
ARYA RESOURCES LTD Applies for Drilling Permit on Its Wedge Lake Gold Projects: Twin and T-6 Gold Zones

ARYA RESOURCES LTD Applies for Drilling Permit on Its Wedge Lake Gold Projects: Twin and T-6 Gold Zones

ARYA資源有限公司申請在其Wedge Lake黃金項目上進行鑽探許可:雙子和t-6黃金區域
newsfile ·  09/25 01:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 24, 2024) - Arya Resources Ltd. (TSXV: RBZ) ("Arya" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the Company has submitted an exploration permit application, including drilling, for its Wede Lake Gold project- Twin & T6 Gold (Au) zones in, Saskatchewan, Canada.

溫哥華,卑詩省 - (新聞資訊 - 2024年9月24日) - Arya Resources Ltd. (TSXV: RBZ)("Arya" 或 "公司")很高興地宣佈,公司已提交勘探許可申請,包括在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的Wede Lake黃金項目- Twin & T6黃金(Au)區進行鑽探。

The Wedge Lake Gold project is accessible via provincial highway 102 and three kilometres away from the Golden Heart Gold mine access-road.

Wedge Lake黃金項目可通過省道102號公路到達,距離Golden Heart黃金礦山進入道路僅三公里遠。

Wedge Lake Gold Project, SK, Canada:

Wedge Lake黃金項目,Saskatchewan,加拿大:

Gold mineralization is widespread with several zones / occurrences of gold having been identified and worked over the years on the Wedge Lake Property. There are 5 main zones of gold mineralization on the property: Twin and T-20, T-6, T-12 and Main Zone. The gold mineralization is associated with either the iron formation, or quartz veins as native gold within shear zones in close proximity to the iron formations.

黃金礦化廣泛分佈,多年來在Wedge Lake物業上已確定並開發了數個黃金區/礦體。物業上有5個主要的黃金礦化區:Twin和t-20萬億.6萬億.12和Main Zone。黃金礦化與鐵質構造或石英脈相關,或者與靠近鐵質構造的剪切帶內的自然金相關。

Previous work in 1982-1984 identified several gold zones and one silver zone:


  1. Twin Gold Zones: 1983-1984 Giant Yellowknife – Golden Rule Res. drilled two zones that combined 545,000 tons grading 0.16 oz/ton (5.49 g/t) Au to 675,000 tons grading 0.15 oz/ton (5.15 g/t) Au to depths of 125 to 175 m; Open at depth and down plunge.
  1. Twin黃金區:1983-1984年Giant Yellowknife - Golden Rule Res. 鑽探了兩個區,合計545,000噸,品位0.16盎司/噸(5.49克/噸)Au至675,000噸,品位0.15盎司/噸(5.15克/噸)Au,鑽孔深度爲125至175米;在深部和斜伏部位仍有開採空間。
  1. T-6 Gold Zone: T-6 Zone has native gold hosted in quartz vein traced over a strike length of 182.9 meters (m).
  1. t-6黃金區:t-6區的自然金嵌布在石英脈中,沿着182.9米的走向長度被追蹤。

Source Reference: SMDI#0453 Saskatchewan Mineral Database Identification Number

資料來源:SMDI#0453 薩斯喀徹溫省礦產數據庫識別號碼

Dunlop Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project, SK, Canada:


The company has previously reported drill results from its Dunlop Ni-Cu- Co project, completed in December 2023.


Drill Hole AR 23-003 intercepted starting from 12 meters (m):

鑽孔AR 23-003,起始深度爲12米(m):

  • 136 m of 0.18% Copper (Cu), 0.34% Nickel (Ni), and 175 grams/tonne (g/t) Cobalt (Co) Including 0.23% Cu, 0.39% Ni and 188 g/t Co over 88.15 m.
  • 1.36億噸0.18%的銅(Cu),0.34%的鎳(Ni)和175克/噸(g/t)的鈷(Co),其中包括8815萬的0.23%Cu, 0.39%Ni和188克/噸的Co。

Drill Hole AR23-005 Intersected starting from 5 m:


  • 67 m of 0.20% Cu, 0.39% Ni and 176 g/t of Co
  • 6700萬噸的0.20%的銅(Cu),0.39%的鎳(Ni)和176克/噸的Co。

Please note, the mineralized intervals are core length as true thickness has not yet been determined for the zone.


