
SNS Network's Q2 PAT Takes A Hit Dropping 30%

SNS Network's Q2 PAT Takes A Hit Dropping 30%

Business Today ·  09/25 17:39

SNS Network Technology Berhad announced its second quarter and first half financial results ended 31 July 2024, with Q2 revenue coming in at RM303.71 million with a 42.2% quarter-on-quarter rise while it was lower on year-on-year basis.


PAT was lower at RM6.35 million compared with RM9.02 million in the 2QFY2024 when it secured major orders to supply laptops for the education ministry through commercial channel. Gross profit margin however inched higher year-on-year to 7.17% from 7.03%.

PaT 通過商業渠道獲得向教育部供應筆記本電腦的重大訂單,與 2QFY2024 的902萬令吉相比下降至63.5萬令吉。然而,毛利率從7.03%同比小幅上升至7.17%。

For the cumulative six months, SNS Network's PAT was at RM10.09 million from RM16.91 million a year ago, whereas revenue stood at RM517.30 million, compared with RM622.72 million in 1HFY2024.

在累計六個月中,SNS Network的PaT從去年同期的1691萬令吉增至1009萬令吉,而收入爲51730萬令吉,而 1HFY2024 的收入爲62272萬令吉。

Commenting on the results, Mr Ko Yun Hung ,Managing Director of SNS Network, said aside from conventional ICT products and services, SNS Networks continues to be positive towards industry prospects on the back of the ongoing data centre boom that has been reflected in the roll-out of associated construction and infrastructure works for the sector.

SNS Network董事總經理高潤雄在評論業績時表示,除了傳統的ICt產品和服務外,在數據中心持續繁榮的背景下,SNS Networks繼續對行業前景持樂觀態度,這反映在該行業相關的建築和基礎設施工程的推出上。

The board announced a dividend payout of 0.25 sen per share or RM4.05 million in its latest quarter ended July 31, 2024.


