
America's Largest Landlord Of Single-Family Homes Invitation Homes Faces FTC Fines For Alleged Unfair, Deceptive Practices

America's Largest Landlord Of Single-Family Homes Invitation Homes Faces FTC Fines For Alleged Unfair, Deceptive Practices

美國最大的單戶房地產業主 Invitation Homes 因涉嫌的不公平、欺騙性行爲面臨FTC罰款
Benzinga ·  09/25 18:53

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a complaint against Invitation Homes Inc (NYSE:INVH), the largest U.S. landlord of single-family homes, for engaging in unfair and deceptive practices against renters.

美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)已對美國最大的單戶住宅房東 Invitation Homes Inc(NYSE:INVH)提出投訴,指控其採取了不公平和欺詐性的對待租戶行爲。

These include misleading tenants about lease costs, charging hidden fees, neglecting home inspections, and withholding security deposits unfairly. The company has agreed to a $48 million settlement, which will be used to refund affected consumers.


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According to FTC Chair Lina Khan, Invitation Homes exploited tenants with various deceptive tactics, from hidden fees and unjustified security deposit withholdings to misleading eviction policies during the pandemic.

根據FTC主席莉娜·汗的說法,Invitation Homes利用各種欺詐手段剝削租戶,從隱藏費用和不合理的安全按金扣留到在大流行期間誤導性的驅逐政策。

The FTC's complaint highlighted several violations by Invitation Homes, including deceptive pricing practices.

FTC的投訴突出了Invitation Homes的多項違規行爲,包括欺騙性定價行爲。

The company advertised rental prices without disclosing mandatory fees that totaled more than $1,700 per year. These fees were for services like smart home technology and utility management, which renters could not opt out of.


Between 2021 and 2023, Invitation Homes charged renters tens of millions of dollars in these undisclosed fees.

在2021年至2023年期間,Invitation Homes向租戶收取了數千萬美元的這些未公開費用。

The company also failed to honor promises of home inspections and emergency maintenance services. Over 33,000 properties had reported serious issues within the first week of tenants moving in, ranging from broken appliances to unclean conditions.


Despite claims of providing 24/7 emergency maintenance, renters often experienced delays in addressing urgent repairs, with some left in dangerous conditions.


Additionally, the report findings claim that Invitation Homes unfairly withheld security deposits, charging tenants for normal wear and tear or even damages that existed before they moved in.

此外,報告顯示,invitation homes 不公平地扣留安全按金,要求租戶支付正常磨損甚至在他們入住之前就存在的損壞費用。

In some cases, the company charged renters for all repairs, only reviewing the charges if residents disputed them, but often, renters struggled to reach anyone to resolve their complaints.


During the pandemic, Invitation Homes also employed unethical eviction practices. The company steered tenants away from the CDC's eviction moratorium by promoting its document, which offered no eviction protection.

在大流行期間,invitation homes 還採用了不道德的驅逐行爲。該公司通過推廣自己的文件,遠離疾病控制和預防中心的驅逐暫停令,以此來減少租戶的驅逐保護。

Furthermore, Invitation Homes initiated eviction proceedings against tenants who had already moved out, impacting their ability to rent in the future.

此外,invitation homes 對已經搬離的租戶發起驅逐程序,影響他們未來的租住能力。

The settlement requires Invitation Homes to change its business practices, clearly disclose rental prices, and establish fair security deposit policies.

協議要求 invitation homes 改變其業務實踐,清楚披露租金價格,並建立公平的安全按金政策。

The agreement, pending approval from a federal judge, also mandates the destruction of consumer financial data collected before the settlement.


Price Action: INVH stock closed at $35.57 on Tuesday.


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