
Copper Fox Announces 2024 Third Quarter Operating and Financial Results

Copper Fox Announces 2024 Third Quarter Operating and Financial Results

newsfile ·  09/25 18:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - September 25, 2024) - Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUU) (OTCQX: CPFXF) ("Copper Fox" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its unaudited interim consolidated July 31, 2024, financial statements have been filed on SEDAR+.


For the nine months ended July 31, 2024, Copper Fox had a net loss of $826,730 (July 31, 2023 - $882,395) which equated to $0.00 loss per share (July 31, 2023 - $0.00 loss per share). As of the date of the MD&A, September 24, 2024, the Company's cash position was $1,145,000.


During the nine months ended July 31, 2024, the Company incurred $825,069 in exploration expenditures primarily furthering the development of the Van Dyke (Globe-Miami Mining District, AZ), Mineral Mountain (Mineral Mountain Mining District, AZ), Sombrero Butte (Bunker Hill Mining District, AZ) and Eaglehead (Liard Mining District, BC) copper projects. Copies of the financial statements, notes, and related management discussion and analysis may be obtained on SEDAR+ at , the Company's web site at or by contacting the Company directly. All references to planned activities and technical information contained in this news release have been previously announced by way of news releases. All amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


Elmer B. Stewart, President and CEO of Copper Fox stated, "During the Quarter, the positive results from the geotechnical study at Van Dyke included a safer, faster and more environmentally friendlier method to develop the decline and that the project's geotechnical data was sufficient to meet the threshold for a prefeasibility study (PFS). The permitting process to allow completion of the four-drillhole "maiden" drilling program at Mineral Mountain and the surface exploration at Sombrero Butte are progressing. The stream water sampling program completed at Eaglehead during the Quarter showed no appreciable changes in the water quality since inception of the program in 2021.

銅狐狸總裁兼首席執行官Elmer B. Stewart表示:"在本季度,範戴克地區地質研究取得了積極的進展,包括一種更安全、更快速和更環保的開拓方式,項目的地質數據足以滿足可行性預研(PFS)的閾值。允許在礦山山進行的首次四孔鑽探項目和帽子山地表勘探項目的許可流程正在進行中。本季度完成的鷹頭流水採樣項目顯示,自2021年項目啓動以來水質未出現明顯變化。

At Schaft Creek, the Schaft Creek Joint Venture (SCJV) completed the field portion of the most comprehensive annual program since formation of the joint venture, budgeted at C$18.7 million. The drilling filled in gaps in the geotechnical data and extended the mineralization in the Schaft Creek deposit to the north. While the preliminary indications from the metallurgical testwork are encouraging, the testwork is progressing slower than expected. Lock cycle testing of the rougher concentrate samples is underway and the testwork program is expected to be completed in Q4-2024. The results of the metallurgical program are necessary to better understand the metallurgical performance of the mineralization and optimize the processing flowsheet design."


