
WISeKey's SEALCOIN Platform Unveils Roadmap, Whitepaper Release Set for October 2024

WISeKey's SEALCOIN Platform Unveils Roadmap, Whitepaper Release Set for October 2024

Benzinga ·  09/26 14:42

WISeKey International Holding Ltd. ("WISeKey" or the "Company") ((SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ:WKEY), a leading global cybersecurity and IoT company operating as a holding company, today announced that its subsidiary Sealcoin AG, which focuses on decentralized physical internet with DePIN technology and house the development of the SEALCOIN platform, is announcing the final timeline for the SEALCOIN project, including the highly anticipated release of its whitepaper in October 2024. The whitepaper will unveil the strategic vision, technical roadmap, and comprehensive tokenomics of SEALCOIN, marking a major milestone in the platform's development.

wisekey國際控股有限公司(「wisekey」或「公司」)((SIX: WIHN, 納斯達克:WKEY),作爲一家領先的全球網絡安全概念和物聯網公司作爲控件公司運營,今天宣佈其子公司Sealcoin AG的最終時間表,Sealcoin AG專注於使用DePIN技術進行去中心化的物理互聯網並且承載SEALCOIN平台的開發,並宣佈了SEALCOIN項目的高度期待的時間表,包括其白皮書預計於2024年10月發佈。白皮書將揭示SEALCOIN的戰略願景、技術路線圖和全面的代幣經濟學,標誌着該平台發展的重要里程碑。

Key Milestones and Timeline:


  1. Proof of Concept (PoC): Successfully executed on July 25, 2024, demonstrating the platform's ability to facilitate secure, autonomous IoT transactions.
  2. Pre-Seed Investment: Raised $2 million in mid-2024, positioning SEALCOIN for accelerated growth and development.
  3. FINMA Application: SEALCOIN AG is about to submit its application to the Swiss financial regulator FINMA, ensuring full regulatory compliance as the project advances.
  4. Platform Development: Officially launched in Q3 2024, the SEALCOIN platform's development is underway, leveraging Hedera Hashgraph technology for enhanced scalability and security.
  5. Platform Production Release and Token Issuance: The SEALCOIN platform will go live, and the token will be officially issued, expected in mid-2025.
  6. Token Listing: SEALCOIN is targeting a digital exchange listing by Q3 2025, to provide liquidity and accessibility for token holders worldwide.
  1. 概念驗證(PoC):於2024年7月25日成功執行,展示了該平台促進安全、自主的物聯網交易的能力。
  2. 種子輪投資:於2024年中籌集了200萬美元,爲SEALCOIN快速增長和發展奠定基礎。
  3. FINMA申請:SEALCOIN AG即將向瑞士金融監管機構FINMA提交申請,確保在項目推進過程中完全符合監管要求。
  4. 平台開發:計劃於2024年第3季度正式發佈,SEALCOIN平台的開發正在進行中,利用Hedera Hashgraph技術以提升可擴展性和安全性。
  5. 平台生產發佈和代幣發行:SEALCOIN平台將啓動,並預計於2025年中期正式發行代幣。
  6. 代幣上市:SEALCOIN計劃於2025年第3季度在數字交易所上市,爲全球代幣持有人提供流動性和可訪問性。

Whitepaper Release in October 2024


The SEALCOIN whitepaper, set to be released in October 2024, will provide an in-depth look at the platform's technical architecture, governance model, and tokenomics. The document will outline SEALCOIN's approach to enabling secure, decentralized, and autonomous transactions between IoT devices, powered by Hedera Hashgraph. Detailed tokenomics will include the allocation and distribution structure, vesting schedules, and SEALCOIN's role as both a utility and payment token within the platform.

預計於2024年10月發佈的SEALCOIN白皮書將深入展示平台的技術架構、治理模式和通證經濟模型。該文件將概述SEALCOIN實現物聯網設備之間安全、去中心化和自治交易的方法,由Hedera Hashgraph提供支持。詳細的通證經濟模型將包括分配和分發結構、解禁計劃,以及SEALCOIN作爲平台內既是實用通證又是支付通證的角色。

The SEALCOIN Platform and Token Beta Version will be released as an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) on Hedera's TestNet in Q1 2025. This milestone will allow users and developers to test SEALCOIN's core functionalities in a controlled environment, showcasing the platform's decentralized transaction capabilities between IoT devices and ensuring the smooth operation of the SEALCOIN token within the ecosystem before the full production release, set in Summer 2025.

SEALCOIN平台和通證的Beta版本將在2025年第一季度作爲MVP(最小可行產品)在Hedera的TestNet上發佈。這一重要里程碑將允許用戶和開發者在受控環境中測試SEALCOIN的核心功能,展示平台在物聯網設備之間的去中心化交易能力,並確保在Summer 2025年全面發佈之前,SEALCOIN在生態系統內的平穩運行。

Carlos Moreira, CEO of SEALCOIN AG, commented, "With our PoC successfully completed and development in full swing, we are excited to share our roadmap and vision for the future of IoT transactions. The upcoming whitepaper will provide the community with full transparency on our tokenomics and the strategic steps we're taking to achieve full decentralization."

SEALCOIN AG的CEO卡洛斯·莫雷拉評論道:「隨着我們的PoC順利完成並全力以赴進行開發,我們很高興與社區分享我們對物聯網交易未來的路線圖和願景。即將發佈的白皮書將向社區全面展示我們的通證經濟模型以及爲實現完全去中心化而採取的戰略步驟。」

