
AIDAluna Opens Shore Power Plant in Oslo

AIDAluna Opens Shore Power Plant in Oslo

嘉年華郵輪 ·  09/24 12:00

AIDAluna opens shore power plant in Oslo

On September 24, 2024, the cruise company AIDA Cruises and the Port of Oslo celebrated the opening of its new shore power system. This means that cruise ships in Oslo can now be supplied with shore power during their stay in port. The visiting ship for the opening was AIDAluna. At the ceremony, Anita Leirvik North, Vice Mayor for Culture and Business Development and Einar Marthinussen, Commercial Director Port of Oslo, welcomed the captain of AIDAluna, Marc-Dominique Tidow, to the pier. With the symbolic act of cutting a ribbon, the shore power system was officially put into regular operation. This was preceded by an extensive test phase, during which AIDAluna had already been successfully supplied with green energy from shore. The system in Oslo is already the fifth shore power system in Norway.

2024年9月24日,遊輪公司AIDA Cruises和奧斯陸港慶祝其新岸電系統的開放。這意味着在奧斯陸的遊輪現在可以在港口停靠期間接收岸電供電。開幕式的訪問船隻是AIDAluna。在典禮上,負責文化和業務發展的副市長Anita Leirvik North和奧斯陸港商業總監Einar Marthinussen歡迎AIDAluna船長Marc-Dominique Tidow抵達碼頭。通過象徵性地剪綵,岸電系統正式投入常規運行。此前經歷了廣泛的測試階段,期間AIDAluna已成功從岸上獲得綠色能源供應。奧斯陸的這一系統已經是挪威第五個岸電系統。

We are very pleased to be able to supply our AIDA ships with shore power in the port of Oslo, an important port in Northern Europe. Shore power is a relevant technology for us on the way to net-zero emissions in ship operations. With the commissioning of this system, our cruise ships can now obtain green energy from shore in 12 ports in six European countries," says Dirk Inger, SVP Public Affairs, Communication & Sustainability at AIDA Cruises.

我們很高興能在歐洲北部重要港口奧斯陸爲我們的AIDA遊輪提供岸電。岸電是我們在船舶運營中實現零排放目標的相關技術。通過這一系統的投入使用,我們的遊輪現在可以在歐洲六個國家的12個港口從岸上獲取綠色能源,"AIDA Cruises公共事務、傳播與可持續發展高級副總裁Dirk Inger表示。

Einar Marthinussen added: "Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation we had during the testing. Your ship, AIDAbella, was the first to fully connect to this facility. Since then, both AIDAmar and AIDAluna have visited us. Thank you very much for helping to reduce emissions and supporting Oslo's ambitious climate goals. So far, 20 out of 43 cruise ships have connected to the facility. 2024 was supposed to be a kind of test year, where both Port of Oslo and the shipping companies would familiarize themselves with the facility. A connection rate of around 50 percent is more than we dared to hope for at this stage."

Einar Marthinussen補充道:"非常感謝我們在測試階段的出色合作。貴船AIDAbella是第一艘完全與該設施連接的船隻。此後,AIDAmar和AIDAluna都來訪過我們。非常感謝您幫助減少排放並支持奧斯陸雄心勃勃的氣候目標。迄今爲止,43艘遊輪中已有20艘連接到了該設施。2024年本應是一種測試年,奧斯陸港和航運公司都將熟悉該設施。階段性的連接率約爲50%遠超我們在此階段所希望的"。

AIDA Cruises has been considering the use of shore power in the planning and construction of its cruise ships since 2004. This technology can significantly reduce local emissions while the ship is in port. AIDA Cruises is continuously expanding the use of shore power thanks to the opening of further facilities in European cruise areas. Since 2024, all AIDA ships departing on cruises from German ports can be supplied with shore-side electricity during their laytime.

自2004年以來,AIDA Cruises一直在考慮在其遊輪的規劃和建造中使用岸電。這項技術可以顯著減少船舶在港口停靠時的當地排放。由於在歐洲遊輪區域開放了更多設施,AIDA Cruises正在不斷擴大岸電的使用。自2024年起,從德國港口出發的所有AIDA船隻可以在停靠期間接收岸邊電力。

AIDA Cruises has been investing in a future-proof and sustainable cruise market for many years. In addition to the use of shore power and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an important bridging technology, AIDA Cruises is expanding the use of alternative energy sources to operate its cruise ships. Together with various partners, the cruise company is working intensively on further solutions. As part of Carnival Corporation & plc, AIDA Cruises is aiming for net-zero emissions in the operation of its fleet by 2050.

AIDA 郵輪多年來一直在投資未來可持續發展的郵輪市場。除了使用岸電和液化天然氣(LNG)作爲重要的過渡技術外,AIDA 郵輪正在擴大使用替代能源來運營其遊輪。與各種合作伙伴一道,該郵輪公司正在積極研究進一步的解決方案。作爲嘉年華存託憑證的一部分,AIDA 郵輪計劃到 2050 年將其艦隊的運營排放淨零。

Rostock, September 24, 2024

羅斯托克,2024 年 9 月 24 日