2024 Q3 Highlights


  • On May 22, 2024, the Company provided an update on the application to obtain a permit to conduct drilling operations at its 100% owned exploration stage Mineral Mountain porphyry copper property.
  • On May 30, 2024, the Company provided an update on its 100% owned Sombrero Butte project which included planning a deep penetrating geophysical survey to define the size and the chargeability anomalies underlying Target #1 and #2.
  • On June 18, 2024, the Company announced that the 2024 field program at the Schaft Creek project is underway.
  • On July 10, 2024, the Company announced the results of the geotechnical investigation at Van Dyke copper project. Call & Nicholas was contracted to collect geotechnical data in support of a planned prefeasibility-level design study of a decline from which to establish injection and recovery well stations to enable leaching of the oxidized portion of the Van Dyke copper deposit. Highlights of the geotechnical investigation are as follows:
    • The current drillhole data coverage will support a PFS.
    • Geotechnical parameters of the Gila Conglomerate are generally consistent, and match expected ranges of the Gila Conglomerate in other parts of the Globe-Miami Mining District.
    • A preliminary assessment of the rock quality of the Gila Conglomerate suggests that excavation of the spiral decline utilizing a road header is viable.
    • Shotcrete and rock bolting will be required for permanent ground support.
    • When excavating the decline, a two-pass ground support strategy will consist of a first-pass flash coat (two inches) of shotcrete and a second pass consisting of rock bolts and a final coat of shotcrete.
  • On July 17, 2024, the Company extended the porphyry trend at Mineral Mountain and suggested the introduction of several phases of molybdenite mineralization during emplacement of the porphyry system.
    • The field portions of the archeological, cultural, and biological investigations required to complete the Environmental Review (ER) have been completed. Results are being compiled.
    • The ER and Solicitation of Public Comments on the Plan of Operations is expected to take approximately four to six months to complete with an estimated cost of US$45,000. The estimated timeline and costs are subject to change contingent on amendments to the scope of work that could be requested by either Federal or State authorities.
    • Utilization of fertility indices supports the porphyry potential of the Laramide-age Mineral Mountain intrusive and has extended the potential strike length of this mineralized trend approximately three kilometers to the northeast.
    • Indicators of distal to proximal hydrothermal activity related to porphyry-style mineralization have been identified within Target #1, #2, and #3.
  • On July 31, 2024, the Company completed a non-brokered private placement for a total of 5,116,000 units at $0.22 per unit for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,125,520.
  • 2024年5月22日,公司更新了申請在其100%擁有的勘探階段礦山山脈斑岩銅礦項目中進行鑽探作業的進展。
  • 2024年5月30日,公司更新了其100%擁有的Sombrero Butte項目,其中包括規劃進行深入的地球物理勘測,以定義位於目標1和2下方的尺寸和可充電異常。
  • 2024年6月18日,公司宣佈Schaft Creek項目的2024年實地計劃已經啓動。
  • 2024年7月10日,公司宣佈了Van Dyke銅礦項目的岩土工程調查結果。 Call & Nicholas公司被承包以收集支持計劃中預可行性設計研究的岩土數據,以確定從中建立注入和回收井站以實現對Van Dyke銅礦氧化部分的浸出。岩土工程調查的要點如下:
    • 當前的鑽孔數據涵蓋面將支持PFS。
    • 吉拉風化巖的岩土工程參數一般保持一致,與Globe-Miami Mining District其他部分的吉拉風化巖預期範圍相匹配。
    • 對Gila英雄組岩石質量的初步評估表明,利用路面鎬進行螺旋迴降的開挖是可行的。
    • 需要溼噴砼和錨杆以進行永久地質支護。
    • 在挖掘衰變時,採取兩步地面支護策略,第一步是噴射混凝土(兩英寸)的快速底襯,第二步是巖栓和最終的混凝土覆蓋層。
  • 2024年7月17日,公司延伸了明礦山的斑岩趨勢,並在斑岩體系形成過程中提出了幾個階段的鉬鉬礦化。
    • 完成了完成環境審核(ER)所需的考古、文化和生物調查實地部分。正在編制結果。
    • 計劃的環境審核(ER)和向公衆徵求對運營計劃的意見預計需要大約四到六個月才能完成,預計成本爲45,000美元。預計的時間表和成本可能會因聯邦或州當局要求的工作範圍修訂而有所變化。
    • 利用礦產潛力指數證實了拉辛紀時代明礦山侵入體的斑岩潛力,並將該礦化趨勢的潛在走向長度延伸約三公里,朝東北方向延伸。
    • 已經在靶區#1、#2和#3內識別出與斑岩式礦化相關的遠距離至近距離熱液活動的指標。
  • 2024年7月31日,公司以0.22美元的價格完成了總計5,116,000單位的非經紀私募發行,總募集資金爲1,125,520美元。

Subsequent to the Quarter-end


On September 24, 2024, the Company provided an update on the Schaft Creek Project. Highlights of the program are as follows:

2024年9月24日,公司對Schaft Creek項目進行了更新。 項目的亮點如下:

