
Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan Says Bitcoin Is About Stopping The State From Slowly Draining Your Wealth

Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan Says Bitcoin Is About Stopping The State From Slowly Draining Your Wealth

前Coinbase首席技術官Balaji Srinivasan表示,比特幣的目的是阻止國家慢慢流乾你的財富。
Benzinga ·  09/25 01:39

Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan has drawn a provocative parallel between Bitcoin's (CRYPTO: BTC) role in preserving wealth and the pursuit of longevity in healthcare, both framed as resistance against state control.

前Coinbase首席技術官Balaji Srinivasan提出了比特幣(加密貨幣:BTC)在保值方面與醫療保健中追求長壽之間的挑釁性類比,都被視爲抵抗國家控制的支撐位。

What Happened: In an interview, Srinivasan asserted, "Bitcoin is about stopping the state from slowly draining your wealth, and Don't Die is about stopping the state from slowly draining your health."


He argues that these concepts are "very parallel" in their opposition to gradual, state-sanctioned deterioration.


Srinivasan criticized the current financial system's acceptance of inflation, stating, "In the legacy system, it assumes a basic rate of 2% inflation. Like, yeah, hyperinflation is bad, but actually also deflation is bad. So a little bit of inflation, a little bit of loss of wealth every year is good."



Also Read: Caitlin Long Says 'Progressives Are Actually Big-Bank Corporatists' As Republican Lawmakers Urge SEC To Repeal Crypto Accounting Rule

另請參閱:Caitlin Long稱「進步人士實際上是大銀行企業家」,同時共和黨議員敦促SEC廢除加密貨幣會計規則。

Drawing a controversial comparison to healthcare, he added, "This current system, the medical system says, oh yeah, sudden death is bad. But trying to live forever, that's weird. So you should just die a little bit every year."


Srinivasan concluded with a stark accusation: "It's really the same logic as the Fed. The Fed is, and they want you dead, just a little bit every year. And so we resist that. We stand against that."


What's Next: For those interested in exploring these ideas further, Benzinga's Future of Digital Assets event on Nov. 19 will feature discussions on cryptocurrency's potential to reshape financial systems and personal autonomy.


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