "Our quantum data center in Poughkeepsie is the epicenter of these efforts, with more organizations around the world using our systems here in the Hudson Valley to explore industry-relevant problems on real quantum hardware. As we continue to expand our quantum computers in Poughkeepsie and globally, we will work with our network of more than 250 organizations to accelerate the pace of discovery in quantum computing."

"自2016年IBm首次在雲端提供量子計算機以來,我們已經跨越了量子硬件和軟件界限,構建了我們全球可訪問的最大和性能最高的量子計算系統群。" IBm量子的副總裁Jay Gambetta表示:"我們在普基普西的量子數據中心是這些努力的中心,全球更多組織正利用我們在哈德遜谷的系統來探索實際量子硬件上的行業相關問題。隨着我們在普基普西和全球範圍內繼續擴展我們的量子計算機,我們將與我們250多個組織的網絡合作,加快量子計算中的發現步伐。"

Recently, IBM published evidence that Qiskit is the leading and most performant quantum software. These breakthroughs are now enabling the emergence of a global ecosystem of quantum software and services, including offerings in the Qiskit Functions Catalog from startups such as Algorithmiq, Q-CTRL, and Qedma to abstract away the complexity of managing the performance of quantum systems; as well as tools from QunaSys and Q-CTRL to help users more easily explore chemistry and optimization problems. These tools are designed to make it easier to build and run utility-scale quantum algorithms that could open the doorway to useful quantum computing.

最近,IBm發佈了證據,證明Qiskit是領先且性能最佳的量子軟件。這些突破性進展現在正促使全球量子軟件和服務生態系統的出現,包括Algorithmiq、Q-CTRL和Qedma等初創公司在Qiskit Functions目錄中提供的服務,幫助抽象化管理量子系統性能的複雜性;以及來自QunaSys和Q-CTRL的工具,幫助用戶更輕鬆地探索化學和優化問題。這些工具旨在更容易構建和運行大型實用量子算法,有望打開通往有用的量子計算的大門。

"When you are focused on achieving algorithmic quantum advantage, working with highly reliable, stable, and high-performing quantum hardware is essential. We chose to partner with IBM because their quantum computers offer the advanced engineering and performance we need to meet our goals with confidence," said Dorit Aharonov, Chief Scientific Officer of Qedma Quantum Computing.

"當您專注於實現算法量子優勢時,與高度可靠、穩定和高性能的量子硬件合作至關重要。 Qedma量子計算的首席科學官多麗特·阿哈羅諾夫表示,我們選擇與IBm合作,因爲他們的量子計算機提供了我們需要滿懷信心實現目標所需的先進工程和性能。

"IBM has been a leader in both the development of quantum hardware and the realization of a high-performance, flexible quantum computing platform for the community. The IBM team had exceptional foresight in de-verticalizing and empowering their partners to push the limits of what's possible with today's machines. We're proud to have our record-breaking performance-management and optimization solutions available through Qiskit Functions to deliver value to the widest range of users," said Michael Biercuk, CEO of Q-CTRL.

"IBm在量子硬件開發和爲社區實現高性能、靈活的量子計算平台方面一直是領導者。IBm團隊在去垂直化和賦權合作伙伴推動當今機器的可能極限方面具有卓越的遠見。Q-CTRL首席執行官邁克爾·剋剋表示,我們自豪地將我們破紀錄的性能管理和優化解決方案通過Qiskit Functions提供,以爲最廣泛的用戶群體提供價值。

"IBM's leadership in quantum hardware development exemplifies its relentless pursuit of performance innovation, enabling cutting-edge, utility-scale work while offering a seamless, frictionless development experience for partners and users alike, thanks to the Quantum Cloud service and Qiskit ecosystem. This commitment is why Algorithmiq has chosen IBM's platform to include its groundbreaking error mitigation algorithm within the Qiskit Functions Catalog to unlock greater access to real-world applications at utility scale and beyond," said Sabrina Maniscalco, CEO of Algorithmiq.