  • The 2024 Geotechnical Drilling Program has been completed with 6 drillholes totalling 2,472 meters (m).
  • Three of the six geotechnical holes intersected significant intervals of porphyry style mineralization.
  • The mineralization intersected in DDH SCK-24-472 extended the hydrothermal breccia of the Paramount zone approximately 250 m to the north.
  • Lock cycle testing of the rougher concentrate samples is underway. The metallurgical testwork is expected to be completed by the end of Q4 2024.
  • Environmental Baseline data collection continues with surface and ground water sampling and hydrological measurements taken on a monthly basis as well as meteorology, fish and glacial surveys.
  • Archaeology investigations were conducted in the area around the proposed Tailing Management (TMF) and Rock Storage (RSF) facilities.
  • Final reports on the 2023 Environmental Baseline programs are under review.
  • Camp upgrades have been completed to support future programs of up to 85 people, including the commissioning of the solar and battery power system.
  • 2024年地質鑽探計劃已完成,共有6口鑽孔,總計2,472米(m)。
  • 六個地質鑽孔中有三個穿過了具有斑岩風格礦化的重要間隔。
  • 在SCk-24-472號鑽孔中穿過的礦化物將Paramount區的熱液角礫岩大約延伸25000萬向北。
  • 對粗選精礦樣品進行鎖相循環測試正在進行中。冶金測試工作預計將在2024年第四季度結束前完成。
  • 環境基線數據收集工作仍在繼續,包括定期進行地表和地下水採樣以及氣象、魚類和冰川調查。
  • 在擬議的尾礦處理(TMF)和岩石貯存(RSF)設施周圍進行了考古調查。
  • 2023年環保母基項目的最終報告正在審核中。
  • 營地升級已經完成,以支持未來高達85人的項目,包括太陽能和電池供電系統的啓用。

Subsequent to July 31, 2024, the Company received $900,000 from the exercise of 3,600,000 warrants.


Elmer B. Stewart, MSc. P. Geol., President of Copper Fox, is the Company's non-independent, nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and has reviewed and approves the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release.

Elmer b. Stewart,MSc. P. Geol.,銅狐公司總裁,是公司的非獨立提名的符合《國家43-101號法規,礦業項目披露標準》的資格人士,已審閱並批准本新聞發佈中披露的科學技術信息。

Selected Financial Results


3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended
July 31, 2024 April 30, 2024 January 31, 2024 October 31, 2023
Loss before taxes $ 293,185 $ 302,668 $ 230,877 $ 232,117
Net loss 293,185 302,668 230,877 232,117
Comprehensive (gain) / loss 199,184 (167,103)
905,445 (602,417)
Comprehensive loss per share,
basic and diluted
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 3 Months Ended
July 31, 2023 April 30, 2023 January 31, 2023 October 31, 2022
Loss before taxes $ 348,787 $ 254,018 $ 279,590 $ 461,137
Net loss 348,787 254,018 279,590 401,137
Comprehensive (gain) / loss 870,509 (43,966)
563,026 (668,062)
Comprehensive loss per share,
basic and diluted
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
三個月結束 三個月結束 三個月結束 三個月結束
2024年7月31日 2024年4月30日 2024年1月31日 2023年10月31日
稅前虧損 $ 293,185 $ 302,668 $ 230,877 $ 232,117
淨虧損 293,185 302,668 230,877 232,117
全面(盈利)/損失 。最後一次付款將於2025年3月12日進行。截至2024年6月30日,票據的未償還本金和利息餘額爲 (167,103)
905,445 (602,417)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
三個月結束 三個月結束 三個月結束 三個月結束
2023年7月31日 2023年4月30日 2023年1月31日 2022年10月31日
稅前虧損 $ 348,787 $ 254,018 $ 279,590 $ 461,137
淨虧損 348,787 254,018 279,590 401,137
綜合收益/損失 870,509 (43,966)
563,026 (668,062)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

As at July 31, 2024, the Company's cash position was $689,082 (October 31, 2023 - $1,368,852).


About Copper Fox
Copper Fox is a Tier 1 Canadian resource company focused on copper exploration and development in Canada and the United States. The principal assets of Copper Fox and its wholly owned Canadian and United States subsidiaries, being Northern Fox Copper Inc. and Desert Fox Copper Inc., are the 25% interest in the Schaft Creek Joint Venture with Teck Resources Limited on the Schaft Creek copper-gold-molybdenum-silver project located in northwestern British Columbia and the 100% ownership of the Van Dyke oxide copper project located in Miami, Arizona. For more information on Copper Fox's other mineral properties and investments visit the Company's website at .