The project is located 37km north of La Ronge via Provincial Highway 102 and then an 8km bush road heading west to Nemeiben Lake provides excellent access. A powerline runs along Provincial Highway 102 and would provide easy access to hydro for the project site. The Company has all the necessary permits to conduct exploration drilling on the Dunlop Nickel-Copper project.

該項目位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省La Ronge以北37公里,通過Provincial Highway 102再向西8公里的灌木路可提供出色的通行條件。Provincial Highway 102沿線有一條電力線路,可爲項目地點提供易於接入的電力。公司已經獲得了在Dunlop Nickel-Copper項目上進行勘探鑽探的所有必要許可證。

Previous drilling in 1960-1980 identified a historical mineralized zone totalling 18.11 million tonnes of Ni, and Cu mineralization of which 12.83 million tonnes were considered able to be mined as an open pit and the balance by underground mining. Grades ranged from 0.55% Ni - 1.46% Ni and 0.15% Cu - 0.39% Cu with assays of up to 0.35% Cr and 0.15% Co -Source Reference: SMDI#0749 Saskatchewan Mineral Database Identification Number. The tonnage and grade are historical (non 43-101 compliant) based on prior data and reports prepared by the previous operators. The historical estimates are not current and do not meet the standards prescribed by NI 43-101. They provide an indication of the potential of the properties and are relevant to ongoing exploration and evaluation.

1960年至1980年的先前鑽探確定了一個歷史礦化帶,總計1811萬噸鎳和銅礦化,其中1283萬噸被認爲可作爲露天礦開採,其餘則通過地下開採。品位範圍從0.55%鎳 - 1.46%鎳和0.15%銅 - 0.39%銅,檢驗結果顯示鎳含量高達0.35%,鈷含量高達0.15% - 資料來源:SMDI#0749 薩斯喀徹溫礦產數據庫識別編號。這些噸位和品位是根據先前數據和由前任運營商準備的報告歷史性(非43-101合規)的。這些歷史估算不是最新的,也不符合NI 43-101的規定標準。它們提供了屬性潛力的指示,並與正在進行的勘探和評估相關。

The drill program was designed to test favourable Nickel-Copper targets identified within the historic Dunlop Ni-Cu Zone by the company's technical team. The program concentrated on drilling targets identified at the East Zone. The program was successful in intersecting the mineralized pyroxenite in all holes. Visually, the mineralization appears to be of similar nature to the zone intersected in the historic drilling, 3-5% disseminated and blebby pyrrhotite with trace to 1% pentlandite and chalcopyrite. Locally, on a meter scale, sulphide content increases to 30%. Table 1 summarizes the assay results for drill holes AR 23-001 and AR 23-008.

鑽探方案旨在測試公司技術團隊在歷史鄧洛普鎳銅礦帶確定的有利鎳-銅靶區。該方案側重於東區確定的鑽掍靶點。該方案成功在所有孔中穿過礦化輝石巖。從視覺上看,礦化物似乎與歷史鑽探中遇到的帶狀礦化相似,3-5%瀰漫和斑狀的輝鉬鐵礦和微量至1%輝銅鎳礦。在局部,米級尺度上,硫化物含量增加到30%。表1總結了鑽孔AR 23-001和AR 23-008的化驗結果。