"IBM在量子硬件開發方面的領導地位體現了其對性能創新的不懈追求,使得在提供無縫、無摩擦開發體驗的同時實現尖端的大規模實用工作成爲可能,這要歸功於Quantum Cloud服務和Qiskit生態系統。Algorithmiq首席執行官薩布麗娜·馬尼斯卡爾科表示,正是這種承諾是Algorithmiq選擇IBM的平台,將其開創性的誤差緩解算法納入Qiskit Functions目錄中,以解鎖更多實用規模及更廣泛的實際應用訪問。

"As IBM advances quantum hardware with its latest Heron processor, we are excited to see QunaSys' algorithms running on this cutting-edge technology. We believe that having our QURI Chemistry operate at utility scale on Heron-powered systems, via the Qiskit Functions Catalog, is a key to achieving quantum advantage. QunaSys is committed to advancing our solutions, believing this synergy is essential to unlocking quantum computing's full potential," said Tennin Yan, CEO of QunaSys.

隨着IBm最新的Heron處理器推進量子硬件技術,我們很高興看到QunaSys的算法在這一尖端科技上運行。我們相信,在Heron驅動系統上通過Qiskit函數目錄使我們的QURI化學在實用規模上運行,是實現量子優勢的關鍵。 QunaSys致力於推進我們的解決方案,相信這種協同作用對釋放量子計算的全部潛力至關重要,"稱QunaSys首席執行官Tennin Yan。

Strengthened by close communication with New York State and federal policymakers, IBM plans to continue to upgrade and grow its IBM Quantum Data Center in Poughkeepsie as it progresses along its Quantum Development Roadmap to extend the complexity and size of quantum workloads that users can run. The Poughkeepsie data center will continue to serve as a global hub for IBM's Quantum Network as the company extends its worldwide fleet of systems, including the second IBM Quantum Data Center which will soon open in Ehningen, Germany.


In addition to quantum computing, IBM plans to continue to nurture the broader technology ecosystem in New York to unlock new discoveries and opportunities across semiconductors, hybrid cloud, and artificial intelligence.


Statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.


About IBM

關於IBM:IBM是全球領先的混合雲、人工智能和諮詢專家提供商。我們幫助客戶在175多個國家利用自己的數據洞見,簡化業務流程,降低成本,並在各自的行業中獲得競爭優勢。超過4,000家金融服務、電信和醫療保健等重要基礎設施領域的政府和企業實體依靠IBM的混合雲平台和Red Hat OpenShift,快速、高效且安全地實現數字化轉型。IBM在人工智能、量子計算、行業專用的雲解決方案和諮詢方面的突破性創新爲客戶提供了開放和靈活的選擇。所有這些都得到IBM長期承諾的信任、透明、責任、包容和服務的支持。訪問ibm.com了解更多信息。

IBM is a leading global hybrid cloud and AI, and business services provider, helping clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Nearly 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and business services deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. For more information, visit .

IBm是全球領先的混合雲和人工智能、業務服務提供商,在幫助來自175多個國家的客戶利用從數據中獲取的洞察,簡化業務流程,降低成本並在其行業中獲得競爭優勢方面發揮作用。 幾乎4000家關鍵基礎設施領域的政府和企業實體,如金融服務、電信和醫療保健,依賴IBM的混合雲平台和Red Hat OpenShift快速、高效、安全地影響數字轉型。 IBM在人工智能、量子計算、行業特定雲解決方案和業務服務方面的突破性創新爲客戶提供了開放和靈活的選擇。 所有這些都得到了IBM對信任、透明度、責任、包容性和服務的承諾的支持。 要了解更多信息,請訪問網站。

  1. The performance of IBM Quantum hardware is publicly available here:
  1. IBM量子硬件的性能公開可在此處查看:

Media Contact:
Chris Nay





