


PR Newswire ·  09/25 21:00

Fast casual concept enters Midland County and will celebrate grand opening on October 2,
Offering Free Chicken Salad for a Year


ATLANTA, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicken Salad Chick, the nation's only fast casual chicken salad restaurant concept, announced today its opening its 34th restaurant in Texas and first in Midland County, located at 200 Spring Park Drive in the Ally Village shopping center. The Midland community is invited to celebrate this grand opening on Wednesday, October 2 where the first 100 guests in line will win free chicken salad for a year*.

2024年9月25日亞特蘭大/PRNewswire/ -- Chicken Salad Chick,全國唯一的快餐雞肉沙拉餐廳概念,今日宣佈在德克薩斯州開設第34家餐廳,也是米德蘭縣的第一家,位於阿利村購物中心的Spring Park Drive 200號。米德蘭社區受邀在10月2日星期三共同慶祝這一盛大開業活動,前100名排隊的客人將贏得一年的免費雞肉沙拉*。

During grand opening week, guests can expect to experience the Southern hospitality that Chicken Salad Chick is known for, as well as a community focused mindset with various specials and giveaways. These include:

在開業週期間,客人們可以期待體驗Chicken Salad Chick以南方熱情和社區關注爲特點的特色服務,以及各種特別優惠和贈品。其中包括:

  • Wednesday, October 2 Free Chicken Salad for a Year to the first 100 Guests – The first guest in line will receive one large Quick Chick of chicken salad per week for an entire year. The next 99 guests in line receive one large Quick Chick of chicken salad per month for a year.*
  • Thursday, October 3 – The first 75 guests to purchase a Chick Meal will receive a FREE Chicken Salad Chick 40oz Tumbler.**
  • Friday, October 4 – The first 50 guests to purchase a Chick Trio will receive a FREE Chick Cutting Board!**
  • Saturday, October 5 – The first 50 guests to purchase a Small Quick Chick will receive a FREE Small Quick Chick on your next visit!**
  • 10月2日星期三 - 前100名客人免費獲得一年的雞肉沙拉 - 排在第一位的客人將每週獲得一份大份Quick Chick的雞肉沙拉,持續一整年。 排在第2到第100位的客人將每月獲得一份大份Quick Chick的雞肉沙拉,持續一整年*。
  • 10月3日星期四 - 購買Chick Meal的前75位客人將獲得一個免費的Chicken Salad Chick 40盎司保溫杯。**
  • 10月4日星期五 - 購買Chick Trio的前50位客人將獲得一個免費的Chick砧板!**
  • 10月5日星期六 - 購買小份Quick Chick的前50位客人將在下次訪問時獲得一份免費的小份Quick Chick!**

Chicken Salad Chick of Midland is owned and operated by mother-daughter duo, Liz Sevcik and Alexis Thompson. With over 30 years of combined experience in nursing and education, Sevcik has worked as a nurse, while both she and Thompson have taught fourth grade. Thompson, now in her eighth year of teaching, plans to continue doing so for a few more years before fully working at the restaurant. Both women are very involved in the local community and believe their strong ties will contribute to the success of their business. They found their favorite aspects of their previous careers – building relationships with patients and students – has been incredibly rewarding and believe that experience will prove invaluable as they work to establish trust and respect within the Midland community.

Midland的Chicken Salad Chick由母女二人Liz Sevcik和Alexis Thompson擁有和經營。Sevcik在護理和教育領域擁有超過30年的工作經驗,曾擔任護士,而她和Thompson都曾在四年級任教。Thompson目前已經教了八年,計劃在未來幾年繼續教書,然後全職在餐廳工作。兩位女士非常融入當地社區,並相信他們與社區的緊密聯繫將有助於業務的成功。她們發現在之前的職業中,與患者和學生建立關係是非常有益的,她們相信這種經驗將對他們在Midland社區建立信任和尊重起到無比重要的作用。

"We decided to become Chicken Salad Chick franchise owners not only because of the food, but because of what the brand represents," said Alexis Thompson, co-franchise owner of Chicken Salad Chick of Midland. "My mom and I were truly inspired by the story of the founder, Stacy Brown, and the brand's mission to 'Spread Joy, Enrich Lives, and Serve Others.' It aligns perfectly with our family's values. The more we learned about Chicken Salad Chick's history, the more certain we became that we wanted to join the family. Midland is in need of fresh, healthy dining options, so we're excited to bring those to our community very soon."

