
Plenty of Fish's Eighth Annual Dating Trends Revealed: Expect Singles to Be "Smutten" and "Freak Matching"

Plenty of Fish's Eighth Annual Dating Trends Revealed: Expect Singles to Be "Smutten" and "Freak Matching"

《Plenty of Fish第八屆約會趨勢揭示:預計單身人士會「一見傾心」和「瘋狂匹配」》
PR Newswire ·  09/25 21:01

New Terms Reflect TikTok and Pop Culture's Impact on Dating in 2025


VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dating app Plenty of Fish today revealed its eighth annual list of dating trends, providing singles with new lingo to describe their evolving dating experiences. Following 2024's 'Rizz-Colored Glasses' and 'Canon-Bailing,' this year's list introduces the latest trends poised to shape the dating landscape, and will join Plenty of Fish's existing index of over 60 dating behaviors.

加拿大BC省溫哥華,2024年9月25日 / PRNewswire / - 約會應用程序 Plenty of Fish 今天公佈了其第八屆年度約會趨勢清單,爲單身人士提供了描述他們不斷髮展的約會經歷的新術語。繼2024年的'瑞斯色眼鏡'和'佳能退貨'之後,今年的清單介紹了即將影響約會格局的最新趨勢,並將加入Plenty of Fish現有的超過60種約會行爲指數。

When singles fantasize about the storylines of romantic TV shows, movies, or books becoming their reality.
When someone talks only about themselves, and doesn't make the effort to balance the give-and-take in a conversation.

Plenty of Fish surveyed nearly 6,000 U.S. members, and found that TikTok and social media continue to heavily influence our cultural zeitgeist. Smut is having its moment both on-screen and in written word (ahem, a certain gossipy, Regency-era binger might ring some bells?)––leaving singles fantasizing about their own dating lives and "Smutten" with a potential match. Meanwhile, "Yap-Trapping" has plagued half of daters, who found themselves struggling to get a word in edgewise with chatty companions who dominate the discussion.

Plenty of Fish調查了近6000名美國會員,發現TikTok和社交媒體繼續深刻影響我們的文化潮流。色情作品在屏幕上和書面文字中都有其時刻(咳咳,某個愛八卦的攝政時代追劇可能會喚起一些回憶?)——讓單身人士幻想着他們自己的約會生活,並與潛在對象'性趣相投'。與此同時,「嘎嘴陷阱」已經困擾了一半的約會者,他們發現自己在努力與主導討論的健談夥伴搶話題。

2025 Dating Trends include:


  • Smutten (smuh-tin): When singles fantasize about the storylines of romantic TV shows, movies, or books becoming their reality. 33% of singles have fantasized about these ideals; even higher for women at 40% vs. 28% of men. Well-written romance novels and steamy shows are all the rage right now. People are craving escapism, but also, the characters can be decent models for partners. And who doesn't love the popular tropes often portrayed - friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, forbidden love!
  • Freak Matching (frēk ma-ching): Connecting with someone over shared quirks, eccentricities, unique interests, or general "weirdness" – which 39% of singles have experienced. How does that song go? 'If you keep up with me, I'll keep on coming back.' Thanks, Tinashe, for addressing the fact that we're all just looking for somebody that's going to match our freak.
  • Yap-Trapping (yap-trap-ping): We're not here to call out the yappers. We're referring to when someone only talks about themselves, and doesn't make the effort to balance the give-and-take in a conversation—completely inun-dating their partners (pun intended!). In fact, almost half (49%) of singles have been on a date or dated someone who never asked them any personal questions.
  • StICKing (stik-ing): Looking past an initial "ick" and pursuing someone romantically despite any superficial oddities (e.g. style of dress, hairstyle, etc.) when you wouldn't normally. Viewing "icks" as total deal breakers is so last year. 36% of daters have chosen to stICK instead of running from the ick––hello, emotional maturity!
  • Grim Keeping (grim kēp-ing): Bonding with someone over your "darker side" or shared dislikes. It's essentially coming together over the things that rub you the wrong way, to deepen the connection - and 28% have bonded over being grim.
  • Smutten(smuh-tin):當單身人士幻想浪漫電視節目、電影或書籍的故事情節成爲現實時。有33%的單身人士幻想過這些理想;女性更高,達到40%,而男性爲28%。寫得好的言情小說和充滿激情的節目如今非常流行。人們渴望逃避現實,但同時,這些角色也可以成爲伴侶的良好榜樣。還有誰不喜歡經常描繪的流行主題-朋友變戀人,仇人變戀人,禁忌之戀!
  • Freak Matching(frēk ma-ching):通過共同的怪癖、古怪、獨特興趣或一般"怪異"與某人建立聯繫——39%的單身人士有過這種經歷。那首歌是怎麼唱的?'如果你跟上我,我會一直回來。'感謝Tinashe,她指出了我們都在尋找那種可以匹配我們的怪的人。
  • Yap-Trapping(yap-trap-ping):我們不是在指責喋喋不休的人。我們指的是當某人只談論自己,不努力平衡談話中的給予與索取,完全淹沒對方(雙關語!)。事實上,將近一半(49%)的單身人士在約會或與從未詢問過任何個人問題的人約會過。
  • StICKing(stik-ing):忽略最初的"討厭感",並追求某人的浪漫,儘管存在一些表面上的奇怪之處(例如着裝風格、髮型等),當你通常不會這樣做時。將"討厭擱置"視爲絕對的交易破壞者已經是去年的事了。36%的約會者選擇堅持,而不是逃避討厭——你好,情感成熟!
  • Grim Keeping(grim kēp-ing):與某人建立聯繫,並且深化聯繫,表達你們之間的共同不悅之處。基本上是通過討厭的事物走到一起,加深聯繫,28%的人因爲不悅之事而產生聯繫。

