
Bill Gates Uses ChatGPT Daily: Microsoft Founder Shares What He Loves Most About AI Chatbot

Bill Gates Uses ChatGPT Daily: Microsoft Founder Shares What He Loves Most About AI Chatbot

Benzinga ·  09/25 21:00

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates highlights the use cases for ChatGPT during his Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) docuseries, which recently premiered on the streaming platform.


What Happened: Microsoft is a key investor in ChatGPT parent company OpenAI. So, it may not be a huge surprise that Gates is a fan of the AI chatbot.


During an episode of the new docuseries "What's Next? The Future With Bill Gates," Gates asks ChatGPT to recommend exercises he can do while in the office.


"You know, I'm often learning about topics, and ChatGPT is an excellent way to get explanations for specific questions," Gates told The Verge. "I'm often writing things, and it's a huge help in writing."

蓋茨告訴The Verge說:"你知道,我經常在學習各種話題,ChatGPt是獲取特定問題解釋的絕佳方式。我經常在撰寫東西,它對我寫作非常有幫助。"

Gates said the ChatGPT feature he uses the most is meeting summaries, which are integrated with Microsoft Teams.


"I use it a lot," he said. "The ability to interact and not just get the summary, but ask questions about the meeting, is pretty fantastic."


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Why It's Important: Gates' using ChatGPT on the Netflix series could generate increased exposure to the chatbot and may serve as a strong endorsement for the AI chatbot.

爲什麼重要:蓋茨在奈飛系列中使用chatgpt概念股可能會增加chatbot的曝光,並可能成爲AI chatbot的強力認可。

Gates, who served as Microsoft CEO from 1975 to 2000, is currently a technology advisor to the Redmond, Washington-based company. He often shares his perspective on AI strategy and the partnership with OpenAI.


"It's strengthening the OpenAI relationship, doing a lot of its own," Gates said of Microsoft. "The amount of investment by Microsoft and others in the field, it's hard to overstate."


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Image: Shutterstock