關於Copper Fox
Copper Fox是一家一流的加拿大資源公司,專注於在加拿大和美國進行銅的探索和開發。Copper Fox及其全資擁有的加拿大和美國子公司Northern Fox Copper Inc.和Desert Fox Copper Inc.的主要資產是與位於不列顛哥倫比亞西北部的Schaft Creek的Teck資源有限公司在Schaft Creek銅-金-鉬-銀項目上共同擁有的25%權益,以及位於亞利桑那州邁阿密的Van Dyke氧化銅項目的100%所有權。有關Copper Fox的其他礦產和投資的更多信息,請訪問公司網站。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Elmer B. Stewart
President and Chief Executive Officer

Elmer B. Stewart

For additional information please contact:
Fidel Montegu at 1-844-464-2820 or

請聯繫銅狐金屬公司的Fidel Montegu,電話號碼爲1-844-464-2820或發送郵件至。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information in this news release include statements about; positive results from the geotechnical study at Van Dyke and that the geotechnical data is sufficient for a PFS; obtaining permits for a "maiden" drilling program at Mineral Mountain and the surface exploration at Sombrero Butte are progressing; the stream water sampling at Eaglehead showed no appreciable changes; and that the drilling at Schaft Creek filled in geotechnical gaps and extended the mineralization to the north.

本新聞稿包含根據1933年證券法案第27A條和1934年證券交易法案第21E條的前瞻性聲明,以及根據加拿大證券法的前瞻性信息(統稱爲"前瞻性信息")。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括以下聲明:Van Dyke的岩土工程研究取得積極成果,岩土數據足以支持一份PFS報告;在Mineral Mountain進行首次鑽探項目和Sombrero Butte的地面勘探許可正逐步獲得;Eaglehead的溪流水採樣顯示無明顯變化;Schaft Creek的鑽探填補了岩土工程差距,將礦化延伸到北部。

In connection with the forward-looking information contained in this news release, Copper Fox and its subsidiaries have made numerous assumptions regarding, among other things: the geological, financial, and economic advice that Copper Fox has received is reliable and is based upon practices and methodologies which are consistent with industry standards; that the mineral reserve and resources estimates and the key assumptions and parameters on which such estimates are based are reasonable; the costs and results of planned exploration activities are as anticipated; and the stability of economic and market conditions. While Copper Fox considers these assumptions to be reasonable, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies.

就本新聞公告中包含的前瞻性信息而言,銅狐及其子公司在衆多假設的基礎上做出了多種假設,其中包括:銅狐收到的地質、財務、經濟諮詢可靠,並基於符合行業標準的慣例和方法; 保留和資源預測以及這些估計所基於的關鍵假設和參數合理; 計劃勘探活動的成本和結果符合預期; 經濟和市場狀況的穩定性。儘管銅狐認爲這些假設是合理的,但這些假設固有地面臨重大不確定性和變數。

Additionally, there are known and unknown risk factors which could cause Copper Fox's actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information contained herein. Known risk factors include, the Van Dyke project may not progress to the PFS stage; exploration permits may not be received; surface exploration may not progress as planned; metallurgical testwork results may not be received or provide the information expected; the overall economy may deteriorate; uncertainty as to the availability and terms of future financing; copper prices and demand may fluctuate; currency exchange rates may fluctuate; conditions in the financial markets may deteriorate; trading prices of the Company's common shares may decrease below the exercise price of any outstanding warrants of the Company; and uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals.

此外,已知和未知的風險因素可能導致銅狐的實際結果、表現或成就與本公告中包含的前瞻性信息所暗示的任何未來結果、表現或成就存在重大差異。已知的風險因素包括,範戴克項目可能無法進展到前研究階段; 可能無法獲得勘探許可證; 地表勘探可能無法按計劃進行; 冶金試驗結果可能不會按預期獲得或提供所預期的信息; 總體經濟可能惡化; 未來融資的可用性和條款存在不確定性; 銅價和需求可能波動; 貨幣匯率可能波動; 金融市場的狀況可能惡化; 公司普通股的交易價格可能低於公司的任何未行權認股證的行權價格; 以及許可證和其他政府批准的及時可用性的不確定性。

A more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties facing Copper Fox is disclosed in Copper Fox's continuous disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities at . All forward-looking information herein is qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement, and Copper Fox disclaims any obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking information or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any of the forward-looking information contained herein to reflect future results, events, or developments, except as required by law.

有關銅狐面臨的風險和不確定性的更全面討論已在銅狐向加拿大證券監管機構的持續披露文件中披露。 此處的所有前瞻性信息均受到本警示性聲明的完全限制,銅狐不承擔修訂或更新任何此類前瞻性信息或公開宣佈根據法律要求修訂此處包含的任何前瞻性信息的結果、事件或發展的任何義務。

