
Boeing Should Pick Up Aircraft Production Soon After Strike End, Analyst Says

Boeing Should Pick Up Aircraft Production Soon After Strike End, Analyst Says

Benzinga ·  09/25 07:13

Boeing Co (NYSE:BA) should be able to quickly ramp up aircraft production once the strike ends, according to an analyst.


Goldman Sachs analyst Noah Poponak said he expects the strike, which began on Sept. 13, will end soon, though the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, a union representing roughly 33,000 Boeing workers, rejected the company's "best and final offer" on Monday.

高盛分析師Noah Poponak表示,他預計自9月13日開始的罷工很快就會結束,儘管代表大約33,000名波音員工的國際機械師和航空航天工人協會拒絕了公司週一的"最佳和最終報價"。

"IAM workers at Boeing are on strike, though we expect a resolution soon, and for Boeing to be able to pick back up its aircraft production and delivery momentum," Poponak wrote in a note Tuesday.

"波音的IAM工人目前正在罷工,儘管我們預計很快會有解決方案,並且波音將能夠重新恢復飛機生產和交付的勢頭," Poponak在週二的一份備忘錄中寫道。

"Deliveries the last few months have improved and September was tracking quite strong before the strike."


The striking machinists produce the 737 Max, Boeing's top-selling airliner, the 777 jet and the 767 cargo plane.

這些罷工的機械師生產737 Max,波音的暢銷客機,777型客機和767型貨機。

On the same day the strike began, Moody's Investment Ratings said it would look at how the strike would impact the company's production and cash flow while maintaining the lowest investment-grade rating for the company.


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"Boeing is therefore likely considering options to raise capital to maintain its credit rating, and more debt does not solve near-term concerns," Poponak wrote.

"因此,波音很可能正在考慮籌集資本以維持其信用評級,而增加債務不能解決近期的問題," Poponak寫道。

"We assume Boeing raises $12bn of equity before year-end, which matches the total maturities due in 2025 + 2026, and keeps the cash balance well north of $10bn in the near-to-medium-term while they ramp back up commercial deliveries and strive to resolve defense profitability."


He said raising $12 billion in equity in the fourth quarter would put the company's cash balance at or above $20 billion, which would give Boeing "ample cushion" providing ample cushion as new CEO Kelly Ortberg comes in and starts to lay out a strategic path forward.


"While BA continues to face several challenges to work through near-term, we see attractive valuation relative to long-term fundamentals and are Buy rated on the stock," Poponak said.

「儘管波音在未來面臨着一些挑戰,我們認爲相對於長期基本面來說,該股票的估值具有吸引力,並且我們對該股票給予買入評級,」 波波納克說。

BA Price Action: Boeing declined 0.30% to close at $155.81 on Tuesday.


