
The Inner Circle Acknowledges, Tab Turner as a Pinnacle Attorney Inner Circle of Excellence

The Inner Circle Acknowledges, Tab Turner as a Pinnacle Attorney Inner Circle of Excellence

內部圈子承認,Tab Turner是一個卓越的律師內部圈子成員
PR Newswire ·  09/25 07:45

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ariz., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prominently featured in The Inner Circle, Tab Turner is acknowledged as a Pinnacle Attorney Inner Circle of Excellence for his contributions to Pioneering Work in Civil Litigation and Product Liability Law.

北小巖,亞利桑那州,2024年9月24日 / PRNewswire / - 在《內幕圈》中佔據重要位置,泰勃·特納因其在民事訴訟和產品責任法方面的開拓性工作而被認可爲傑出律師內部圈卓越成就獎。

Tab Turner

Mr. Turner, a prominent figure in civil litigation and product liability law, has been acknowledged for his groundbreaking contributions to the field. With a career spanning four decades, Mr. Turner has established himself as a leading trial attorney specializing in representing consumers injured by defective automotive products, environmental litigation, anti-terrorism litigation, and commercial litigation. Touting offices in Arkansas, Arizona, San Diego, and New York, Mr. Turner is a highly renowned leader in the legal industry.


Mr. Turner's expertise in automotive safety is particularly noteworthy, focusing on vehicle handling, stability, and catastrophic tire failures. He has secured significant verdicts for his clients, including a landmark $132 million jury verdict against Ford Motor Company involving the death of Brian Cole, a young outfielder with the New York Mets organization, as well as other verdicts in excess of $20,000,000. His expertise is also proven with cases such as his role as lead trial counsel in the first antiterrorism case tried against a Bank (Arab Bank) in a trial that took place in Brooklyn in 2015, wherein the jury found the Bank guilty of providing material support to the terrorist organization Hamas, which had carried out twenty-four (24) separate attacks of U.S. citizens during the Second Intifida in the Middle East.


Further, Mr. Turner's auto safety experience has included serving as co-counsel representing Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, in defamation suits brought by Isuzu Motors and Suzuki Motors in Los Angeles, CA, that resulted in a defense verdict and dismissal. Both cases involved articles published by Consumer Reports relating to the rollover characteristics of the Suzuki Samurai and the Isuzu Trooper.


Mr. Turner's extraordinary victory pursuing Ford and Firestone was featured on virtually every major news organization, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Dateline NBC, CNN, 60 MinutesII, Frontline, and Burden of Proof. He was featured in the December, 2000, issue of the New York Times Magazine for his work on behalf of consumers in litigation involving sport utility vehicle rollovers. He has authored papers relating to similar accident evidence in products cases; vehicle rollover; occupant restraints; vehicle crashworthiness; voir dire; punitive damages; trial persuasion and settlement strategies. He also serves, and has served, in virtually every capacity with the Attorneys Information Exchange Group in Birmingham, AL. As a result of the Arab Bank litigation, he was likewise featured in both print and television media, both domestically and internationally.

Turner先生在追求福特和Firestone方面取得了非凡的勝利,受到了幾乎所有主要新聞機構的關注,包括農業銀行、NBC、CBS、Dateline NBC、CNN、60 MinutesII、Frontline和Burden of Proof。他在2000年12月的《紐約時報》雜誌上因代表消費者參與與運動型多用途車輛翻滾有關的訴訟工作而受到特別報道。他撰寫了與產品案件中類似事故證據、車輛翻滾、乘員約束、車輛碰撞安全性、陪審團詢問、懲罰性賠償、庭審說服和解決策略相關的論文。他還在阿拉巴馬州伯明翰市的「律師信息交流集團」幾乎以各種角色出現並供職。由於阿拉伯銀行訴訟案,他也受到了國內外印刷媒體和電視媒體的關注。

Mr. Turner is a member of the Pulaski County and Arkansas Bar Associations; the American Bar Association; the Arkansas and American Trial Lawyers Associations; a former Board Member of Trial Lawyers for Public Justice; Million Dollar Advocates Forum; the Southern Trial Lawyers Association; Orange County Trial Lawyers Association; and the Western Trial Lawyers Association. He is licensed in a variety of courts across the country and has represented clients in cases throughout the country.


In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Mr. Turner has received numerous accolades, including being named the "Outstanding Trial Lawyer of the Year" by the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (2001) for his work representing Donna Bailey in the Ford/Firestone litigation (2001); "Outstanding Trial Lawyer of the Year" by Public Justice (2015) for his representation of over 500 victims of 24 separate terror attacks carried out by Hamas in Linde v. Arab Bank; "Outstanding Trial Lawyer of the Year Award" from the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association for 2001-2002; Lifetime Achievement Award from the Arkansas Bar Association in 2015; and Arkansas Business magazine as one of the most prominent Arkansans.