Midland Chicken Salad Chick加盟店的聯合特許經營者Alexis Thompson表示:「我們之所以決定成爲Chicken Salad Chick的特許經營者,不僅是因爲食物,更是因爲品牌代表的價值觀。」 「我和媽媽真正受到品牌創始人Stacy Brown的故事啓發,以及品牌的使命是'傳播快樂,豐富生活,爲他人服務'。這與我們家庭價值觀完美契合。我們了解的逐漸增多,就越是確定自己想加入這個大家庭。Midland需要新鮮、健康的餐飲選擇,所以我們很快將這些帶給我們的社區。」

The pair have a longtime admiration for Chicken Salad Chick, as they've dined at multiple locations over the years, each consistent in taste and quality. Sevcik recognized something special in Chicken Salad Chick and felt drawn to open a location of her own. After discussing and researching the brand, the pair found Chicken Salad Chick's mission deeply resonated with them. Combined with the brand's delicious chicken salad flavors and warm, welcoming atmosphere, they knew this was the perfect investment for them. They are excited to embark on this journey as a family, with Sevcik's son and Thompson's younger brother, Luke Sevick, serving as the restaurant's general manager. Midland is the first of three planned locations, with two in Odessa and San Angelo opening down the line.

這對母女長期以來一直欽佩Chicken Salad Chick,多年來在多個地點就餐,每個地點的口味和質量都是一致的。Sevcik認識到Chicken Salad Chick的獨特之處,並渴望開設自己的門店。在討論和研究品牌後,這對母女發現Chicken Salad Chick的使命與他們產生了深深的共鳴。再加上品牌美味的雞肉沙拉口味和溫馨親切的氛圍,他們知道這對他們來說是完美的投資。他們很高興以一個家庭的身份踏上這段旅程,Sevcik的兒子和Thompson的弟弟Luke Sevick擔任餐廳的總經理。Midland是三個計劃中的第一個地點,之後將在Odessa和San Angelo開設另外兩個門店。”

Chicken Salad Chick is known for its dozen-plus variety of made-from-scratch chicken salad flavors, fresh side salads, gourmet soups, signature sandwiches, and desserts. The new Midland restaurant offers in-restaurant and outdoor patio dining, take-out, curbside pickup, third-party delivery, and catering options.

Chicken Salad Chick以其十幾種自制雞沙拉口味、新鮮的配菜沙拉、美食湯、招牌三明治和甜點而聞名。新的Midland餐廳提供內用和戶外露臺餐飲、外賣、路邊取貨、第三方送餐和餐飲服務選擇。

"We're excited to bring Chicken Salad Chick's delicious flavors to residents of Midland County," said Scott Deviney, president and CEO of Chicken Salad Chick. "Midland is a rapidly growing, health-conscious community, and we're excited to become a part of it. We believe Chicken Salad Chick has a lot to offer to the community and that there are incredible catering opportunities there. We look forward to working with more franchise owners like Alexis and Liz who embody our values and want to share our delicious menu items with their community. We can't wait to see both new and familiar faces at our grand opening this October!"

「我們很高興將Chicken Salad Chick美味的口味帶給Midland County的居民,」Chicken Salad Chick的總裁兼首席執行官Scott Deviney表示。「Midland是一個迅速增長、注重健康的社區,我們很高興能夠成爲其中的一部分。我們相信Chicken Salad Chick爲社區提供了很多,並在那裏有着不可思議的餐飲機會。我們期待與更多如Alexis和Liz這樣體現我們價值觀且願意與他們社區分享我們美味菜單的加盟店合作。我們迫不及待地期待在今年十月的開業典禮上看到新老顧客!」

Giving back to the community is an important focus for the Midland team and the Chicken Salad Chick brand, which established the CSC Foundation to support CURE Childhood Cancer and local food banks with fundraisers throughout the year. As part of pre-opening Friends & Family events in Midland, the restaurant will be raising money for Gifts of Hope, an organization dedicated to offering HOPE to the heart, soul, mind and body of cancer patients and their families. Donations help the organization to provide patients with a home away from home through lodging, financial assistance, and support groups.

