
Big Tree Schedules Annual Meeting for November 1, 2024 and Provides Update

Big Tree Schedules Annual Meeting for November 1, 2024 and Provides Update

Accesswire ·  09/25 05:30

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / Big Tree Carbon Inc. (the "Company" or "Big Tree") (TSXV:BIGT) wishes to announce that it has scheduled its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") for November 1, 2024. The Company delayed the calling of the Meeting pending resolution of a number of outstanding issues.

多倫多,安大略省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月24日/Big Tree Carbon Inc.(公司或Big Tree)(TSXV:BIGT)希望宣佈,已經安排於2024年11月1日舉行其股東年度大會和特別股東會議(以下簡稱"會議")。經公司推遲召開會議,以解決一系列未決問題。

The former auditors for the Company, Wasserman Ramsay, Chartered Professional Accountants, had been the auditors for the Company since 2010. After completing the December 31, 2023 audit, the former auditors advised that they were exiting the public company audit field. The Company needed to find a replacement auditor and has now appointed McGovern Hurley LLP as auditors for the Company, subject to shareholder ratification.

作爲公司的前任核數師,查爾特註冊專業會計師公司自2010年起一直擔任公司的核數師。在完成了2023年12月31日的審計後,前任核數師建議他們退出公共公司審計領域。公司需要找到一名替補核數師,現已任命McGovern Hurley LLP爲公司的核數師,待股東批准。

Further to the Company's press release dated March 26, 2024, believing that the stewardship of biodiversity in an Indigenous traditional territory rightfully belongs in the hands of those Indigenous groups, Big Tree has proposed to vend the Nanaverse platform and all associated developments to an interested First Nations group for final development and roll-out, with the Company retaining a royalty interest in the revenues generated by the Nanaverse platform. Terms of this vending are in negotiation and the sale is pending.

根據公司於2024年3月26日發佈的新聞稿,Big Tree相信保護原住民傳統領土的生物多樣性管理權應合理歸於那些原住民群體,因此已提議將Nanaverse平台及所有相關開發項目出售給一家感興趣的第一民族群體進行最終開發和推出,同時公司保留Nanaverse平台產生的收入的版稅權益。該出售交易條款正在洽談中,待定。

The Company announced a private placement on April 2, 2024 which was extended by press releases dated May 17, 2024 and June 17, 2024. The private placement did not close and was terminated.


The Company's last annual meeting was held on April 19, 2022. The TSX Venture Exchange requested that the Company call its annual meeting by August 30, 2024 and Big Tree requested an extension until October 18, 2024 to deal with outstanding issues before proceeding with the meeting. The Exchange approved the extension and the Company filed for a further extension to November 1, 2024 pending resolution of the above-noted matters to which the Exchange agreed subject to the issuance of this press release.

公司上次的年度會議於2022年4月19日舉行。 TSX Venture Exchange要求公司在2024年8月30日前召開年度會議,而Big Tree請求將截止日期延期至2024年10月18日,以處理未解決的問題後再進行會議。交易所批准了延期,並公司提出進一步延期至2024年11月1日,以解決上述事項,交易所同意,前提是發佈這一新聞稿。

Big Tree Carbon Inc. is an indigenous-led publicly-traded natural asset resource company focused on developing Biodiversity Stewardship projects, based in Ontario, Canada.

關於Big Tree Carbon Inc.
Big Tree Carbon Inc.是位於加拿大安大略省的本土領先的公開股票自然資產資源公司,專注於開發生物多樣性管護項目。

Big Tree Carbon Inc.
Christopher Angeconeb
President and C.E.O.
(807) 737-5353
Ian Brodie-Brown
Director of Business Development
(416) 844-9969

Big Tree Carbon Inc.
Christopher Angeconeb
Ian Brodie-Brown

Forward-Looking Statement:
Some of the statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and resources, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of the Company are forward looking statements that involve various risks. The following are important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements: changes in the world-wide price of mineral commodities, general market conditions, risks inherent in mineral exploration, risks associated with development, construction and mining operations, the uncertainty of future profitability and the uncertainty of access to additional capital. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events may differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Big Tree undertakes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

本文中包含的某些聲明可能是前瞻性聲明,涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性。特別是,關於潛在礦化和資源、勘探結果以及公司未來計劃和目標的聲明屬於涉及各種風險的前瞻性聲明。以下是可能導致公司實際業績與此類前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的業績存在實質性差異的重要因素:礦產商品全球價格的變化、一般市場條件、礦產勘探固有的風險、開發、施工和採礦作業所固有的風險、未來盈利的不確定性以及獲得額外資金的不確定性。無法保證前瞻性聲明將被證明準確,因爲實際業績和未來事件可能會與這些聲明中預期的有實質性差異。Big Tree不承擔任何義務更新這些前瞻性聲明,如果情況或管理估計或意見發生變化。讀者被警告不要過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

SOURCE: Big Tree Carbon Inc.

出處:Big Tree Carbon Inc.