爲了表彰他的傑出貢獻,Turner先生獲得了許多榮譽,包括被公共正義律師授予的「年度傑出庭審律師」稱號(2001年),以表彰他在代表Donna Bailey處理福特/Firestone訴訟中的工作;被公共正義授予的「年度傑出庭審律師」稱號(2015年),以表彰他在Linde訴阿拉伯銀行案中代表24起由哈馬斯組織發動的恐怖襲擊的500多名受害者的工作;阿肯色州律師協會2001-2002年度「年度傑出庭審律師獎」;2015年阿肯色州律師協會頒發的終身成就獎;以及被《阿肯色州商業雜誌》評選爲最傑出的阿肯色人之一。

The attorney has served as guest speaker for a variety of different organizations including the Association of Trial Lawyers of America; the National College of Advocacy; the Attorneys Information Exchange Group; the American Bar Association Automotive Litigation Section; Western Trial Lawyers Association; Kentucky Trial Lawyers Association; Virginia Trial Lawyers Association; the Arkansas Bar Association; the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association; the Washington Trial Lawyers Association; the University of Florida; the Southern Trial Lawyers Association; and the Texas Trial Lawyers Association. He has also been recognized as Outstanding Trial Lawyer of the Year in the United States by Trial Lawyers for Public Justice and various other associations and publications for his dedication to upholding consumer rights and seeking justice for those harmed by corporate negligence.


In addition to his thriving law practice, Mr. Turner currently serves as a board member of the Center for Auto Safety; is an active supporter of "Public Citizen", a consumer advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. and is credited for being the instrumental tool in Congress' creation of the "TREAD Act", which now stands as one of the world's strongest laws pertaining to consumer protection against defective automotive products and components, including the obligation to inform the public of growing consumer complaints that result in death or injury of consumers on the highway. He is a former member of the board and an active supporter of the "The Lawyers for Public Justice" now known as "Public Justice". Mr. Turner's impact extends beyond his legal achievements. He is the subject of the book "Tragic Indifference: One Man's Battle with the Auto Industry over the Dangers of SUVs" by Adam L. Penenberg, highlighting his tireless advocacy for automotive safety. Mr. Turner's client, Donna Bailey, a single mother of two in her early 40s, who was left a quadriplegic on March 10, 2000, in central Texas when the Ford Explorer driven by her friend flipped over after its right rear Firestone Wilderness AT tire peeled apart. That case, considered to be a watershed in litigation, was settled in January, 2001. Penenberg, an investigative reporter who exposed a fabricated New Republic story by journalist Stephen Glass in1998, tells the story of one lawyer's battle and one woman's struggle for survival and justice. The two stories intertwine to lead readers through the blinding maze of suits and countersuits, whistle-blowers, politicians, consumer advocates, journalists, engineers and corporate executives, all surrounding the profit machine now known in the U.S. as the "sport utility vehicle".

除了他蓬勃發展的法律實踐,特納先生目前還擔任汽車安全中心的董事會成員;是華盛頓特區消費者倡導組織"公民公衆"的積極支持者,並因他在國會制定了"TREAD法案"而受到肯定,這現在是世界上關於消費者保護免受有缺陷的汽車產品和元件侵害方面的最強法律之一,包括有義務告知公衆關於導致消費者在公路上死亡或受傷的越來越多投訴。他曾是"公共司法法律援助"董事會的成員,並積極支持這個如今被稱爲"公共正義"的組織。特納先生影響力超越了他的法律成就。亞當·彭尼伯格(Adam L. Penenberg)所著的《悲劇的冷漠:一名男子與SUV危險的搏鬥》一書講述了他爲汽車安全不懈努力的倡導。特納先生的客戶唐娜·貝利(Donna Bailey),一位40多歲的兩個孩子的單身母親,2000年3月10日在德克薩斯州中部,她的朋友駕駛的福特探險者在右後輪的Firestone Wilderness AT輪胎脫落後翻車,將她變爲截癱。那起案件被認爲是訴訟中的轉折點,於2001年1月達成和解。彭尼伯格是一個調查記者,他在1998年揭露了新共和國雜誌記者斯蒂芬·格拉斯(Stephen Glass)撰寫的虛構故事,他講述了一名律師的鬥爭和一個女人爲生存和正義而奮鬥的故事。這兩個故事交織在一起引導讀者穿越盲目的訴訟、反訴訟、告密者、政治家、消費者倡導者、記者、工程師和企業高管的迷霧,所有這些都圍繞着如今在美國被稱爲"運動型多用途車"的利潤機器。

Outside of his legal endeavors, Mr. Turner is a devoted father of three daughters, emphasizing the importance of family in his life. Looking ahead, Mr. Turner remains committed to pursuing justice and advocating for the rights of consumers. His unwavering dedication to his clients and his pioneering work in civil litigation and product liability law continue to set him apart as a leader in the legal profession.


Contact: Katherine Green, 516-825-5634, [email protected]

聯繫人: Katherine Green,516-825-5634,[email protected]

SOURCE The Inner Circle

資料來源:《The Inner Circle》




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