"This year's dating trends showcase how our romantic lives can take cues from pop culture, and it's always fun to see how in turn, they can help validate shared dating experiences," says Rachel DeAlto, Dating Expert at Plenty of Fish. "Beyond igniting that internal spark, lighthearted trends like 'Smutten' can offer singles a renewed sense of hope and excitement for their dating lives, while 'Freak Matching' serves as a gentle nudge towards embracing our individuality and authenticity. When we put less pressure on ourselves, dating becomes more about having fun and enjoying new experiences - and we want more of that for singles!"

"今年的約會趨勢展示了我們的浪漫生活如何可以從流行文化中獲得啓示,總是很有趣看到它們如何反過來幫助驗證共享的約會經歷,"“說道Rachel DeAlto,Plenty of Fish的約會專家。"超越點燃內在火花,像'Smutten'這樣的輕鬆趨勢可以爲單身人士的約會生活帶來更新的希望和興奮感,而'Freak Matching' 則作爲一個溫和的推動,鼓勵我們擁抱自己的個性和真實性。當我們減少對自己的壓力,約會變得更多是關於享受樂趣和享受新體驗-我們希望單身人士能得到更多這樣的體驗!"

Read more about dating trends and other dating-related advice on the Plenty of Fish Blog. Join the conversation on social by following Plenty of Fish on Instagram, X, and Facebook, using #DatingTrends and #POFDictionary.

在Plenty of Fish上閱讀更多有關約會潮流和其他約會相關建議 Facebook 。通過關注Plenty of Fish在社交媒體上加入對話 Instagram, XFacebook,使用#DatingTrends和#POFDictionary。

Dating Trends Survey Methodology
Nearly 6,000 Plenty of Fish users were polled online in August 2024. Participants were 18+, based in the United States.


About Plenty of Fish
Plenty of Fish is a dating app for singles who believe in a more laid-back approach to dating, one where they get to know the heart of someone. Our mission is to connect the most singles by building low-pressure experiences where the right people take notice. Unlike many dating offerings today, Plenty of Fish prioritizes creating an authentic, welcoming environment that allows real singles to discover what they're looking for - and simply date better! Plenty of Fish was the first dating app to ban "face filters" in all profile pics and the first Match Group dating app to introduce live streaming. Plenty of Fish is a Match Group (NASDAQ: MTCH) company and is one of the largest global online dating companies, available in 11 languages and more than 20 countries.

大魚是一款面向相信更爲輕鬆的約會方式的單身人士的約會應用,他們希望了解某人的內心。我們的使命是通過打造低壓體驗,讓合適的人留意,連接最多的單身人士。與今天許多約會產品不同,大魚優先創建真實、歡迎的環境,讓真實的單身人士發現他們想要的,並簡單地約會更好!大魚是第一個在所有個人資料圖片中禁止"臉部濾鏡"的約會應用,也是Match Group推出直播概念的第一個約會應用。大魚是Match Group(納斯達克代碼:MTCH)的子公司,是全球最大的在線約會公司之一,提供11種語言和20多個國家的服務。

SOURCE Plenty of Fish





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