回饋社區是Midland團隊和Chicken Salad Chick品牌的重要焦點,該品牌成立了CSC基金會,通過全年舉辦籌款活動來支持治癒兒童癌症和本地食品銀行。作爲Midland預開業「親朋活動」的一部分,該餐廳將爲希望之禮義務籌款,該組織致力於爲癌症患者及其家人提供希望。捐款將幫助該組織爲患者提供像住宿、財務援助和支持小組等遠離家的舒適之地。

Chicken Salad Chick of Midland will be open Monday – Saturday from 10am8pm. For more information, visit . Follow Chicken Salad Chick on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and trends.

Midland的Chicken Salad Chick將於週一至週六上午10點至晚上8點營業。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。關注 Chicken Salad Chick Facebook和頁面。Instagram 獲取最新的資訊和趨勢。

For more information on giveaways and specials, visit:


*Guests should arrive early to secure a place in line. The first 100 guests must remain in line and download the Chicken Salad Chick app. Wi-Fi will not be available on site. Once the restaurant opens, guests will make a purchase of "The Chick" or anything of equal/greater value and enter a code in the Chicken Salad Chick app to officially secure their spot. If you leave the line for any reason, your spot will be awarded to the next guest in line. Guests will receive their first free Large Quick Chick electronically to their app the Monday following Grand Opening Day. The reward will be valid for redemption for 30 days upon delivery.

*客人們應提前到達以確保在隊伍中佔據位置。前100位客人必須留在隊伍中並下載Chicken Salad Chick應用。現場不提供Wi-Fi。一旦餐廳開門,客人將購買「The Chick」或同等/更高價值的任何物品,並在Chicken Salad Chick應用中輸入代碼以正式確認他們的位置。如果您因任何原因離開隊伍,您的位置將被授予下一位排隊的客人。客人將在開業日後的第一個星期一通過應用程序收到他們的首份免費大份Quick Chick電子套餐。獎勵將在送達後的30天內有效兌換。

**Must download the CSC App and be 16 years or older to purchase. Must purchase Chick Trio, Small Quick Chick or a higher-value item to qualify. Not valid with any other offers. Limit 1 reward per guest present, per day. The bounce-back card must be presented in-store before March 31st, 2025.

**必須下載CSC應用程序,並且必須年滿16歲及以上才能購買。必須購買Chick Trio,Small Quick Chick或價值更高的物品才能符合條件。不得與任何其他優惠同時使用。每位在場客人每天限領取1個獎勵。在2025年3月31日之前必須在店內出示回贈卡。

About Chicken Salad Chick
Chicken Salad Chick serves full-flavored, Southern-style chicken salad made from scratch and served from the heart. With more than a dozen original chicken salad flavors as well as fresh side salads, gourmet soups, signature sandwiches and delicious desserts, Chicken Salad Chick's robust menu is a perfect fit for any guest. Founded in Auburn, Alabama, by Stacy and Kevin Brown, in 2008, Chicken Salad Chick has grown to more than 270 restaurants in 19 states. Today, under the leadership of Scott Deviney and the Chicken Salad Chick team, the brand is continuing its rapid expansion with both franchise and company locations. Chicken Salad Chick has received numerous accolades including rankings in the 2023 Entrepreneur Franchise 500, Franchise Times' Fast & Serious for the third consecutive year, Fast's top Movers and Shakers from 2018 to 2023, QSR's Best Franchise Deals in 2019, 2020 and 2022, and Franchise Business Review's Top Food Franchises in 2020. See for additional information.

Chicken Salad Chick提供由頭開始製作並用心服務的口感豐富、南方風味的雞肉沙拉。除了一打原創的雞肉沙拉口味外,還有新鮮的配菜沙拉、美味的湯、招牌三明治和美味的甜點,Chicken Salad Chick豐富多樣的菜單完全符合任何客人的口味。Chicken Salad Chick由Stacy和Kevin Brown於2008年在阿伯恩,阿拉巴馬州創立,如今,在Scott Deviney和Chicken Salad Chick團隊的領導下,該品牌通過特許經營和公司地點持續快速擴張。Chicken Salad Chick曾多次獲獎,包括在2023年《企業家》特許經營500強排名、連續三年獲得《特許經營時報》Fast & Serious獎、2018年至2023年Fast Casual.com的頂級Movers和Shakers、2019年、2020年和2022年QSR的最佳特許經營交易,以及2020年《特許經營評論》的最佳食品特許經營。有關更多信息,請參閱 。

Alexis Paul
Fish Consulting
[email protected]

Alexis Paul
Fish Consulting
[email protected]

SOURCE Chicken Salad Chick

SOURCE Chicken Salad Chick




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