
Centrus Urges Congress to Prioritize US-Made Nuclear Fuel Technology Amid $3.4B Funding to Cut Russian Dependency

Centrus Urges Congress to Prioritize US-Made Nuclear Fuel Technology Amid $3.4B Funding to Cut Russian Dependency

Benzinga ·  09/25 14:46

At a special briefing for policymakers on Capitol Hill today, Centrus said that the $3.4 billion that Congress has made available for domestic nuclear fuel production should be focused on deploying American uranium enrichment technology that is manufactured in the United States, by American workers, as opposed to foreign-origin centrifuge technologies that are manufactured overseas.


"The need to transition away from Russian nuclear fuel, coupled with a historic investment in U.S. nuclear fuel production approved by Congress, has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to restore America's domestic supply chain for enriched uranium," said Amir Vexler, President and CEO of Centrus. "We should not be content to trade dependence on Russia for dependence on China, or Europe, or anywhere else. The time has come to invest in American enrichment technology, built by American workers, with an American supply chain."

「擺脫俄羅斯核燃料依賴的需求,再加上國會批准的美國核燃料生產歷史性投資,爲恢復美國的濃縮鈾國內供應鏈創造了一次千載難逢的機會,」Centrus總裁兼首席執行官阿米爾·維克斯勒表示。「我們不應滿足於與俄羅斯的依賴換成對中國、歐洲或其他任何地方的依賴。 現在是投資於美國濃縮技術,由美國工人建造,擁有美國供應鏈的時候了。」

Vexler was joined at the briefing by leaders of approximately 14 large and small businesses with work locations in 13 states, representing Centrus' nationwide supply chain. These American-owned companies and many others would provide critical components and other support to Centrus if the federal government decides to support deployment of Centrus' American Centrifuge technology, which is manufactured in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and operated in Piketon, Ohio.


Under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, Centrus has deployed a cascade of sixteen centrifuges at the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio, and is pioneering production of an advanced reactor fuel called High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU). Centrus' goal is to expand the capacity of the plant with thousands of additional centrifuges to accommodate large-scale production of Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) for existing reactors and HALEU for next generation reactors. This will require a public private partnership including robust federal investment alongside private capital and purchase agreements from customers.


Centrus is competing for federal funding under a series of Requests for Proposals (RFPs) issued by the U.S. Department of Energy. These RFPs are backed by more than $3.4 billion in Congressional appropriations that were approved as part of the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022 and the bipartisan government funding bill in March 2024.

Centrus正在參與由美國能源部發布的一系列招標請求(RFPs)下的聯邦資助競爭。 這些RFP由2022年通脹削減法案和2024年3月兩黨政府資金法案批准的超過34億美元國會撥款支持。