Table 1: Assay Results


From (m) To (m) Length (m) Cu (%) Ni (%) Co (ppm)
AR 23-001
128 143 15 0.13 0.19 129
AR 23-002
97.5 133.5 36.0 0.14 0.22 135
AR 23-003
12 148 136 0.18 0.34 175
59.85 148 88.15 0.23 0.39 188
AR 23-004
111 129 18 0.27 0.37 138
AR 23-005
5 72 67 0.16 0.39 176
AR 23-006
63 84 21 0.20 0.31 140
AR 23-007
16.00 51.50 35.50 0.32 0.39 161
26.00 43.00 17.00 0.41 0.52 195
AR 23-008
18.50 55.00 36.50 0.35 0.62 247
33.00 42.70 9.70 0.64 1.35 518
從(m) 到(m) 長度(米) 銅(%) Ni(%) Co (ppm)
AR 23-001
128 143 15 0.13 0.19 129
AR 23-002
97.5 133.5 36.0 0.14 0.22 135
AR 23-003
12 148 136 0.18 0.34 175
59.85 148 88.15 0.23 0.39 188
AR 23-004
111 129 18 0.27 0.37 138
AR 23-005
5 72 67 0.16 0.39 176
AR 23-006
63 84 21 0.20 0.31 140
AR 23-007
16.00 51.50 35.50 0.32 0.39 161
26.00 43.00 17.00 0.41 0.52 195
AR 23-008
18.50 55.00 36.50 0.35 0.62 247
33.00 42.70 9.70 0.64 每股稀釋1.35美元 518

Key Lake Uranium Claims, Athabasca Basin:


The company owns early-stage uranium claims in the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan: 20,625 acres in Key Lake Uranium Corridor less thank 50 km from a mill. Several Uranium mining companies are drilling the Key Lake Uranium Corridor. Projected strike of the P-2 Thrust fault which hosts the McArthur River uranium mine in the Athabasca basin, extends onto the property.


The core samples are cut using a diamond core saw with half remaining in the core box for future reference. One-half is bagged and is delivered to SRC Geoanalytical Labratories (Saskatchewan Research Council) an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited lab in Saskatoon, SK for preparation (crushing and pulverizing) and analyzed using ICP-OES package ICP4T 4-acid total digestion with specified limits and package Au5 for Au, Pt and Pd (method codes ICP4T and Au5 respectively). Company protocols include the insertion of quality control (QC) samples consisting of blind standards (Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)), blanks and sample duplicates into the sample stream at a rate of 1 in 30.

質量保證和質量控制(QA / QC)
岩心樣品使用金剛石岩心鋸切割,一半留在岩心箱中以便將來參考。一半被裝袋,並送到SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories(Saskatchewan Research Council)位於Saskatoon、Sk的ISO/IEC 17025認可實驗室進行準備(粉碎和粉碎),並使用ICP-OES包進行分析,包括ICP4萬億4酸總消化和指定限量,以及Au5用於Au、Pt和Pd(分別爲ICP4萬億和Au5的方法代碼)。公司協議包括將質控(QC)樣品插入樣品流中,包括盲標準(認證參考材料(CRMs))、空白和樣品重複,插入比例爲30中1。

Qualified Person:

本新聞稿所含的科學技術信息已由Serigne Dieng博士,M.Sc.評審並批准,他是國家43-101--礦產項目披露標準("NI 43-101")的資格人員,澳大利亞地質學家學會(AIG)會員(MAIG,# 8095),該公司獨立地質顧問。

Kevin Wells, P.Geo., a consulting geologist to the Company, is the independent qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for the Project has reviewed, verified, and approved the contents of this news release and has verified the data underlying the contents of this news release by review and supervision of, but not limited to, drilling procedures, chain of custody of core and samples, logging and sampling procedures and insertion of blind standards (CRM's), blanks and pulp duplicates into the sample stream.

Kevin Wells是公司的獨立資深人士,擔任該項目的諮詢地質學家。他根據《43-101號全國揭露標準——礦產項目披露標準》的定義,審核、驗證並批准了本新聞稿的內容。他通過審查和監督鑽探程序、岩心和樣本的鏈式保護、記錄和採樣程序以及將盲標準(CRM)、空白和紙漿重複樣品插入樣品流中來驗證了本新聞稿內容的基礎數據。

On behalf of the Board of Directors:
Rasool Mohammad, CEO
Telephone: (604) 428-8966

Rasool Mohammad,首席執行官

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


This news release includes "forward-looking statements" that are subject to assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements, including without limitation any statements concerning the Company's intentions, plans, estimates, expectations or beliefs. Although the Company believes that any forward-looking statements in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate.


